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73 Cards in this Set

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Who is ultimately responsible to ensure there are sufficient quantities of safe water for personnel?
Unit Commanders
Who is responsible for providing sufficient potable water for the population to be served?
WHo advises the CO on water quality issues?
What is the easiest and usually the safest source of water in the field?
existing public water systems
Water sources includes lakes, streams, rivers, and ponds.
Surface water
Water sources include wells and springe and is usuallly less contaminated than surface water.
Ground water
Ground water sources must be located how far from existing sources of contamination?
100 ft
Desalination of salt water is accomplished by?
ROWPU, water is disinfected after desalinization
This system is a transportable quick-response water purification system caable of aerating, clarifying, filtering, and disinfecting contaminated water.
What is the most common method of disinfecting potable water?
Preferred agent for disinfecting water.
Calcium hypochlorite (HTH) 65-70
When chlorinating H2O sufficient chlorine is added to water to achieve the desired FAC residual after how long contact time?
30 minutes
T/F Chlorine gas is not considered appropriate for field use
Water tankers, trailers, bladders and cans require what chlorine residual?
between 5.0 ppm and 2.0 ppm FAC when filled at an approved engineering water point.
Lyster bags and canteens require what chloringe residual
Maintain 2.0ppm FAC when filled from an approved source, chlorinate to 5.0ppm FAC, then maintain 2.0ppm FAC when filling from an unapproved or raw water source.
The process used to initially disinfect water containers and distribution systems?
How is superchlorination accomplished?
chlorinate water to 100ppm FAC for 4 hours. Mark tank "POISON DO NOT DRINK" on all sides or at water outlets during process
After 4 hour superchlorination, measure the FAC. It should be at least ____ppm. If below ____ppm, superchlorination must be repeated.
How many iodine tabs go into a canteen?
2, wait 5 min, then shake. tighten cap and wait 30 min before using
All containers used for the treatment, sorage or distribution of water must be clean and clearly labeled how?
Bacteriological testing of field water suppies must be tested how often?
In the field, who inspects all food items at the time of receipt?
the FSO, or his designated rep
All field freezers and refridgerators are to have one internal and external thermometer. How often are temp readings taken?
at least once per meal period
Refrigerated space should be emptied and thoroughly cleaned how often?
once a week
Field dishwashing unit can be set up by using what?
Five metal GI cans(32ga size) and immersion heaters
In field dishwashing units, where are the long handled brushes placed?
Cans number 2 and 3
Can 1 in dishwashin battery is for?
collecting trash
Can 2 in dishwashing battery is for?
prewash and will contain a hot detergent solution and brush
Can 3 in dishwashing battery is for?
washing and will contain a hot detergent solution and a brush
Can 4 in dishwashing battery is for?
Rinsing and will contain clean hot water held at a rolling boil
Can 5 in the dishwashing battery is for?
final sanitizing rinse and will contain clean hot water held at a rolling boil
How is mess gear dried?
air dried only, no dish cloths are permitted.
If no hot water is available and in emergency situations, messing utensils can be sanitized by immerson in a ?
50ppm FAC for 60 seconds
What must be constructed to dispose of waste water from the food service area?
Soakage pits
When troops are on the march, what is used to dispose of human waste?
Cat hole device, use an E-tool; it is dug 8-12in in diameter and 6-12in deep.
In temp bivuacs (1-3 days), how do you dispose of human remains?
Straddle trench
When determining location of latrines, how far should it be from nearest natural water source, food service areas and berthing areas?
100 feet from water
100 yards from food service
50 feet from berthing
Describe a Straddle Trench latrine..
Dig trench 1 ft wide, 2 1/2 ft deep, 4 ft long.
Serves 25 pers, 2 at a time.
Additional trenches must be 2 ft apart..
Each person covers their own, when pit it 1 ft from top, spray w/insecticide, fill trench and mound dirt 1 ft above ground level. Post sign indicating type of latrine and date closed if permitted.
Describe a Deep pit Latrine
Made by constructing a latrine box over a pit.
Has 4 holes(seats)
8 ft long, 2 1/2 ft wide.
Mounted on 2- 6in planks
serves 50 pers.
Seats covered w/fly proof self-closing lids.
PIT IS DUG: 2ft wide, 7 1/2 ft long and max of 6 ft deep. (1 ft of depth for each week planned useage and 1 ft for dirt cover. (The deeper the pit the greater chance of it caving in!)
Describe a Burn Barrel Latrine
Used in major ops, w/hard, rocky, or frozen soil conditions.
Screen (18 mesh) enclosed building of plywood and framing lumber.
2-4 toilet seats built over 55-ga drums that are cut in half.
Primed w/3 in of diesel prior to placing in service.
NO SMOKING signs inside/outside
Wen barrel is 1/2 - 3/4 full, remove and burn.
Mix 4 parts diesel to 1 part gas
until sufficiently covered.
Burial of ashes to depth of 12 inches.
Describe Mound Latrine
Indicated when higher ground water levels or rock formations prevent the digging of a deep pit.
Top of mound 6 ft wide and 12 ft long so standard 4 seat latrine box can be placed on top.
Describe Bored Hole Latrines.
Temporary require specialized drilling equipment and are seldom used.
18in hole bored to depth of 15 - 20feet. Hole is covered w/one seat latrine box and fly-proofed.
constructed on the basis of 8 of 100 ppl
Describe a Urine soakage pit.
Temporary; most effective in sandy soils.
Dug 4 ft square X 4 ft deep
Filled w/in 6in ground level with lg rocks, tin cans, broken bottles, rubble, etc...
Vent shafts inserted w/in 6 in. of bottom and extend 6-12 in above ground.
6 urine tubes - 1inx36in pipe, 8in below leaving 26in above ground.
1 pipe accommodates 20 men
Describe Urine Troughs
10 ft long V or U shaped trough made of Sheet metal or wood with soakage pit and screened vents at ground.
One urine trough serves 100 men.
Describe a Urinoil.
permanent, sanitary and less ordorous.
Screened 55ga drum, receive and trap urine to dispose in soakage pit.
Has covered windbreak to protect from flooding from rain.
Fresh sad must be spread around barrel periodically.
Serves 100 men
Describe a Soakage Pit.
For field mess, constructed like urine soakage pit w/o urine tubes.
Serves 200 ppl. If mess is operational for 2 weeks, must have 2 pits and alternate days.
When pit clogs, close it and open a new one.
Describe a Soakage Trench.
Used when ground-water level or rock fomation prevents pit.
central pit 2 ft square x 1 ft deep, dug outward from sides.
Trench is at least 6ft long, 1ft wide, 1 ft ddep at end nearest to pit with slope to 1 1/2 feet deep.
Garbage disposal when troops are on the march or in camps less than 1 week..
Burial, in pits or trenches.
Must be 100 ft from natural water and field mess.
Garbage disposal when troops stop overnight
Pits, 4ft square pit 4ft deep
serve 100 ppl
Describe a continuous trench
used for stays of 2 days or more.
2ft wide, 4ft deep, long enough to accommodate the next days garbage.
Heat cramps, s/s, treatment...
Training-education, hydration, conditioning salt foods.
Muscle contractions in legs and arms.
Stop exercise- hydration and extension.
Exhaustion: s/s, treatment...
N/V, vertigo, syncope, dyspnea, temp <104F.
Loosen clothing, monitor temp(R), water spray, fan, shade, replace fluids, transport.
Heat Stroke: S/S, treatment..
Confusion, disorientation, drowsiness, Irrational behavior, Temp >104F.
Eregency cooling, water spray, fan, shade, water-IV fluid replacement, transport.
Heat Syncope:s/s, treatment..
Faining or LOC while standing in the heat.
Emergency cooling, water spray, fan, shade, IV fluids and water, Transport.
Heat exhaustion occurs because of...
peripheral vascular collapse due to excessive water and salt depletion.
Profuse sweating, HA, weakness, pallor, N/V, mild dyspnea, palpitations. BP may be low, puils may dilate. Do not treat with ASA or antipyretics.
Heat stroke occurs due to....
result of collapse of the thermal regulatory mechanism.
Dizziness, weakness, nausea, HA, confusion, disorientation, drownisenss and irrational behavior. Skin may be hot and dry, or may have profuse sweating. Collapse and LOC, profound coma, convulsions may occur. Ttemp >104 - 108 (R)
Treat IMMEDIATE cooling and evacuation to MTF. Remove clothing, Shade, Spray/splash with water, rub w/ice, fan. IV NS, guard against possible myoglobin-induced renal failure. No ASA or antipyretics should be given.
White flag temp
Green flag temp
Yellow flag temp
Red flag temp
Black Flag temp
Describe Immersion syndrome...
Serious condition, may occure in as little as 24 hours w/water temp <50. Water temp >50 inj w/exposure 48-72 hrs.
Pale wrinkle skin.
Complete drying of skin, once damage to underlying tissues begins immobilization may occure and recovery is prolonged up to 1 month. Severe cases = amputation probable
Describe Frostbite...
exposure to ambient or windchill temp below freezing.
sharp, pricking sensation, yellow/white, numb area of hardened skin, usually cheeks, nose, ears, chin, forehead, fingers, toes. Ptermanent tissue damage = amputation
Describe Hypothermia...
general cooling of core.
Describe bacillary dysentery (Shigellosis). and treat
Acute bacterial disease of distal small intestine and colon.
s/s loose/watery bloody stool with fever, nausea, toxaemia, vomiting, cramps & tenesmus.
Treat:Fluoroquinolines (cipro)
Shigellosis incubation and period of communicability..
Inc: 1-3days (may be 12-96hours up to a week)
Comm: Approx 4 weeks untreated. Appropriate treatment only few days.
Shigellosis reservoir and mode of transmission
Only significant in humans.
Direct or indirect fecal-oral transmission.
Infective dose 10-100 organisms.
Shigellosis infectious agents
S dysenteriae
S flexneri
S boydii
S Sonnei (most common in industrealized countries)
Hookworm Disease ID...
Common chronic parasitic infection.
anemia-leads to hypochromic microcytic anemia.
Occassional severe acute pulmonary & GI symptoms following exposure to infective larvae.
Death infrequent
Confirm w/stool ~worms mature.
Hookworm Mode of transmission
Infective larvae penetrate the skin, usually the foot, causing "ground itch"
the larvae die w/in skin producing cutaneous larva migrans.
Hookworm incubation
After entering body, A. duodenale may become dormant for 8 months after which development resumes with patent infection
Hookworm infectious agents
Ancylostoma duodenale
Necator Americanus
Hookworm Treatment
Single dose Mebendazole 100 or 500 mg. f/u stool sample 2 weeks.