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73 Cards in this Set

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what kind of organism is N. meningitidis and how to treat it?
gram - diplococci and treat with ceftriaxone
pt presents with fever, headache, and rash on distal extremities with possible hx of tick bite. What is the cause and treatment and what should be ordered
tx with doxy
order acute and convalescent titers
what bugs are you at risk for in asplenia
encapsulated ones like pneumococcus, H flu, and N meningitidis
What bug should be covered when a patient is neutropenic?
what is the cause of erysipelas and treatment?
strep pyogenes/ GABHS and treat with penicillin of macrolide
1. what is bug and treatment if pt has cellulitis after fresh water exposure?
2. bug and tx after salt water exposure?
1. aeromonas-cipro
2. vibrio vulnificus- cipro +doxy
what is typical bug and tx for necrotizing fascitits?
group A strep, surgery
PCN + clinda
what is typical bug and tx for gas gangrene?
clostridium perfringins and s. aureus
tx with PCN and clinda and debride
when should patients receive Tdap?
then 11-18 y/o
then again between 19-64 regardless of when Td was given
C diff
1. what abx are most likely to cause it
2. what tests should be ordered
3. what are the potential complications
4. what is treatment
1. quinolones and clinda
2. stool assay for toxin A and V or DNA stool test
3. leukemoid reaction and toxic megacolon
4. flagyl, if relapse twice then po vance
pt presents with fever, desquamating rash on palms and soles, after period. (could also be after nasal packing or wound packing)
what is dx and tx?
what is cause?
1. TSS and tx with nafcillin or cefazolin
2. exotoxins from s. aureus or group A strep
What is tx for acute bacterial meningitis and what does CSF look like?
tx with ceftriaxone plus vanc
have neutrophilic leukocytosis with increased protein, and low glucose
tx for meningitis:
1. pneumococcal
2. herpes
3. listeria (seen in elderly and immunocompromised)
4. s. aureus
1. pen G
2. acyclovir
3. ampicillin
4. nafcillin and vanc
who should get herpes zoster vaccine?
anyone over age 60 regardless of shingles outbreak previously
mexican pt presents with seizures after a pork roast the previous night.
4.Ct finding?
1. neurocysticercosis
2. albendazole or praziquantel
3. taenia solium
4. cysts seen on Ct
what bugs that cause PNA have a urine antigen?
strep pneumo and legionella
who should get pneumovax?
<65 that have asthma, smoke, or immune problems
everyone 65 years or older
if had it before 65 give when turn 65 or 5 years after first vaccination
what are common extrapulmonary complications of TB?
renal and pleuropericardial
what labs to dx TB?
What is tx for TB?
AFB and culture, and quanti-feron test
2. 4 drug regimen with rif, INH, pyrazinamide and eth (RIPE tx)
what can cause a false positive AFB?
how big should PPD be to be positive in the following?
1. HIV +, close contacts, or immunosupressed
2. immigrants from high risk places, prisoners, homeless
3. all others
1. 5mm
2. 10mm
3. 15mm
what is tx for postive ppd but asymptomatic?
INH with B6 for 9 months
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
1. what are usual bugs in SBP?
2. tap shows how many PNMs
3. sx?
4. treatment
1. e. coli
2. >250-500
3. ascites and fever
4. ceftriaxone
what classic triad of sx is seen in ascending cholangitis and what is the common bug?
charcots triad: fever, RUG pain, jaundice
caused by e. coli
1. cause and tx in young men
2. cause and tx in elderly men
1. N gonorrhea or C. trachmatis --> tx wtih rocephin and doxy
2. gram negatives--> tx with bactrim or cipro
1. bug
2. sx of primary
3. sx of seconday
4. sx of tertiary
5. dx with what and then what confirms ut
6. tx?
1. treponema pallidum spirochete
2. painless chancre
3. rash
4. cardio problems like arrythmias and gummatous liver and neuro problems
5. +RPR or VRDL adn then get FTA-ABS ( do LP if think tertiary)
6. PEN G or doxy but always PEN G in preg
pt presents with malodorous frothy discharge and petechiae.
trichomonas an give flagyl to pt adn partner
pt has cottage cheese discharge, puritis and +KOH smear
tx with fluconazole
Tx of GC?
TX of chlamydia
1. cipro or rocephin
2. azithro or doxy
1. what are complications?
2. dx?
3. tx?
1. tubo-ovarian abscess, ectopic pregnancy and infertility
2. cervical motion tenderness (chandelier's sign) and 10WBC on smear
3. ceftriaxone and doxy
1. what is treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis?
2. pt has hemoptysis and +aspergillus precipitans on skin test. dx?
3. What is treatment for invasive aspergillosis?
1. steroids
2. pulmonary aspergilloma (fungus ball)
3. amphotericin
what is the source of cryptococcus neoformans and what is tx?
encapsulated yeast from pigeon crap
tx with ampho B +5-flucytosine and fluconazole
what is treatment for histoplasmosis and what is the source?
tx ith ampho B or itraconazole
from bird or bat crap in ohio and mississippi river valley
how to tx blastomycosis?
same as histo

broad based buds?? #54 ID
what is treatment for coccidiomycosis and where is it aquired?
tx same as histo (ampho B for sever and itraconazole for rest)

aquired in SW united states , aka "valley fever
a farmer presents with lymphangitis in arm (could also be a rose handler)
what is dx and tx?
tx with SSKI (super saturated K iodide) or itraconazole
Lyme dz
1. bug?
2. where is it?
3. sx of stage 1
4. sx of stage 2
5. dx?
6. tx?
1. borrelia burgdorferi spirochete
2. NE USA (mass and connecticut)
3. erythema migrans rash with central clearing
4. 7th nerve palsy, encephalitis, AV blocks, arthritis
5. clinical +acute and convalescent titers
6. doxy unless severe involvement and then need ceftriaxone
hx of tick bite but no rash and has thrombocytopenia and could have elevated LFTs?
tx with doxy
pt presents with swollen lymph nodes (bubos) and lymphadenitis after playing with a rabbit?
tx with streptomycin, gentamicin, doxy or cipro
gram negative francisella tularensis

could also be after tick bite
pt presents with malaria like illness and hemolysis after a tick bite.
what is a common co-infection with this?
tx with atovaquone and azithromycin
commonly with lyme disease
pt presents with fevers every 3 days, rigors, HA, and is dx with malaria.
1. what is the bug?
2. how to dx it?
3. what is treatment?
1. plasmodium falciparum
2. giemsa stain
3. chloroquine or if from resistant area quinine plus doxy
what is bug in cat scratch dz and what is treatment
bartonella henselae
dx with pcr or serology
tx with azithromycin
pt presents with icterus, multi organ failure, hemorrhagic pneumonia after contact with animal urine.
Weils disease
from leptospirosis
tx with pen G
how is brucellosis acquired and what is treatment
from contact with body fluids of livestock or from unpasteurized dairy
tx with doxy
animal bites-- bug and tx?
1. human
2. dog
3. cat
4. monkey
1. eikenella; augmentin
2. pasteurella; augmentin
3. pasteurella; augmentin
4. herpesvirus simiae; acyclovir
what is treatment for septicemia with VRE?
and fo UTI with VRE?
sept= linezolid
UTI= nitrofurantoin
1. how is it acquired?
2. what kind of organism is it?
3. what are sx?
1. improperly canned foods or honey
2. anaerobic Gram + bacillus
3. DESCENDING FLACCID PARALYSIS-- with diplopia, ptosis, skeletal mm paralysis but sensation intact
what bug goes with what smell?
1. horse barn
2. fruity or citrus
3. gym socks
4. chocolate cake
1. c. diff
2. pseudomonas
3. s. aureus
4. proteus
HIv pt with CD4 less than 100 presents with wt loss, fevers, anemia, and elevated alk phos.
M. avium complex
treat with macrolide
What is treatment for pulmonary infection with M. kanasii?
rif, ethambutol, INH
Pt with HIV presents with delirium and is found to have multiple CNS lesions.
dx and tx?
toxoplasma gondii
tx with sulfadiazine
HiV pt with chronic diarrhea and in O&P study is found to have acid-fast parasite.
What is the cause?
tx with nitazoxanide
HIV pt has diarrhea and biliary dz.
what is treatment and cause?
micosporidiosis and tx is albendazole
what is treatment of strongyloides?
howt to dx HIV?
ELISA then western blot to confirm
what immunizations should HIV pts get?
pneumococcal vaccine, hep A and hep B, influenza
what are criteria for beginning antiretroviral therapy ?
CD4 < 200
chronic hepatitis
age over 50
if sexually active so can reduce transmission
what are the common side effects with the follow drugs and what class do they all fall into.
1. didanosine
2. zidovudine
3. abacavir
they are all NRTIs (nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors)
1. pancreatitis
2. bone marrow supression
3. lactic acidosis (they all cause lactic acidosi)
what are side effects of protease inhibitors for HIV?
DM, increased lipids, lipoatrophy
idinavir is a drug in this class
what combo of antiretrovirals would be used for agressive tx?
what is goal of therapy
two NRTIs + one PI or NNRTI
goal is to have undetectable viral load
when to start ppx for PCP and what are options of ppx?
when CD4 <200
ppx with TMP/SMX, dapsone, atavaquone, or inhaled pentamidine
when to start TB ppx? what to give?
if PPD >5mm or recent contact.
give INH with B6 for 9 months
when should antiretrovirals be started if pt is dx with TB?
within 2-4 weeks of TB treatment
what is ppx if you get a hollow needle stick from HIV pt?
3 drug ART for 28 days
what is ppx for toxoplasmosis in HIV pt? and when to start it?
bactrim when CD4<100
what is PPX for MAC?
CD4 <50 give azithromycin weekly
can stop ppx when cd4 >200
what is treatment for CMV retinitis?
valganciclovir, ganciclovir (neutropenia), foscarnet (nephrotoxic)
what is tx for HSV in HIV pt?
what virus is associated with hairly leukoplakia and CNS lymphomas
what virus is associated with Kaposi's sarcoma?
pt with HIV presents with aplastic anemia, and pure RBC APLASIA
what is cause and tx?
parvovirus B19 and tx with IVIG
pt with HIv preesnts with nodular purple skin and organ lesions.
what is dx?
Bacillary angiomatosis
caused by bartonella henselae
tx is doxy
fevers, night sweats, productive cough, lytic bone lesions, and well-circumscribed, verrucous crusted lesions in a pt that lives in wisconsin would be what?