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66 Cards in this Set

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the earlier one uses drug...
the more likely to more serious abuse

brain is transformed
What r the biological, social & vulnerability factors in teens?
Genetic susceptibility
mental illness
unstable family relationship
exposure to physical or sexual abuse
what r three main changes in adoloscent brain?
pruning of neurons
PFC maturation
3 facts about pruning neurons in ados
lost 20-40% of total neurons
dec decion making
act quick before reflexion
2 facts about hormones in ados
pleasure experiences
influence the primary motivational circuitry, cortical striatal (Nucleus accubens), thalamic cortical:

Seek risky behaviors more than adults
dapamine fnx in brain

where r dopamineurgic pathway?

where is it located?
Motor fnx

Ventral tegemental area

located at Frontal cortex (superior)
Serotonin fnx in brain

where r bodies of neurons?

where is it located?
Memory processing

within the Raphe nucleus

located at lower brain (common with other animals)
At what age does the PFC mature?

what else happens at that age?

PFC = ?

more likely to...
around 22

myelination (fast signal)

PFC = judgment

to seeking other menas of feeling pleasure
more experimentation
....can predict substance abuse by age 14-15
academic/social failure
cognitive control (restraining cravings)
Motivation, drive & salience evaluation
Reward prediction & the core substrates of pleasures
Nucleus accumbens
memory learning, & main substrate of conditioning
hippocampus & amygdala
PFC & ACG dominates in ...
non addictive brain: control and evaluation
Hipp & amygd dominates + N. accum.
addicted brain

impulse (potential to catastrophic consequences)
T or F
areas of the brain will recover from drug abuse & addiction

For almost 10 d of amphetamines exposure, it took a month to recuperate

Cocaine video has no effect on addicted brain.
scientists are concerned, never fully recovered

F: For almost 10 d, it took a 1 year to recuperate

F: has effect, activated amygdala
a state in which an organism engages in an inpulsive behavior

loss of ctrl in intake, rewarding or pleasurable
the mech of action of cocaine

block D autoreceptor of presynaptic neuron

more D in synapse, prolongpleasure
D rich area in brain

other name
N acc
Cau N

other name: "Brain's reward pathway"
cocaine indirectly influence ... in the limbic sytem

result into...
glutamate transmission

neuronal adaptation
expalin Cocaine exposure effect on glutamate

This is...

PS: ...
dec basal extracellular glutamete level in N acc, dec in activity of the cystine-glutamate antiporter (mGluR2/3 autoreceptors)


PS: it does not act in reverse
Amphetamine releases...

it ...

PS: ...
D in synapse

it binds MAO to prevent degradation

PS: binds to D autoreceptor causing it tho act in reverse
act in reverse
intead of putting neurotransmitter back into presynaptic neuron, put it back in synapse
Ecstasy releases...

PS: ...
D & HT5

PS: binds to D & HT-5 autoreceptor causing it tho act in reverse
Blocks receptor

Reverse uptake

Ecstasy, Amphethamines
Inhibitore neurotranmitter, can calm you down

30-40% Neurons in brain

Red = stop
~50% neurons in brain

Excitatory neurotransmitter: joy, excitement

Green = Go
Choose ALC or Coffee

Dec glutamate act.
inc Gaba act
Choose ALC or Coffee

dec GABA release
inc glutamate act

PCP: agel dust = inc glutamate act.

Tranquilizers: inc Gaba act
Chronic use of Alc & Gaba Receptor result in ...
result in desentisation, adaptation of receptor for CL
Why are addicted to coke r always looking for the first High exp.
Because of Downregulation of receptors to coke

Not able to feel + reinforcement or pleasurable feelings of natural rewards (food, sex, water)
As a result to Cocaine action in the ..., there are inc ... leaving the ... to activate the ... system

... r natural endogenous opiods
As a result to Cocaine action in the N acc there are inc impulses leaving the N acc to activate the reward system

Where r opiates receptors []?

what do opiates do?

similar to...
within the reward system (VTA)

inc Dopa @ VTA
dec mu GABA = in dopa

similar to marijuana (TCH)
THC sends an inc sidnal to release + ... located in ...
THC binds to which receptor...
Dopa located in mesolimbic

cannabinoid receptor
During withdrawal, less dopa is released because of ...

D2 are dec in the...

Therefore, more drugs r needed to get the same effect as ...
because of decrease in D2 receptors

D2 are dec in the shell of the N acc. alientwhere natural reinfvorcers r no longer salient (only drugs)

more drugs r needed to get the same effect as D2 receptors decline
State in which an organism no longer responds to a Rx

State in which an organism fnx normally only in the presence of a RX
Tolerance, need Higher dose

Dependence, physical disturbance when Rx is removed
inc addictive potential of a Rx within seconds
but "High" fade within...
Smoke or injected

T or F

a)addicted = dependence

b)dependence = addicted
a) T
b) F
what studies show that addiction is an heritable disorder?
Twins, Adoption, Inbred rodent studies
T or F
Alc can't skip generations
it can skip
a)... million people of the Us ...
b)... r alcoholics
c) 4 out of 5 people
d) genes play a role in transmission of addiction & ... is even more related by genes
a) 100 million people of the Us have 1 alc drink daily
b) 14 million
c) r not alc in drinking 1 drink/d
d) multiple genes play a role in transmission of addiction & heroin is even more related by genes
a) type 2 alcoholism is related to ...
b) son o father is ... times riskier to become alcoholic than the general population
a) men
b) 9x
Study of identical/fraternal twins shows that
genetics count for 1/3
family 1/3
peers, coworkers, friends 1/3
genes account for more than 1/2 of heroin addiction...
but biggest factor is...

related to which disease?
26% of addiction to psychedelics
biggest = non family environmental: 53%

Coronary artery disease or obesity
some people abuse evry rx they can, others r..

...get addicted at the first time, but they become addicted at ...
only addicted to one type of rx that affect only a specific part of the brain

Nobody, at the different rates
a)why do genes matter?

b)Now we can ... genes to control abuse
a)understand environment factors
treatment interventions
neurobiology of addiction & Rx abuse

b) Knockouts
a) Cocaine induced paranoia:
b) Conduct disorder and alcoholism 5 HT1B receptor
c) defect in ETOH/Aceltadehyde/acetate pathway have...
d) Nicotine/cotinine (CYP2A6)
a) Cocaine induced paranoia: Dopamine beta hydroxylase (DBH)
b) Conduct disorder and alcoholism 5 HT1B receptor
c) 5-10% less risk to be alcoholic
d) appears to smoke fewer cigarettes
Neurotransmitters in alc
Gaba, Glutamate, Dopa, NMDA, HT-5
RX interaction with alc
Benadryl: overdose, drowsiness/diziness
Valium:overdose, drowsiness/diziness
Celebrex: liver prob, ulcers
Prozac: more depression feeling in ado, overdose
Tylenol: liver damage
a) GABA agonist
b) anticonvulsants
c)dec oxidation of aldehyde, relapse
d) dec risk at hazardous level, depend/opiods antagonists
e) depend; inh GABA & NMDA recp
f)Serotonergic meds
a) benzodiazepines
b) Valproate, carbamazepine
d) Naltrexone
e) Acamprosate
f)Buspirone 5HT 1 A partial agonist, Ondansetron 5HT-3 rec anta
Withdrawal Rx
a) Buspirone, reduce what?

b) reduce intensity of drinking:
a) For alc & Nicotine: reduce anxiety

b) Ondansetron
a)leaves has...
b) when smoked & inha
c) when chewd or snuff
d) ave nic in blood of ave smoker
e) ave cig has.. only...
f) chew will deliver..., snuff will ...
g) Nicotine has in tot:
h) how many r toxins
i) how many r carcinogens
a) 2-5% nic
b) 5-8 sec
c) 5-8 min
d) 5-40 mcg
e) 10 mg, only 1-3 mg reach lungs
f) chew will deliver 4.5mg, snuff will 3.6 mg
g) 4000 chemic
h) 400 toxins
i) 43 carcinogens
Explain MOA in nic

Ps with nicotine:
Nic to Alpha 4 & Beta 2 nic rec in VTA inc dopa in N acc = pleasure

addict can stick to an optimum level where they constantly get the same high over long period of time without tolerance (not true for other drugs)
a) Psychotropic meds for nic

b) can decrease sedation & drowsiness
c) inc metab of
d) Inc Cl by 44%, dec [] by 70%
e) Release endogenous antagonist of...
f) stoke, cardio adverse effect
a) Bupropion, Varenicline (Chantix)

b) benzodiazepines
d) haloperidol
e) Insulin
f) Oral contra
effective pain relief (therapeutic pain control) is measured by

principal site of metab

wher can it be detected for several d

Dr Use jugment by

morphine, by rating pain



ASAM in 1997

extracted from morphine/ against severe cough and analgesics
is the most prescribed opioid
Hydrocodone (Vicodin, Hycodan, Tussend, Norco)
orally to control heroin addiction
methadone, block with for 24-72hrs, is addicting
moderate to severe pain, mix with coke and methamphetamines for speedball

stronger than codeine, weaker than morphine

most powerful oipiods, use by analgesists

T & blues, ago/anta with anti, heroin like high


Fentanyl (Sublimaze), 50-100x morp

Pentazocine (Talwin)
1/6 strenfgt of morphine, most abuse by med prof

detox for heroin addicts
meperidine (demerol, pethidine, Mepergan)

Propoxyphene (Darvon, darvocet, propacet, wygesic)
without control
contain MPTP
frozen addict
designer heroin

100-20,000 x stron than heroin
treating heroin overdose

may be prescribed by pys at their own offices, opiod at low/anta at high
Naloxone, natreloxone

white well educated female

r they prodrug

longest t 1/2 high pot
low pot: OT

yes in liver

clonazepam, shortest Trialo
benzo depend
cause pro

date rape rx
10-20 times normal dose for mo

protracted withd

rohyphol, banned
Barbi controls mostly

withdra times

date rape rx:

green weenes
seizures, anesthesia induction (v short)

12hrs-1 wk

GHB, GBL in paint
