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28 Cards in this Set

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Organisms destructive to structures, stored products, grounds, and other material properties are classified as "_____."
economic pests
______: Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.
1. ____: Control mites, scorpions, spiders, and ticks.
2. ____: Control fungi.
3. ____: Control undesired vegetation.
4. ____: Control insects, arthropods.
Acaricide 杀螨剂
Herbicide 除草剂
______: from 0.1 to 50 microns in diameter with 80% of the particles in the 0.1 to 30 micron range.
______: Droplets in the 50 to 100 micron size range
____ sprays (from 100 to 400 microns in diameter);
____ sprays (over 400 microns)
Fine sprays 精细喷雾
Coarse sprays 粗喷雾
_____ Fly (Musca domestica). This fly is ubiquitous and consequently is possibly the most widely distributed insect pest of importance to mankind. (Cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever)
House Fly (Musca domestica)
____ also known as ____ and ____ flies, are identifiable by their large metallic shining blue, green, or black abdomens. Their larvae sometimes develop in wounds or natural body openings causing a condition known as myiasis 蝇蛆病.
bluebottle and greenbottle
___ Fly: cause Anthrax, and tularemia.
Stable fly
_____ flies transmit tropical and subtropical diseases. 热带和亚热带的疾病
Sand flies
______ are minute bloodsucking flies that cause extreme annoyance to man in many parts of the world.
Punkies 朋克 or biting midges 蠓
______ are bloodsucking and have considerable importance because they transmit the protozoan trypanosomes that cause human African sleeping sickness.
Tsetse flies 采采蝇
_____ flies are bloodsucking insect pests that attack both man and animals and transmit tularemia. They are also known to vector bacterial (anthrax and tularemia), protozoan原虫 (trypanosomes锥虫), and helminthic (Loa loa) infections to man and/or animals.
Horse and deer flies
_____ are non-biting flies that are attracted to wounds, pus, and secretions around the eyes and nose. It causes acute infectious conjunctivitis (pink eye).
Eye gnats
_____ rank first in importance among the insects that transmit diseases to man.
Disease organisms vectored by mosquitoes to man include ___________________.
bacteria (tularemia), arboviruses 虫媒病毒 (dengue, encephalomyelitis 脑脊髓炎, and Yellow Fever), protozoa (malaria), and filarial nematodes 丝虫线虫. (Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex)
The infestation of lice on a human host is termed _____.
pediculosis 虱病
_____ are responsible for the transmission of louse-borne typhus, trench fever, and louseborne relapsing fever.
Human lice
Three species of lice infest man: the head louse, ____; the body louse, ____; and the crab louse 阴虱, ____.
Pediculus humanus capitus
Pediculus humanus humanus
Pthirus pubis
_____ are probably the most common and persistently troublesome arthropod pest encountered indoors.
Aboard ship conduct cockroach survey every ___ weeks.
every 2 weeks
_____ are annoying pests because of their bite and their ability to precipitate tick paralysis.
The best method for removing attached ticks is to grasp them with forceps at about a ___ angle from the skin. Pull them slow and steady until they release. Do not ____. Where hair is not involved, the use of ___ is an effective means for removing tick larvae and nymphs from the skin.
45-degree angle
Do not twist
The oriental rat flea, ____, is of great importance in the transmission of the plague bacillus which alone is sufficient to rank fleas among the more important insect vectors.
Xenopsylla cheopis
___ rat: eat meat, fish, or flesh mixed with a diet of grains, vegetables, and fruit.
Norway rat
brown or gray rat, Rattus norvegicus
____ Rat: good climber. The black or ship rat, Rattus rattus, a subspecies variant of the roof rat, Rattus rattus alexandrinus, is an excellent climber and is frequently found on ships. Eat seeds, cereals, vegetables, fruit and grass.
Roof rat
Black rat
Rattus rattus alexandrinus
_____ Mouse: associated with man and may cause serious damage to foodstuffs and other valuable materials.
House mouse
All trap baits should be wrapped in ___ cm gauze squares before attachment to the trigger to prevent removal of the bait without springing the trap. Preferred trap baits vary with the area and species of rodent involved, and include _____.
5 cm
bacon rind, nuts, fresh coconut, peanut butter, raw vegetables, and bread or oatmeal dipped in bacon grease
Rat guards: Should be a minimum of ___ inches in diameter and mounted at least ___ feet from the closest point to the shore or ___ feet from the ship.
36 inches in diameter
6 feet
2 feet