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32 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What are the superificial forearm muscles?
1. pronator teres
2. flexor carpi radialis
3. palmaris longus
4. flexor carpi ulnaris
What is the anterior intermediate forearm muscle?
1. flexor digitorum superficialis
What are the posterior superficial forearm muscles?
1. brachioradialis
2. extensor carpi radialis longus
3. extensor carpi radialis brevis
4. extensor digitorum
5. extensor digiti minimi
6. extensor carpi ulnaris
7. anconeus
What are the posterior deep forearm muscles?
1. supinator
2. abductor pollicis longus
3. extensor pollicis brevis
4. extensor pollicis longus
5. extensor indicis
What is the zip code of the forearm?
anterior superficial, anterior intermediate, anterior deep, posterior superficial, posterior deep
What are the categories of the hand muscles?
thenar, hypothenar, small hand muscles
What are the thenar muscles?
1. abductor pollicis brevis
2. flexor pollicis brevis
3. opponens pollicis
4. adductor pollicis
What are the hypothenar muscles?
1. abductor digiti minimi
2. flexor digiti minimi brevis
3. opponenes digiti minimi
4. palmaris brevis
What are the small hand muscles?
1. lumbricals (means worm)
2. dorsal interossei
3. palmar interossei 1-3
Pronator Teres (A,I)
pronate forearm
median nerve
flexor carpi radialis (A, I)
flex and abduct wrist
median nerve
palmaris longus (A,I)
flex wrist
median nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris (A,I)
flex and adduct wrist
ulnar nerve
Flexor digitorum superficialis (A,I)
flex digits2-5
Median nerve & ulnar nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus (A,I)
flex digits 2-5
median nerve
Pronator quadtratus
pronate wrist
median nerve
brachioradialis (A,I)
flex forearm
radial nerve (posterior side)
extensor carpi radialis longus
extend and abduct wrist
radial nerve
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extend and abduct wrist
radial nerve
extensor digitorum
extend digits 2-5
radial nerve
extensor digit minimi
extend digit 5
radial nerve
extensor carpi ulnaris
extend and adduct wrist
radial nerve
extend elbow
radial nerve
supinate forearm
radial nerve
abductor pollicis longus
abduct thumb
radial nerve
extensor pollicis brevis
extend thumb
radial nerve
extensor pollics longus
extend thumb
radial nerve (hockey stick)
extensor indicis
extend index finger
radial nerve
cubital fossa?
front of elbow joint