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19 Cards in this Set

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How can false negatives/positives occur with at home pregnancy tests?
- waiting too long to read the test
- doing the test too soon
- insufficient contact with strip
When should you start testing LH levels for ovulation?
3 days before the middle of your cycle (14th day)
How to use ColoCARE kit?
- Flush toilet twice
- poop; don't throw toilet paper in
- perform test within 5 min of poop
- put test pad print side up into toilet bowl
- observe for 30 sec, looking for blue-green color development
- small section will turn blue-green; if large reaction site is blue or green contact MD
What is the most reliable bone density test?
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
What are the characteristics of true colic?
3 hours of crying per episode for 3 days a week for > 3 week.... baby is inconsolable.. usually in the evening
Theories to cause of colic
- trapped gas
-emotional upset
- food allergy/intolerance
- gut spasm
- maternal smoking
- aka Ovol drops
- drug of choice!
- defoaming agent.. give after each feeding
- effectiveness is questioned
dicyclomine (Behtyol)
- antispasmatic
- indicated for IBS... NOT for color
- CI <6months of age
- antiChE s/e
gripe water
- 2nd to ovol drops
Drug-induced leg cramps?? Which drugs?
- diuretics, antipsychotics, estrogens, Li, oral steroids
- statins (mild)
Peripheral neuropathy and leg cramps?
- diabetics
- painful tingling/burning in hands and feet
- inability to sense vibrations
- pain often worse at night and aggravated by touch
Peripheral vascular disease and leg cramps?
- via atherosclerotic plaques in leg arteries
- intermittent claudication
- numbess or continuous pain in toes or feet
- symptoms usually occur with exertion and is relieved with rest
Deep vein thrombosis and leg cramps?
- unilateral leg swelling, warm to touch, erythema, tenderness...
- brought on by exertion and relieved with rest
Tell me about the incidence, characteristics and etiology of nocturnal leg cramps. And treatment.
1) usually old people.. but has been seen in kids

2) sudden, involuntary contraction of calf muscle during night .. lasting a few seconds up to 10 min

3) cause is unknown.. flat feet? prolonged sitting, dehydration, etc
Sorry.. treatment of nocturnal leg cramps? Non-med.

walk on or jiggle affected leg, then elevate it

Take a shower/bath or apply ice
What is quinine?
DRUGS - quinine.. decreases response of skeletal muscle to contraction by increasing refractory period. May decrease freq, not severity.
What else can be used for leg cramps?? (drug)
magnesium is worth a try! Mylanta 200mg (not elemental)

use 300-350mg elemental Mg

Why not try a Cal-Mag prep? Most people need calcium anyway
What is RLS?
- neurological disorder with circadian pattern of onset.. symptoms get worse at night and can cause sleep disturbance
- compelling urge to move legs.. creepy crawlie sensations
What are secondary causes of RLS?
- iron deficiency, peripheral neuropathy, mag deficiency, folate deficiency, thyroid high or low
- worsened by stress, alcohol, smoking