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81 Cards in this Set

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For OTC seal?
Proper Ingredients and amounts
Effective Drug Delivery
Absence of harmful contaminants
Safe, sanitary well controlled manufacturing
Vitamin A function and deficiency
Vision, Bones, Immune System, Cell Division
Blindness, Bone and Immune Function
Vitamin D function and deficiency
Calcium balance, bone structure
Rickets, ostepenia, fractures
Vitamin E function and deficiency
Antioxidant, protects cell membranes
Neurologic defects, hemolytic anemia
Vitamin B1 Name, Function, Deficiency
Cofactor for metabolism
Encephalopathy, Peripheral Neuropathy
Vitamin B2 Name, Function, Deficiency
Mitochondrial and respiratory function
Vitamin B3 Name, Function, Deficiency
Cofactor for NADP reactions
pellagra (dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia)
Vitamin B5 Name, Function, Deficiency
Pantothenic Acid
Burning Feet Syndrome
Vitamin B6 Name, Function, Deficiency
Formation of proteins, AA, NT
mouth/tongue swelling, confusion, depression
Vitamin B12 Name, Function, Deficiency
RBC and DNA synthesis cofactor, Neurologic Function
Anemia, parathesia, Numbness, Impaired memory
Folic Acid Function, Deficiency
Cell Division
Vitamin C Name, Function, Deficiency
Ascorbic Acid
Scurvy, joint swelling
Vitamins for Infant/Children
A for premature or in developing Countries
MVT for picky eaters
Vitamins for Pregnancy
Folic Acid, D, Calcium
Vitamins for Elderly
B12, D
Vitamins for Alcoholics
Thiamine, Folic Acid, B6, C
Vitamins for poor GI absorbers
Niacin, Thiamine, B12, Folic Acid, B6
Vitamins for Cystic Fibrosis
Vitamins for Metformin
Vitamins for Corticosteroids
Calcium and D
Vit C effect on colds
Slight reduction in duration of cold if taken regularly, no reduction in frequency
No efficacy in treating acutely
Zinc effect on colds
Acutely reduces cold duration by 1 day if taken within 24 hours of symptoms
No effect on severity
Vitamin D effects on bones
Only effects on fall risk
Toxic Vitamins
A: Acute, Chronic, Teratogenic
E: Drug/Vitamin Intx
Iron: Acute, Chronic, lethal
Exclusions to Wound Self Care
Deep puncture wounds
Animal Bites
Wounds that may require stitches
Wounds that have foreign material after cleansing
Inability to move structures below wound
Infected Wounds
Max duration for antibiotic ointment for wound care
How often?
5 days
1-3 times/day
Types of Tape
Plastic sticks well, lots of allergic reactions
Paper does not stick well, good for delicate skin
Fabric stuck very well. May want to avoid around wound.
Waterproof adheres well. Most allergic reactions
Stitches care
Wash in 1-3 days
If clear, yellowish fluid emitted, cover
Elevate for a few days if possible
Apply antibiotic ointment (use sunscreen for 6 months)
Important strains for AAD
lactobacillus GG
Saccharomyces Boulardii
MUST have at least 10 million live cultures per day
Possible Yeast Vaginitis MoA
Natural Transfer
Bind Pathogens
Which Probiotic can be stored at room temp?
Align GI
(Not enough lactobacillus)
Training Recovery Nutrition Plan
30-100 grams carb-rich food
10-20 grams protein
20-24 ounces water/sports drink for each pound lost during workout
Sodium to help body absorb water
When to refer warts
Time to benefit for Warts treatment
4-12 weeks
Therapy for Warts
Salicylic Acid
Duct Tape
Salicylic Acid for Warts
When to avoid using
Decreases keratinocyte adhesin, hydrates keratin
May be better for hands than feet
Avoid if infected/reddened skin
-Wart with hair growing
-Genital, facial, mucous membrane warts
-Diabetes or circulatory disorder
Salicylic Acid in Collodion
Wash and dry affected area
Apply twice daily
Apply one drop at a time until lesion covered
Wash off healthy skin immediately
MAX = 12 weeks
Salicylic Acid Plaster/Pads
Wash and Dry affected area
Apply and remove every 48 hours
As needed up to 12 weeks
Salicylic Acid in Karaya Gum-Glycol
Wash and Dry affected area
Apply plaster at bedtime
Leave on for at least 8 hours
Remove in AM
Repeat daily
As needed for up to 12 weeks
Irritation and destruction of tissue to stimulate host response against virus
Burning, stinging, blistering, skin color change
Avoid thin skin areas.
Treat only one side of finger or toe at a time
Treat only one wart at a time (2 weeks between same digit)
Only one treatment usually necessary
Duct Tape
Irritates tissue to stimulate immune response
Leave duct tape on lesion for 6 days.
Remove, soak in water and debride with pumice stone
No tape night of removal, reapply next morning.
Continue max of 2 months
Artificial Tears
Dextran causes stinging
Cellulose Ethers - Dry Crusts on Eyelids
PVA: Lower viscosity
First line for allergic conjunctivitis
Artificial Tears
What causes blurred vision
Ocular Emollients
Ocular Emollients
White petrolatum
Mineral Oil
Ocular Decongestants
1-2 drops qid
6 years or older
Naphazoline also reduces tearing and pain
Tetrahydrazoline causes stinging.
-dosed every 4 hours
Avoid in Heart Disease, Diabetes, BPH, Glaucoma
Interact with psychotropic drugs
Ocular Antihistamines
1-2 drops tid-qid
Ketotifen 1 drop bid. NOT in contact lens users
72 hour warning
Vasoconstrictors, Emollients, Demulcents, Astringents
Carbamide Peroxide
10-15% in anhydrous glycerin
Apply drops for 1 minute
For EAR do not use under 12 years
5-10 drops in each ear x 15 minutes max of 4 days.
Hydrogen Peroxide Strength, Formulation, use
3% Mixed 1:1 with water and swished and spit for 1 minute
Sodium Perborate Monohydrated Powder
Dissolve in 1 oz water and use right away
Herpes Simplex Treatment
Docosanol in prodrome 5 times daily
Do NOT use topical corticosteroids or astringents
Water-Clogged Ear Treatment
Alcohol in Glycerin
5% acetic acid 1:1 with isopropyl
Both 5-10 drops in each ear x15 minutes. Max of 4 days.
1 ml in affected area bid
Stop if Chest pain, tachy, dizziness, sudden weight gain, Edema.
Avoid in pregnancy
DEET dosing
6 months - 2 years: 10% once daily
2 years - 12 years: 10% twice daily
8-10 hours
2 months or older
Acne Exclusions for Self Treartment
No improvement after 6 weeks
Grades 2-4 Acne
Possible Rosacea
Acne Treatments
Benzoyl Peroxide
Salicylic Acid
Benzoyl Peroxide
Increase strength weekly
Gradually increase contact time by 15 minutes
Salicylic Acid
Acne, Dandruff, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Psoriasis
1-3 times daily for dandruff
7-10 days for effect
Soak lesions in warm water 10-20 minutes before applying
Acne, Dandruff
Keratolytic, Comedolytic
Thin film 1-3 times/day
What form to use for Acne
Solution/Washes for large areas
Lotions/Creams for dry, sensitive, fair skin.
Gels are great
When to refer Psoriasis
Lesions covering >10% of body
<2 years old
Not responding to OTC treatment after 7 days
What to use for different locations of psoriasis
Scalp: Coal Tar/Salicylic Acid Shampoos
Armpits/Genitals: Hydrocortisone
Limbs/Body: Coal Tar/Hydrocortisone
Pyrithione Zinc
Selenium Sulfide
Coal Tar
Pyrithione Zinc
Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis
0.3% and above to wash off quickly.
Nonspecific for epidermal cells
Selenium Sulfide
Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis
Specific for epidermal cells
Better to leave on for logner
Coal tar
For everything
use overnight, bathe in AM
Known human carcinogens
Dandruff, Seborrheic Dermatitis
Keratolytic and Moisturizer
Skin irratation/Burning
Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis
2-4 weeks for effect
When to refer burns
>2% body area
Chemical, Electrical, Inhalation
Other medical conditions
Burns Treatment
Topical Anesthetics no more than 3-4 times daily
Duration is 15-45 minutes
NOT hydrocortisone
Poison Ivy Treatment
Hydrocortisone 3-4 times daily for up to 7 days
Topical Anesthetics 3-4 times daily
Astringents several times a day
DONT use antihistamines
Poison Ivy referral
Symptoms get worse
Rash Spreads
Rash covers large area of face
Signs of infection
What to avoid with diaper rash
Boric Acid
Baking Soda
External Analgesics
Diaper Rash Referral
No improvement after 7 days
Fever, N/V/D
Pain on urination/defecation
Beers List of innapropriate OTCs
Aspirin > 325/day
Mineral Oil
Which cold and cough to treat in elderly and how
Sore Throat with Oral analgesics or topical anesthetics
NasalCongestion with topical decongestant, netty pot
Sinus Congestion with Pseudoephedrine
Coughing with dextro or honey
Myalgia with APAP
What GI drugs to start at half dose in elderly
Senna and Loperamide
Age cutoff for ped cold meds
4 years
Length of use for ped cold decongestants
3-5 days