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60 Cards in this Set

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what conditions cause foot pain?
1. osteoarthritis
2. RA
3. gout
4. DM
5. pregnancy
what are common causes of foot pain?
1. shoes
2. weather
3. improper walking
4. high impact exercising
how do you get calluses?
wearings shoes that allow heel to move while walking --> P
is it necessary to remove a callus?
no, purely cosmetic. actually can inc risk of inf & pain if remove callus
where do corns usually appear on the foot?
on the toes:
1. tops
2. tips
3. sides
what are corns composed of?
keratin, dead skin cells
1. where do hard corns develop?
2. where do soft corns develop?
1. toe joints
2. b/t toes
which corns are soft & macerated?
soft corns
How should you prevent/Tx corns?
1. wear properly fitting socks & shoes
2. use soft foot orthotics (inserts)
3. depth shoes (large toe box area)
4. don't use razor blades
5. remove friction
6. salicylic acid (for cat 1 = corns & calluses)
7. corn protector
what can you do to the corn to enhance absorption of salicylic acid into the area?
soak the corn 1st
what should you remove dead tissue w/?
pumice stone or rough towel
how long does it take for hard corns to resolve using SA?
14 days
how long does it take for soft corns to resolve using SA?
6 days
do corn protectors have any medication?
no, solely for cushion/protection
if you're using pads/discs to TX corns, what is the max # treatments over what period should you use?
5x max over 2 wks
what is onychocryptosis?
ingrown toenail
what causes onychocryptosis?
1. tight fitting/narrow shoes
2. incorrect toenail trimming
3. fungal infs
4. injuries
5. abnorms in the structure of the foot
6. repeated P to toenail from high impact aerobic exercise
T/F you should cut your nails straight across if you want to avoid ingrown toenails
true you shouldn't leave any sharp corners
what chemicals should you avoid exposing your feet to in order to prevent/Tx ingrown toe nails?
1. Na sulfide
2. tannic acid
do you need a podiatrist to Tx ingrown toe nails?
yes to remove the ingrown toenail
if the toenail is not infected what steps should you take?
1. soak feet in warm salt water
2. dry w/ clean towel
3. apply antiseptic soln
4. cover toe w/ bandage
what FDA approved OTC products exist for ingrown toenail TX?
none, but "outgrow" has benzocaine for pain relief
what are bunions?
bulges on inside of foot at base of big toe joint
what causes bunions?
1. shoes
2. genetics
3. flat feet
4. gout
5. arthritis
how do you TX bunions?
1. properly fitting shoes
2. ice packs QD to dec swelling
3. soak feet in warm salt water
4. orthotics (non medicated foot prods)
5. surgery
do OTC products for bunions TX the actual bunion?
no, just Sx relief
what is plantar fasciitis?
heel pain
what causes plantar fasciitis?
1. high impact exercise
2. poor fitting shoes
3. uneven stride
4. aging, thinning of heel fat pad
how should you TX heel pain?
1. resting
2. ice packs
3. heel & calf stretches
4. NSAIDs & cortisone injs into painful area
5. surgery to expand fascia (tendon) rare
what are the 5 types of warts?
1. common warts (verruca vulgaris)
2. butcher warts
3. plantar warts (verruca plantaris)
4. flat warts/juvenile (verruca plana)
5. anogenital warts (condyloma accuminata)
all warts are the result of what inf?
which type of warts are common in adolescents?
flat warts/juvenile warts
what types of warts can you not TX w/ OTC products?
1. butcher warts
2. anogenital warts
3. juvenile warts
what types of warts can be TXd w/ OTC products?
1. common warts
2. plantar warts
how do you get warts?
1. contact w/ infected person's wart
2. shed skin particles, can survive on inanimate objs
do common warts interrupt the skin line?
no, but plantars warts do
what populations have the highest incidence of warts?
children & young adults
what type of warts should you refer to a Dr?
1. warts w/ hairs
2. sudden changes/bleeding of wart/mole
Tx of warts:
1. benign neglect
2. salicylic acid
3. duct tape
4. OTC "cryotherapy"
5. cryotherapy (freeze off w/ liq N)
6. surgical incision
7. Rx: imiquimod, podophyllotoxin, 5-FU, tretinoin, aldara, cimetidine
how long does it take to resolve warts?
12+ wks
what should you do before & after applying SA?
1. soak in bath/shower for 5 min
2. debride surface gently w/ nail/foot file qWK to remove hard skin
which therapy doesn't form a film over the wart & needs a plaster?
a. colloidon-based SA (duofilm)
b. polyacrylic-based SA soln
c. SA ointment
c. SA ointment doesn't form a film
how does OTC cryotherapy work?
1. dimethyl ether + propane sprayed from foam applicator freezes wart (no more than 20 sec @ a time)
2. wart turns white & falls off after 10 days
3. can reapply if necessary
how does duct tape work?
occlude wart --> immune sys attacks wart
1. leave tape on for 6 days
2. take it off
3. soak area in water
4. debride w/ emery board
5. repeat as necessary
when should you stop using duct tape?
if no change after 3 wks or causing too much pain/irritation
how should you prevent getting warts?
1. avoid skin to skin contact w/ infected individs
2. avoid contacting surfaces w/o protective clothing
3. TX existing warts immediately to avoid spreading by autoinnoculation
4. use separate towels/wash cloths on affected skin to prevent transfer to new sites
5. never attempt to remove wart w/ any type of device --> contributes to spread
what causes blisters?
sustained friction
where are blisters most commonly located?
1. toes
2. balls of foot
3. back of heel
how do you TX blisters?
1. drain w/ sterile needle
2. apply Abx ointment (neosporin)
3. cover w/ bandage
what should you never do to a blister?
remove the roof
what condition experiences a lot of foot problems?
what are some warning signs of foot complications?
1. changes in skin color/T
2. swelling of foot/ankle
3. leg pain
4. slow healing open sores
5. ingrown toe nails
6. fungus infected toenails
7. corns/calluses
8. dry fissures in skin (esp around heel)
T/F you should soften the entire foot w/ lotion, even b/t the toes
false, not b/t toes
T/F liquid corn/callus removers are a good TX option for corns/calluses
T/F diabetics should use hot water bottles/heating pads when they have leg pain
false, they may not be able to feel it
what is the LEAP pgm?
ID PTs that have lost protective sensation by
1. annual foot screen
2. PT educ in self monitoring
3. appropriate footwear selection
4. self inspection of feet QD
5. mgmt of simple foot probs (wound mgmt, dry skin, nails, calluses)
how do you perform a daily self foot inspection?
1. look for redness
2. feel for pedal pulse
3. press for tenderness
4. report
what are heel balms?
urea containing products that:
1. facilitate moisture absorption & retention
2. slough away keratin
3. may have antifungal/anti bacterial/anti yeast props
what can you use to TX diabetic foot ulcers?
1. phenytoin
2. misoprostol
3. nifedipine
4. regranex gel
you should cover a diabetic foot ulcer w/ a dry / moist dressing.
moist saline dressing