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145 Cards in this Set

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High waist circuference (visceral fat) highly correlates with
CHD and Type II diabetes
Total fat in the diet is to be limited to
25%-35% of total daily calories
What are types of fat
Unsaturated fats
Trans fat

Sat and trans are the BAD fats
Saturated fat is "bad fat" is usually SOLID at room temp sources
meat, high fat dailry, fried food, butter
Recommended daily intake of Saturated fat
<10% of calories from sat fat
Does Saturated fat have some benefits besdies increasing LDL
yes does increase HDL and lower TG's
What is ultimate bad fat (increases LDL decreases HDL )
trans fats
How is trans fat produced
through process of hydrogenation
Examples of Trans fats
stick margine, crackers, baked good
What are types of unsaturated fats
Examples of Monounsatruated fats (liquids at room temp)
olive oil, canola oil
Examples of polyunstaurated fats
sunflower, soybean, asafflower
AHA recommends 25-35% of caloreis from unsatruated fats
Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly from
fatty fish--slamon, mackeral, turn, flax seed oil (wild is better)
Omega 3 ahve antiinflammatory action, AHA recommendes how many servings a week
2-3 servings of fish a week
Are antioxdiant supplements helpful
Hypertesnsion and Hyperlipemia both require weight loss, physical activity and icnrease fruit and veggies, differnnces
HTN--decrease Soidum intake
Hyperlidpemia requires decrease saturaraed fat and trans fat intake, and increases mono fat and omega 3
High animal protein intake is associated with
increase blood lipids
Higher protein from plant sources is assoicated with
LOWER lipids
Should hormone therapy (combined estrogens) be initiated or continued to prevent CVD in postmenopausal women)
NO--small increase in risk for CVD even though increases HDL
What is primary strategy of antiplatelet therapy
inhibiting platelt aggreation and minimize the risk of thrombosis
What is the final step of thombosis development in AVD
platelet activation
Should anticoagulant drugs be used for AVD
What is most commonly used anti-thrombotic therapy
Low dose aspirin
What is role of Thrombaoxane A2 and Prostacyclin
Thromboxane A2 induces platlet aggreation and vasoconstriction
Prostacylin INHIBITS platelt agreeation and produces vasodialtion
What does Low does ASA irrversibely inhibits COX in platelets leading to
inhibits TXA2 (doesnt really inbhiti protacyclin
What patients is low Dose ASA used in
ALL secondary prevention pts
Primary prevetion pts with framignham risk > or equal to 10%
What are major bleeding complications of ASA
GI bleeding from gastric ulcers, hemorrhagic storke decrease in hemoglocin
What are minor bleedings of ASA
bursing, prolonged bleeding epistaxis
What are Risk factors for MAJOR GI bleeding from low dose ASA
Advanced Age >75
History of PUD
Concurrent use of NSAIDS, coricosteriod, antigocagulants
What is the benefit of Enteric coating
ONLY minimiez dyspepsia--DOES not reduce risk of ULCER
For pts with high risk of serious GI bleeding, co-administration of what can minimize risk of gastric ulcers
PPI or misoprostol
Does a H2RA help reduce risk for serious GI bleeds
What is bad about combining ASA and Ibuprofen
together blocks the antipletlet effect of ASA, speparte dosing or use diclofenac
What is use of CLopidogel (Plavix)
alternative for pts with ASA allergy
Colpdioegrel is dosed
75mg once daily
MOA of Clopidogrel
inhibits platelt aggregation by ihbiting adenosine diphosphate
Why isnt ticlopidine NOT used
b/c of higher risk fo TTP
Using ASA with clopidogrel is not recommenede in
primary prevention pts b/c of increased risk of bleeding
May ASA with clopidogrel be used in secondary prevention pts
What are antioxidant vitamins
Beta-carotene, Vit C, Vitamin E, and Vita A
Are antioxidants benfitical
Are antioxidants harmful at high doses
YES---small increased risk of death
Homocysteine conc are elevated in ptatient with CV what can reduces serum homocystein conc
Folic acid, vitam B6, and vit B12
Does Folic acid supplmentation + vita B6, and vit B12 reduce CV events or mortailtiy
What invidiausl is INACTIVATED influenze vaccination recommeneded in
seoncdary prevention patietns
Is live attenuated influenza vaccine contraindication for persons with CV conditions
How does PAD initally present
asymptomatic initially, followed by pain and discomfort later
Two common characteristic of PAD
intermittnet claudication (primary indicator)
pain at rest in lower extremities
Intermittent claudication is the primary indicator, symptoms include
fatiuge, discomfort, cramping, pain, numbness, tingling,
Where is intermittent claudication usually located
buttock, thigh, or calf
When does intermittent claudication occur
occurs with exercise, relevied within minutes after rest
What happens when you have pain at rest in lower extemeites
later manifestation of disease, sign of progession,
When does pain at rest in lower extremites occur
often at nightime at rest in the toes or heel of foot
What is ctirical limb ischemia considered
severe actue manifestation (limb theratengin) where lwoer extremity blood flow is compromised
How is PAD dianosed
ankle-brachial index
What is a normal ankle-brachial index
What ankle-brachial index indicates PAD
What are goals of therapy in PAD
increase maximal walking distanaces
Control co-morbidites
improve QOL
What is non-pharm of PAD
exerise--increases pain free walking, and decreases onset of intermittent cluadication
What co0morbidites increase PAD
HTN, dyslipidemia, diabetes
What is goal for treating HTN with PAD
goal BP <130/80
Are beta-blockers contraindicated in PAD
no---should choose mixed alpha/beta blocker
What is goal for treating Dylipidemia in PAD
LDL <70,
What is goal in Diabetes
glycemic control goal of A1c <7%
What are 2 treatments of PAD
antiplatlet therapy reduces risk fo CV event
therapy for SYMPTOMS of intermittent claudication
Does Antipletelt therapy for PAD reduce risk of CV events
YES---does not prevent or delay PAD
What are antipletelt thaerpy for PAD
What is pharamcotherapy for SYMPTOMS of intermittent claudication
Cliostazol should always be used with
antiplaetlet--ASA or clopidogrel
Cliostazol only treat symtpoms of intermittent cluadication--it is CONTRATINDACTED IN
heart failure pts
Should Pentoxifylline be used
Angina is a SYMPTOM, not a disease, angina is
chest pain cuased by myocaridal ischemia
What is the disease that cuases chest pain (angina)
CAD or ischemic heart diseas
What is silent ishcemia
asymtpomatic myocardial ischemai (use ECG to recognzie)
What is stable angina
classic angina
variant angina
What is unstable angine
newly-diagnosised agninga or change in anginal pattent
Angina is pain caused when coranary blood flow
is inadequate to O2 supply leading to ischemia
What causes the pain from angina
subtances released during hypoxia, and by normal metabolites not removed b/c of decrease cornary blood flow
What is Classic angina associated with
atherosclertoic diease of cornary arteries,
When does classic angina occur
when metabolic needs of the myocardium exceeds abilify of occluded cornary to deliver adequate blood flow
What causes classic angina
factors taht icnrease work demands--exericse, expousre to cold, emotional stress
In Classic angina pain is relieved by
rest or NTH
What is variant angina associated with
Vasospasm of cornary arteries
What causes variant anigina
hyperactive Sympatheic NS, and defective Ca+ by corarny vascular smooth msucle,
What is altered in Variant Agina
altered endothetlium, increase endothetlin or AII, and decrease PGI or NO, promotes vasoconstriction
When does varinat agina occur
during rest or minimal exercise--noctular or cyclic (occurs on regular basis
What is unstable angina associated with
What causes obstructive CAD in unstable angina
thrombotic occulation of conrary artery caused by platelt aggregation
When does Unstable angina occur
during rest, apprears more frequently and last long
What are the targets for therapy since mycardium can't extract from O2 from blood or blood cant carry more O2--
Increased O2 demands are met by increase coronary blood flow
What increases mycardial O2 demand
Wall stress
How does Wall stress increase O2 demand
increase radius of ventcile, increase filling, and icrease filing and increase O2
What increases Coronary Blood flow
Increased aortic dialstolic pressure
Increase duration of distole
Decreased cornary vascular bed resistance
Why does increase aortic diastolic pressure increase cornary blood flow
this is when blood presfuses heart
How do you increase duration of diastole to increase cronary blood flow
decrease HR---more blood perfuses to heart
HOW do you decrease cornary vascular bed resistance
How do you decrease wall stress
decrease filling, decrease O2 demand
What is the therapeutic objective of drug
balance O2 supply and demand
How do Nitrates relax blood vessels by
by relase of Nitric Oxidie, which activates guanylate cyclase--which results in smooth muscle relaxation
NO relaxes which smooth muscle more
Two main effects of NO
dilation of veins and ateriolar dialation
What happens as result of dialtion of veins
decrease verouns return, which decrease ventricular volume, decreases cardaic work and decrease myocardial oxygen consumption
Decreased myocardial oxygen consumption is good target for
classic angina
What is benift of ateriolar dialtion
conaray vessel dialtion, and decrease afterload, decreases cardiac work, decreases myocaridal oxtygen consumption
What is benefit of decrease ventricular filling
Decreases compression of endocardial vessels, and icnrease endocarial blood flow
What is benefit of relaxation of epicaridal cornary vessels
decreased cornary artery spasm good for variant
Nitrates do NOT cause a gernalized vasodialtion, rather
collarteroal dialtion which bypasses obstruction and conrary flow is redistruted
What is negative of dilation of all vessels
coranary steal--blood only being perfused to good areas
Nitrates redistribute cornary flow from noramal to iscehmic areas via
collateral vessels
SEs of Nitrates
orthostatic hypotnsion, dizzines,
Throbbing HA
Orthostatic hypotension results from decreases venous return which decreases CO, which leads to
decreases arotic pressure, and decreases coranary perfusion
Too large of doses of Ntirates result in Decreased ventricular filling also leads to decreases CO, which results in
increase sympathetic discahrge, and icnrease HR and contractilitya dn icnreases O2 consumption
Nitrates can also lead to tolerance and dependence, what must have to prevent tolerance
pt must have 8hr abstinece to prevent tolerance
Dependeces results from continual exposure to nitrates, removal of nitrate for 1-2 days results in
conrary vasospasm and MI
In chronic usesrs must you tirtrate down gradually
Indications of Nitrates
acutely or prophylactically
Adminstiration of Ntirate with viagra results in large drop of BP why
viagra is a phophodiaterae which inhibits cGMP breakdown, lead to increase vasodialtion
MOA of Calcium channel antagoinsts
inhibt voltage depend calcium channels, and decrease Ca+ influx which results in smooth muscle relaxation
What is benefit of Calcium Channel blockers vasodialtion in angina
decreases PVR, decrease afterload, decrease wall strech, and decrease O2 use
What is benifit of decrease conary artery tone
increases conray perfusion, increase blood flow and O2 supply
Verapamil>diltizem affect heart--how
decrease Ca+ influx in myocardial cells which decreases cardiac contractility and decreases O2 demand
Verapamil and dilitziem slow SA node which also decrease HR which
decreases O2
SEs of Calcium channel antagoinsts
hypotension, dizziness, fatiuge, cardiac depression
Verpamil or diltizem + B blocker can lead to
AV block and decrease venticular function
Can CCB drugs be contradicated in heart failure
Beta Blockers decrease HR and contracility what is benifit in angina
decrease myocardial O2 demand, and decreased HR increases duration of diastolic, which increases myocardial perfusion
Over the long term B-blockers decrease BP by
decreases PVR--which decreases afterload, and decreases O2 demand
Problems with beta blockers decrease HR
increases End-diastolic volume and increases wall stress, and increase O2 demand give with nitrate
Examples of Partial fatty oxidation inhibitiors (pFOX)
In iscehmic myocardium what is the preferred energy source
fatty acids
When ischemia occurs your smpatethic activation lead to
increased FFAs in blood, and decreased glucose oxidation
Fatty acids increase more ATP than glucose but
use more O2--less efficent than glucose
Decreaes glucose oxidation results in
increased lactic acid formation and tissue acidosis
MOA of Partial fatty acid oxidation inhibtiors
activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase and inhibtior of fatty acid oxidation, allowing for consumption of glucose
If using glucose as an energy supply you decrease O2 compution and that also decreases
lactic acid formation (no longer using fatty acids)
SEs of pFOX inhibitors bseids dissinezz, constiaption, nausea
interacts with inhibtors of CYP3A (grapefruit juce, diltizem, ketoconazole,
Can pFOX inhibitors also prolong QT interaval
yes which can lead to dyrrhtmias
General benifical effecs of nitrates
decreases arterial pressure
End diastolic volume
General negative reflex effect of nitrates
increased HR and contractility
General benefits of B-blockers or Ca+ channel blockers
Decrease HR, contractilty and arterial pressure
General negative effects of B-blockers or Ca channel blockers
increases End diastolic volume
Are combinations of nirates + b-blockes or Ca+ channel blockers good
What are good drugs for unstable angina
What are examples of anticoagulants
ASA, clopidogrel, heparin, enoxaprain, and dalteparin--prevent thrombus formation