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101 Cards in this Set

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Pellagra is? what are the 4D's of it?
'raw skin'
dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, death
fat soluble vitamins are?
Vit D
how are fat solubles different from water? vitamins
fat ones can be toxic
they can be stored
2 paths with thiamin cofactor
citric acid cycle
pentose phosphate path
Barlows disease
B-> primary deficiency thiamine, Dry(nervous) and Wet(cardiac)
V-> structurally related forms
S-> vit C def. in adults
B->vit C def. in infants causing retarded bone formation
N->night blindness (no Vit A)
X-> dry eye (Vit A)
K->malnutrition overall, lack of proteins?
M-> same shit earlier signs ?
complete protein
glycemic index
CP- contain diff kinds and amounts of AA's required
GI- blood glucose response food / glucose response glucose x 100%
Niacin role?
AA precursor
vits. req for conversion?
active site NAD(P) aka redox
pyridoxal and riboflavin
2 enzymes that req riboflavin cofactor
Succinic dh,
monoamine oxidase,
glutathione reductase
2 biochem roles pantothenate
oxidation of acetate and fatties
also synthesis of fatties and steriods, AcH and porphyrins
what class of rxns is biotin (B7) cofactor
carboxylation rxns
Avidin is? naturally found?
shit that messes with biotin
found in egg whites
common sign folate def.
huge RBC's also called
megablastic anemia
biochem role of folate?
carrier of one carbon fragments,
syn purines, thymidine, methionine
metab serine, histadine
b12 names? and secondary def. causes
cobalamin, cyanocobalamin

Pernicious anemia-cant absorb
problems with proteins that metab. it in genes(theres 7)
and N2O analgesia
possibly high intake vit C
bio roles B6 and C
carry carbons during transamination and decarboxylation (for AA metab)
C-> synthesis collagen and amidation of neuropeptides
4 processes w/ vit A? major source synthesized by plants is?
create rhodopsin
differentiate epithelial cells
mature cartilage to bone
reproductive sys maturation

chemical name for vit E?
3.4-dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-69, 205, 752 (5-Craigs the bomb-7)

kidding->> alpha-tocopherol
bio role vit K? relation to calcium?
cofactor for makin clotting factors

tends to bind Ca in GLA nuetralizing charges and creating hydrophobicness
why vit D not really vitamin? how 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol syn. in body?
cuz can be made by sunlight in the skin
normal plasma Ca range? CUT
8.9-10.1 g/dL
where she talked about this i have no fuckin clue, thats from schriers
plasma calcium controled how
PTH-> decrease excretion
form vit D--> GI - increase absorb
bone-> release more
other major mineral controled with calcium? CUT
is phosphate a mineral? CUT
biochemical roles of Mg2+?
i dont see shit about this... wait no minerals fuck im dumb
Harris Benedict equation yields? variables are?
your ideal caloric intake
mine is 2326 isnt that awesome!
height, weight, age, and gender
joules to calories?
1 calorie = 4.2 joules
dietary fiber roles?
provide bulk, speed intestinal transit, prevent constipation

nourish gut mucosa
recommended proportions of carbs protein and fat
C 45-65
F 20-35
P 10-35
what effects dietary fats on plasma cholesterol?
make it go up?
major differences in purine, pyr. syn.? what common molecule?
purine->ring built on PRPP
pyr.->ring built separate PRPP

PRPP durrrr
molecule formed by purine syn. path? enzyme that catalyses first ring addiation? what donates part?
IMP formed

glutamine-PRPP amidotransferase
steps to syn. IMP from PRPP?
11 to end
like 2 less for IMP so 9
carrier used in 2 steps to add to ring? what vit. it come from? donates what?
THF from folate and donates protons
path most inhibited by sulfa drugs?
prokary. purine syn.
enzyme to turn folate to useful form? what enzyme do?
dihydrofolate reductase
prolly reduces by adding protons
how cancer cells resist mexotrexate?
increase amount of DHFR
therefore lowering affinity of meth.
what enzyme can be regulated forming IMP from PRPP? what are effectors
+ve PRPP
nukes formed from IMP?
Adenylosuccinate synthetase inhibited by? IMP deHase inhibited by?
difference in inhibition by thio IMP on:
-G-PRPP- amidotransferase
-AS and IMP deHase
inhibition Fdump have on thymidlate synthase
allosteric on transferase
compeditive inhibition on others
Fdump- suicide inhibitor
base attached to IMP?
what are HGPRT and APRT? what disease can you get with HGPRT prob?
they are the salvage path for purines
PRPP+hypoxanthine-> IMP
PRPP+guanosine-> GMP
APRT does AMP i think

disease is Lesch Nyhan Syndrome:
-retarded, neurological diseorder
how many steps to produce UMP from glutamine and PRPP in humans?
6 steps
what enzyme low levels in lab bacteria? why
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase
so we dont die but they do
molecule formed from pry. syn. path?
UMP produced
sources of carbon and nitrogen in pyr. ring?
right side is aspartate
left N is glutamine
bottom C is CO2/HCO3-
how pyrimidine path like salvage path?
why useful?
just add the whole shit onto the ring none of this building on the ring crap
takes less energy
if no salvage paths would 6-mercaptopurine be effective? 5-flourouracil?
thinkin big fat negative cuz they work on the salvage path
what do nucleotide kinases do?
move phosphates around
what enzyme convert ribonukes to deoxyribonukes? reducer? # phosphates before conversion?
Ribonucleotide reductase
enzyme defective in most patients with SCID? 2 enzymes of purine degration that may be defetive? which more common?
receptor problems is most common
two enzymes are
adenosine deaminase-most common
PNP- purine nucleotide phosphorlase
common therapy for scid in regard to purine malfunction? other therapy?
most common overall is bonemarrow transplant

for purine def. in ADA can use enzyme replacement therapy by attaching PEG to ADA stabilizing it
however this is useless if you have interluekin receptor problems
in regards to gene therapy what was scid?
1st gene therapy with cure as goal
fixed the ADA
can also cure the interluekin receptor defeect with gene therapy
nitrogenous product of purine degradation excreted? converted from? by?
Uric acid
from Xanthine
by Xanthine oxidase
gout is? underlying causes? symptoms?
problem w/ purine path
high uric acid
cause kidney damage
what do allopurinol and rasburicase do? why is rasb superior? drawbacks?
A- inhibit xanthine oxidase aka build up of hypoxanthine
R- degrade uric acid, expensive
what do degration of cytosine, uracil, thymine have in common? other product from cytosine degrad.? uracil? thymine?
CO2 and NH4+

UMP and CMP -> B-alanine

TMP -> B-aminoisobutyre
Cushing symdrome has tumors that do not typically invade other tissues, can it be characterized as cancer?
no cancers thing is that it metastisizes
what can be involved in genesis of cancer? what is always involved?
inherited genes,
gene defects->always
environmental factors
List of genes we talked about and if they are cell cycle control or growth signal transduction genes
Rb-> cell control
p53-> CCC
Platelet derived growth factor-> Growth signal
Ras-> grow sig.
Her1-> grow sig.
Her2-> grow sig.
list gene types and what they are/do
know them
Ras, stim. cell growth

mutant Ras, cell growth defective

tumor suppressor genes
What does semiconservative replication mean?
each new strand has half old half new DNA
all DNA polymerases do?
complementary base pairing
5'-3' growth
anti parallel
need primer
functino DNA poly I
what is Klenow fragment?
removes mismatched bases

large subunit of Poly I with thumb
DNA poly III func?
chief replicator
function topoisomerase? helicase?
relieves stress

unwind DNA
which strand lead and which lagging?
one with Okazaki lags
RNA used in DNA rep how? Okazaki fragments are
as RNA primers on lagging strand
the fragments are parts of DNA on lagging strand
where E coli rep. start? stop?
oriC site

Tau or Ter site
processes DNA poly I and III can do
wait for it**************
where is DNA in eukaryotes? how packaged?
nucleus and mitochondria
wrapped around histone
diff. tween prokaryotic and eukaroytic repllciation?
eukary-slower, not continous, longer, autonomous replicating sequences
which DNA poly lead strand which lagging strand in eukaryotes?
leading is Delta
laggin is aplha
what proteins are in nucleosomes? why bind DNA?
histones, H2A, H2B, H3, H4

they have +ve charge
DNA has -ve so bind
what is PCNA what it do?
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (aka cylcin)
it stim. DNA poly delta
what is arrangement of nucleosomes after DNA replication? how affect replication?
coopertive, aka new ones on one strand old ones on another

slow replication down prolly making the okasizis so short
Model used in mito. of replication?
displacement loop
part of gene transcription factors bind to?
promoter region
conserved sequences are?
consensus seq. are?
nuke sequence that is similar to others in same region
the nuke sequence that is most often seen, combo of conserved
prupose to make shit easy
can human disease result from promoter region mutation? why?
yes like B- thalasemia
frameshift f's up erthing
3 ways DNA and RNA syn alike?
big complex
complementary base pairing
phosphodiester bonds
DNA abnormality that cuases fragile X syndrome? effect? why reproductive cloning not work out?
X-> triplet nucleotide repeat
too many triplets, lots of methylation

RC-> adult DNA meth differnt than infant
rifampicin does? alpha-amanitin? which antibiotic which poisin?
rifampicin -> transcription inhibitor antibiotic, only prokaryotes affected

Alpha-amanitin-> inhibit RNA poly II, effects everythin, really deady, in mushrooms
first step of RNA processing is?
diseases as result of long poly-dT DNA that encode A tail of mRNAs
none those are req. for greatness and prevent degredation
can human disease result from mutation of intron? why?
yes cuz promoter region is is part of intron and
frameshift mutation in intron f's every1
how tRNA break the code? what at its ends?
binds to anticodons and gets peptides rollin in correctly
3' end has CCA tail?
activation of tRNA? enzymme links AA to it? antibiotic that stops this?
aminoacyl tRNA synthetase

inhibited by bactroban
frameshift mutations?
no change AA
diff. AA
stop codon put in
shift on the line cuz lost nuke
subunits in ribosome? names? pro and eukarote and mito, similarities?
2 subunits, large and small
E- 80S 40S + 60S
P- 70S 30S + 50S
mito just like prokaryote
nucleotide directly consumed in translation
GMP i think
three repeated steps of translation?
C- inhibit bonding, bind L ribosome
E- inhibit tranlocation
G- interfere mRNA
T- inhibit binding
R- cut rRNA
why gentamicin affect hearing wlaking renal fucntion?
can complex with Fe and cause oxidative damage
tetracycline inhibits 30S and 40S subunits so how used in animals?
doesnt get let into cell
why large amount of antibiotic use in past bad now?
bacteria develope resistance and will one day kill us all
what are sum mechs of antibiotic resistance? how passed on?
alter binding site
efflux pumps
degrade drug

passed on in plasmid (little circle DNA)
class antibiotics Ketek belongs? why can aviod resistance?
can bind to 2 sites on ribosome, inhibit binding
class antibiotics is Zyvox? why it special
translational inhibitor,
binds to totally different site than other antiobiotics
its a oxilaidione drug class
antibiotic augmentin? how avoid resistance?
its a combo drug with
omoxicillin-> kills cell wall
clavilimic acid->stop omoxicillin breakdown
protein does diphteria toxin mod?
mod translocation enzyme
eEF2 enzyme
adds ADP ribosil inactivating