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37 Cards in this Set

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Parietal houses functions that perceive and processes _____ events
Somatosensory (sensation i.e. pain, temperature, touch, pressure, and proprioception)
Parietal aka
[Brocha's] Area 3 1 2, primary somatosensory cortex, postcentral gyrus
parietal lobe has a ____ and ____ lobe seperated by the interparietal sulcus
Superior and Inferior parietal lobe
Function of the superior parietal lobule
important in secondary and supplementary visual and somatosensory areas
Leison at superior parietal lobe results...
somatosensory agnosias (inability to recognize something based on touch)
Inferior parietal lobe contains:
- supramarginal (area 40) and Angular gyri (Area 39)
Inferior parietal lobe is important for
perception and interpretation of written language
lesion to the inferior lobe results in...
inability to interpret something that is read
Temporal lobe contains:
superior, middle, inferior temporal gyri with superior and inferior sulci running parallel to the sylvian fissure
_____ is found on the superior aspect of the superior temporal gyrus
Transverse temporal gyri of Heschl (Area 41 and 42) or primary auditory cortex
Area 22 or ____ Area is located on the posterior part of the superior TEMPORAL gyri
Wernicke's Area (area 22) is found on the posterior part of the superior temporal gyri.
Lesion to Wernicke's Area results in
impairment of comprehension and repetition, although speech remains fluent (person doesn't make sense)
If the cingulate gyrus is cut...
No communication between the Left and Right brain
The septum pellucidum...
forms the medial walls of the lateral ventricles
the Fornix is...
the major fiber system arising from the hippocampal formation
Diencephalon lies below the ___
Diencephalon has two parts:
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Thalamus serves as:
Relay center, all sensory information must stop here
Hypothalmus serves to
regulate a host of visceral functions, such as temperature, endocrine functions, and feeding, drinking, and emotional, and sexual behaviors
Olfactory bulb function:
receives info from olfactory cranial nerve I and gives rise to the olfactory tract
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is synthesized by:
Choroid plexus (epithelial cells) mainly in lateral ventricle
Lateral ventricle originates from
prosencephalon -- telencephalon
Basal ganglia crucial in
motor integration processes
Structures of basal ganglia (3)
- Caudate nucleus
- putamen
- globus pallidus
Limbic system has important functions in regulation of:
- emotional behavior
- short-term memory processes
and control of autonomic, other visceral and hormonal functions
Amygdala (limbic system):
- responsible for learned fear
Hippocampus (limbic system):
- responsible for memory storage -- if damaged only have long term memory that existed prior to damage
Cerebellum important in:
regulation and coordination of fine motor movement (such as picking up a pin)
Cerebellum is attached to brain stem by:
cerebellar peduncles
cerebellum is also known as
little cerebrum
The cerebellum has 3 lobes per hemisphere:
- Flocculonodular
- Anterior lobe
- posterior lobe
the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum:
is the smallest, receives vestibular input --if off causes trouble with balance (CN 8)
posterior lobe of the cerebellum:
largest lobe, receives spinal input
anterior lobe or the cerebellum:
towards the midline, recieves cortical input
Brainstem looks like:
4 breasted woman
Gracile and cuneate tubercle:
contain relay and integrating neurons associated with ascending sensory fibers from the periphery to the medulla.
pons has 2 parts:
- Dorsal half (tegentum)
- Ventral half (basilar regio)