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30 Cards in this Set

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Which plant has some of the most toxic seeds known?
Castor plant
Whats the name of the toxin in castor beans?
Symptoms of ricin toxicity?
Severe gastroenteritis (with bloody diarrhea)
Necrosis of liver, spleen, intestines, stomach
Convulsions and shock
Death by cv and respiratory depression
Tx for ricin toxicity?
Activated charcoal
Induce vomiting
Possible blood transfusion if hemorrhaging
Whats the name of the toxin in the wisteria plant?
Lectin and glycoside
Symptoms of lectin and glycoside toxicity?
Severe gastroenteritis
Shock and dizziness due to fluid loss
Tx for lectin and glycoside toxicity?
Activated charcoal
Induce vomiting
Whats the name of the toxin in the autumn crocus plant?
Bulbs have colchicine (an antimitotic that prevent formation of microfilaments and mitotic spindle)
Symptoms of colchicine toxicity?
Phase 1: Severe gastroenteritis(N&V, diarrhea, dehydration)
Phase 2: Confusion, delerium, hematuria, neuropathy, renal failure
If you survive phase 2, you get bone marrow aplasia(due to antimitotic) and multiorgan failure
Tx for colchicine toxicity?
Detox as usual
Give GCSF to help bone marrow produce rbcs and wbcs.
Whats the toxin found in euphorbia?
Capsaicin mimic
Whats the symptoms of the euphorbia plant toxin?
After it absorbs through your skin it over excites and desensitizes your afferent neurons, depleting substance P, and degenerating your type C nerve/pain fibers
Tx for euphorbia plant toxicity?
Wash it off immediately
Whats the toxin found in poison ivy?
A mixture of catechols called urushiol (an antigen that binds to your proteins and induces an immune response)
Whats the toxin found in dieffenbachia plants?
Leaves contain calcium oxalate crystals coated with a trypsin-like protein, all of which is inside a raphide (injector cell)
Immediate pain is due to histamine release
Plant nickname: dumbcane
Whats the toxin found in taxus (yew)?
Taxine (found in the red berries)
A cardiotoxin that inhibits ca+ and na+ currents in cardiac cells
What are the symptoms of taxine toxicity?
Decreased AV conduction, bradycardia, convulsions, intense gi irritation.
Death is due to cv and respiratory failure
Tx for taxine toxicity?
Evacuate system as usual
Monitor cv system for at least 24 hours
Whats the toxin found in foxglove and oleander plants?
Digoxin like toxin which inhibits na+/k+ ATPase in myocardial tissue
What are the symptoms of foxglove and oleander plant toxicity?
Dec'd conduction velocity, AV node block, arrhythmias, hyperkalemia, N&V
Tx for foxglove and oleander plant toxicity?
Correct electrolyte imbalances, treat for digoxin toxicity
Whats the toxin in mistletoe?
Displaces calcium and depolarizes cell
Also has lectins that inhibit protein synthesis
Symptoms of mistletoe toxicity?
BP changes, bradycardia, negative inotropic effects, vasoconstriction, severe gastroenteritis
Whats the toxin in Claviceps purpurea fungus?
Ergot (potent vasoconstrictor)
Causes "St. Anthonys Fire"
Symptoms of St Anthonys Fire?
Darkened limbs with possible gangrene
Whats the toxin in blue-green algae?
Anatoxin A (blocks nicotinic and muscarinic rxs)
Death in minutes due to respiratory arrest
Whats the toxin in red algae?
Kainic and domoic acids (EAAs: excitatory amino acids)
Kills nerves
Symptoms of red algae toxicity?
GI distress, headaches, paralysis, memory and sensiomotor deficits, confusion, seizures (all of these due to overexcitation and death of neurons)
Whats the toxin in Jimsonweed and Angels Trumpet?
Belladonna (hyoscyamine, an anticholinergic)
Causes atropine poisoning
People make "Datura" tea from it
Tx: use cholinesterase inhibitor
Whats the toxin in ragwort, comfrey and groundsel?
Damages liver cells
Blocks blood vessels causing portal hypertension, hepatitis, cirrhosis, necrosis, tumors