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60 Cards in this Set

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The area of the brain that controls motor aspects of speech and is located in the frontal lobe is known as...
Broca's area
What lobe recieves fibers conveying touch, proprioception, pain and temp. sensations from opposite side of the body?
Parietal lobe
What area of the frontal lobe controls emotions, judgement?
Prefrontal cortex
What area of the temporal lobe controls language comprehension?
Wernicke's area
What lobe mainly controls visual functions?
What is phylogenetically the oldest part of the brain?
Limbic system
What part of the brain controls basic functions--feeding, emotions, sexual response, etc.?
Limbic system
What maintains body homeostasis?
Ascending fiber systems are considered _________ pathways; Descending fiber systems are considered__________ pathways
Sensory; motor
What sensory pathway conveys sensations of pain and temperature?
Spinothalamic tract
What sensory pathway conveys proprioception information?
Spinocerebellar tracts
What sensory pathway conveys sensation of proprioception, vibration, and tactile descrimination?
Dorsal columns/medial lemniscal system
What sensory pathway conveys deep adn chronic pain?
Spinoreticular tracts
What motor pathway is important for voluntary motor control?
Corticospinal tract
What part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) prepares the body for fight or flight emergency responses?
What part of the ANS slows heart rate and decreases BP?
A person exhibiting symptoms of flaccidity, decreased tendon reflexes and atrophy is likely to have a UMN or LMN disorder?
Lower Motor Neuron (LMN)
Spasticity, emergence of primitive reflexes, and clonus would likely have a UMN or LMN disorder?
Upper Motor Neuron--could have flaccidity at the level of the lesion, though.
A person experiencing aphasia, movement on the R side of the body, and speech deficits is likely to have a _____ hemisphere stroke.
What does the Glasgow Coma Scale assess?
Eye opening, Best Motor Response, Verbal Response for a TBI pt.
A pt. with a TBI has heightened response, is severely confused, and could be aggressive. What Ranchos Level is he?
Level IV: Confused & Agitated
What Ranchos Level would a person be if he is responding adequately, but subtle impairments still exists?
Level VIII: Puposeful-appropriate
A TBI pt. has robot like responses and judgement is poor. What Ranchos level is he?
Level VII: Automatic-appropriate
What Ranchos level is characteristic of high distractibility level and confusion with complex commands?
Ranchos Level V: Confused-inappropriate
When a pt. is unresponsive to stimuli, he is considered a Ranchos Level...
When a pt. is responsive to certain types of stimuli, but inconsistent and delayed, the person is a Ranchos Level
III: Localized
A TBI pt. with a generalized response would that is nonspecific, inconsisten,a dn nonpurposeful is at a Ranchos Level...
When a TBI pt. is confused but appropriate and requires cueing to complete tasks, he is classified as a Ranchos Level...
VI: Confused appropriate
A spinal cord injury due to hyperextension, presenting with more UE deficits than LE deficits is known as...
Central Cord Sydnrome
A person who had hemi-section of the cord resulting in ipsilateral spastic paralysis adn loss of position sense and contralateral loss of pain and thermal care is known as
A Spinal Cord injury due to flexion injuries where motor function, pain, and temperature sensation are lost bilaterally below the lesion is known as...
Anterior Cord Syndrome
This spinal cord injury occurs at L1 and below resulting in LMN lesion causing flaccid paralysis with no spinal reflex activity.
Cauda Equina Syndrome
According to the ASIA Impairment Scale, a pt. with complete, no sensory or motor function, injury is classified as what?
A pt. with an incomplete SCI that has sensory function but no motor function below the level of the injury is classified as what on the ASIA Impairment Scale
ASIA ____ would classify a person with an incomplete SCI who has motor function below the level of injury
A person with LE motor and sensory loss along with reflexive bowel and bladder likely has this diagnosis?
Conus Medullaris
An abnormal response to a noxious stimulus, such as a catheter being blocked or sitting on a sharp object is known as...
Autonomic Dysreflexia
What are the obvious symptoms of Autonomic Dysreflexia?
extreme rise in BP, pounding headache, profuse sweating
A lesion in the motor cortex will result in what type of CP?
Spastic--flexor and extensor imbalance
A lesion in the basal ganglia will result in what type of CP?
Choreathetosis: dsykinesia, dystonia, athetosis:
A lesion in the cerebellum will cause what type of CP?
A resting "pill-rolling" tremor of one hand is a symptom of what?
Parkinson's disease
What Neuromuscular disease can be detected prenatally through amniocentesis for levels of alphafetoprotein and acetylocholinesterase and is due to a neural tube defect?
Spina Bifida
A person is having difficulty with bowel and bladder, gait disturbances and has gait deformities. All are common of what diagnosis?
Tethered Cord Syndrome: occurs when the tail end of the spinal cord is stretched and a result of compression, being trapped with a fatty mass, or a developmental abnormality
A child with enlarged calf, forearm, and thigh muscles that gives the appearance that a child is healthy is actually experiencing the most common form of muscular dystrophy...what is it?
Duchenne's MD: it is inherited, sex-linked and recessive occuring in males; enlargement is due to formation of adipose tissue
What is the phenomenon called when a child has to crawl up his thighs with his hands to stand from a kneeling position known as?
Grower's sign
A motor neuron disease of unknown etiology that is characterized by progressive degeneration of coricospinal tracts adn anterior horn cells or bulbar efferent neurons is known as...
ALS--Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
This disorder may be due to traction during birth, invasion of metastatic cancer, or traction injury, causing mixed motor/sensory disorders of the corresponding limb.
Brachial Plexus Disorder
A pt. is experiencing rapidly progressive form of polyneuropathy with symmetric muscular weakness and mild distal sensory loss/paresthesias..what is his diagnosis?
Guillain-Barre syndrome
A slowly progressive CNS disease characterized by patches of demyelination in the brain and spinal cord?
MS--Multiple Sclerosis
What's more common: phantom limb pain or phantom limb sensation?
Phantom limb SENSATION
A chronic state of recurrent seizures is known as...
What is the most common type of seizure disorder in children where there is a brief warning/aura with numbness, taste, smell, or other sensation?
Tonic-Clonic Seizure/Grand Mal seizures
What seizures are difficult to control, are brief, and inlude a loss of tone?
Myoclonic-akinetic seizure
This type of seizure is characteristic of a child who does not fall down during the seizure, but does not recall any lapse of time or the episode.
Petit Mal or Absence Seizure
Should you allow the individual to sleep or rest after the seizure?
Should you ever guide the child having a seizure to the floor?
Yes, if they are upright it is okay to guide them to the floor.
Why should you turn the child having the seizure on his/her side?
to prevent choking
Should you be alarmed if the child stops breathing momentarily during a seizure?
no, only if the child's breathing actually stops should you begin rescue breathing techniques
With Guillain-Barre Syndrome, weakness is initially more apparent proximal or distal?