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146 Cards in this Set

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What kind of fluid is in the cochlear aqueduct?
perilymphatic fluid
What kind of fluid is in the vestibular aqueduct?
endolymphatic fluid
The vestibular aqueduct transmits endolymph between the ______ and the _____ in the posterior cranial fossa.
membranous labyrinth; endolymphatic sac
What part of the posterior cranial fossa does the sphenoid contribute to?
the clivus
The ____ of the sphenoid articulates with the _____ of the occipital.
body; base
In norma lateralis, the _____ wing of the sphenoid is visible.
In addition to the lesser and greater wings of the sphenoid, there is a third set of wings called the _______.
pterygoid processes
The sphenoid sinuses are in the ____ of the sphenoid.
Two muscles of mastication attach to which wings of the sphenoid?
the pterygoid processes
The flat space between the right and left lesser wings of the sphenoid is called what?
the jugum
The ______ forms the anterior wall of the sella turcica. The _____ forms the posterior wall of the sella turcica.
tuberculum sellae; dorsum sellae
The _____ forms the seat of the sella turcica.
hypophyseal fossa
The groove anterior to the tuberculum sellae is called the _____.
chiasmatic groove
The anterior surface of the sphenoid body has a sharp ridge called the ______, which contributes to the ____ along with ethmoid and Vomer.
sphenoid crest; nasal septum
Where do the three sets of clinoid processes extend from?
Anterior: lesser wing
Middle: tuberculum sellae
Posterior; dorsum sellae
If the ____ and ____ clinoid processes merge, it is possible for them to impede blood flow through the _____.
anterior; posterior; internal carotid
The broad, flat surfaces on the anterior portions of the greater wing of the sphenoid are called what?
the orbital plates of the sphenoid
The inferior extensions of the greater wings are called the ______.
sphenoid spines.
Which important hole is in the sphenoid spines?
foramen spinosum
Which part of the sphenoid descends to just posterior to the molars?
the pterygoid process
The pterygoid fossa is located between which two plates?
lateral and medial pterygoid plates
The _____ pterygoid plate provides surface area for the pterygoid muscles.
lateral (on both its lateral and mesial surfaces)
Hanging down from the medial pterygoid plate is the hook-shaped ______.
pterygoid hamulus
The scaphoid fossa is just posterior to the ____ fossa.
pterygoid fossa
The muscle arising from the scaphoid fossa is called the _____.
tensor veli palatini
When canal of Arnold exists, it carries the ____, which innervates the _____.
lesser petrosal; parotid
The Canal of Arnold, when it exists, is between which two foramen?
foramen spinosum and foramen ovale
The maxillary artery enters the _______ thru the peterygomaxillary fissure.
pterygopalatine fossa
The maxillary nerve (V2) exits foramen rotundum into the _____ fossa.
At the base of the pterygoid process, just anterior to foramen _____, is the start of the ________
lacerum; pterygoid canal
The pterygoid canal emerges into the _________.
pterygopalatine fossa
Together, the mental tubercles and the mental prominence form a triangle shaped _______.
mental trigone
Together, the mental tubercles and the mental prominence form a triangle shaped _______.
mental trigone
The teeth are attached to the _________ of the mandible and maxilla.
alveolar processes
The teeth are attached to the _________ of the mandible and maxilla.
alveolar processes
As we age, the ______ bone of the mandible and maxilla tends to be resorbed by the body.
As we age, the ______ bone of the mandible and maxilla tends to be resorbed by the body.
What line of the mandible is the buccinator attached to?
the external oblique line
What line of the mandible is the buccinator attached to?
the external oblique line
What muscle attaches to the superior mental spines?
What muscle attaches to the superior mental spines?
What muscle attaches to the inferior mental spines?
What muscle attaches to the inferior mental spines?
In the ______, just lateral to the mental spines, you will find a pair of salivary glands.
sublingual fossa
In the ______, just lateral to the mental spines, you will find a pair of salivary glands.
sublingual fossa
The _____ form a muscular diaphragm upon which the tongue rests. They attach to the mandible at the _____.
mylohyoid muscles, mylohyoid line
The _____ form a muscular diaphagm upon which the tongue rests. They attach to the mandible at the _____.
mylohyoid muscles, mylohyoid line
The mylohyoid raphe extends from the _____ to the _____.
mandible; hyoid
The mylohyoid raphe extends from the _____ to the _____.
mandible; hyoid
On the inferior aspect of the chin, bilateral to the midline, which two fossa will you find? What attaches there?
The digastric fossa. The anterior belly of the digastric attaches here.
On the inferior aspect of the chin, bilateral to the midline, which two fossa will you find? What attaches there?
The digastric fossa. The anterior belly of the digastric attaches here.
The coronoid process receives the insertion of _____.
Posterior to the coronoid process is the ____ process
The pit on the medial portion of the neck of the mandibular condylar process is called what?
the pterygoid fovea
The pterygoid fovea receives _____, the only muscle that _____.
lateral pterygoid muscle; depresses the mandible
The ______ branch of CN V3 enters the mandible through the mandibular foramen.
inferior alveolar
The nerve to mylohyoid is a branch of the ________.
inferior alveolar nerve/ CN V3
What are the four bones that contribute to the hard palate?
The left and right maxillary bones and the left and right palatine bones.
The enlargement of the alveolar process immediately posterior to the third molar is called the ______.
maxillary tuberosity
Which bone forms the floor of the orbital cavity?
The orbital plate of the maxilla also forms the roof of the _____.
maxillary sinus
The ________ is a protuberance of bone on the inferior margin of the periform aperture. It is variably developed.
anterior nasal spine
CN V2 exits the skull through _____ and enters the _______ fossa.
foramen rotundum; pterygopalatine
The _____, a bony canal in the oribital plate of the maxillary bone, carries _____, which will leave the maxilla through the _____.
infraorbital canal; the infraorbital NVB; infraorbital foramen
The anterior and posterior ___________ are branches of the CN V2 that innervate some maxillary teeth.
superior alveolar nerves
The incisive foramen transmits the _____, which come from the _____ via the _____.
nasopalatine nerves; nasal septum; incisive canal
The nasoalveolar ____ differs between populations. Its slope can differ significantly.
The _____ plate of the ethmoid contributes to the nasal septum.
The ethmoid air cells are found in the _________.
ethmoid labyrinth
Because it is so thin, the ethmoid orbital plate is also called the ______.
lamina papyracea
Which bone forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum?
What are the articular processes of the zygomatic bone?
Frontal, maxillary, temporal
The size of the zygomatic tubercle relates to the attachment of which muscle?
The masseter.
Which bone forms the major portion of the lateral wall of the orbit?
The lateral/facial curved surface of the zygomatic is also known as what?
The malar surface
What do the small openings of the orbital plate of the zygomatic carry? What are the called?
Zygomatico-orbital foramina. Maxillary divisions of the trigeminal. The zygomatic branch of the CN V2 branches. Some of those branches go through these holes.
Where do the nerves that pass through the zygomatico-orbital foramina exit the skull?
The zygomaticofacial foramen and zygomaticotemporal foramen,
The vertical walls of the palatine bones lie just anterior to what?
The medial pterygoid plates.
Just posterior to the third molar is the maxillary ____.
On the palate between the maxillary process and the pterygoid process is the ______ of the palatine. To id.entify, look for multiple ______
pyramidal; small holes
Way, way back on the floor of the orbit, there is a tiny contribution from the ____.
palatine bone
The anterior nasal spine is a feature of the ___ bone, while the posterior nasal spine is a feature of the ____ bone.
maxillary; palatine
The greater and lesser palatine nerves of CN V2 pass from the _______, through the _____, to the palate.
pterygopalatine fossa; pterygopalatine canal.
Which artery provides the principal blood supply of the nasal cavity?
sphenopalatine artery
Where does the sphenopalatine artery enter the skull? The nasal cavity?
The pterygomaxillary fissure.
Just inferior to the lacrimal sulcus is a hole called the ____.
lacrimal foramen
The lacrimal sulcus houses the ____.
lacrimal sac
Tears drain into what in the nasal cavity?
the inferior nasal meatus
The lacrimal bone contributes slightly to the ___ wall of the nasal cavity.
How many cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae?
C - 7
L- 5
S - 5 (fused)
C- 4 (fused)
What are costal facets?
They're the little flat areas on the anterior portion of the transverse processes and the lateral aspects of the body of the thoracic vertebrae that articulate with the ribs.
What are the shapes of the verterbral bodies of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae?
Lumbar - kidney beans

Thoracic - heart-shaped
Jagged outgrowths/irregular bony growths on the spine are called what?
Where do the spinal nerves exit the spinal column?
intervertebral foramina
The IV discs are fixed to rings of ______ attached to the periphery of the vertebral bodies.
hyaline cartilage
What are the two portions of the intervertebral discs?
The fibrocartilage of the periphery is called anulus fibrosus. The semi-gelatinous portion of the center is called the nucleus pulposus.
What is C1 called? C2? C7?
C1 - atlas
C2 - axis
C7- vertebra prominens
What are the two primary curvatures of the spine?
Posterior convexities of the thoracic and sacral regions.
What two curvatures of the spine are developed after birth (acquired/secondary)?
The anterior convexities of the spine in the cervical and lumbar region.
Instead of a body, the atlas has _______, which are united by _____.
Lateral bodies; anterior and posterior arches
What is the widest vertebra?
What is the prominent superior process of axis called?
the dens, or odontoid process
The body of the axis is missing because it has become what?
The dens of axis.
What are the three atlanto-axial articulations?
- the two lateral atlantoaxial joints
- the median atlantoaxial joint

(the "no" joints)
With a whiplash injury, the ____ ligament may be damaged.
anterior longitudinal
The posterior longitudinal membrane is called the _____.
tectoral membrane
If you cut away the tectoral membrane, which ligament will you be able to see?
the cruciform ligament
The ______ is part of the cruciform ligament. It forms a cuff around the dens, holding it in place.
transverse ligament of the atlas.
The alar ligaments of the axis extend from the ___ to the _____.
dens; occipital condyles
The Adam's apple of the thyroid cartilage is called the ____.
laryngeal prominence
Which branch of the trigeminal contains motor fibers?
Where is the suprameatal crest?
just above the external auditory meatus
Where is the suprameatal triangle?
Posterosuperior to the external auditory meatus.
Which dural venous sinus does the carotid run through?
the cavernous sinus
The position of the vocal folds relative to each other determines the amount of air that will flow through the _______.
rima glottidis
The position of the vocal folds relative to each other determines the amount of air that will flow through the _______.
rima glottidis
The position of the vocal folds relative to each other determines the amount of air that will flow through the _______.
rima glottidis
The position of the vocal folds relative to each other determines the amount of air that will flow through the _______.
rima glottidis
The position of the vocal folds relative to each other determines the amount of air that will flow through the _______.
rima glottidis
The shape of the rima glottidis is altered by movements of the ______ joints.
The shape of the rima glottidis is altered by movements of the ______ joints.
The shape of the rima glottidis is altered by movements of the ______ joints.
The shape of the rima glottidis is altered by movements of the ______ joints.
The shape of the rima glottidis is altered by movements of the ______ joints.
The complete closure of rima glottidis is called "_____".
effort closure
The inferior thoracic aperture of the ribcage is filled by what?
the diaphragm
The complete closure of rima glottidis is called "_____".
effort closure
The complete closure of rima glottidis is called "_____".
effort closure
The complete closure of rima glottidis is called "_____".
effort closure
The complete closure of rima glottidis is called "_____".
effort closure
The inferior thoracic aperture of the ribcage is filled by what?
the diaphragm
The inferior thoracic aperture of the ribcage is filled by what?
the diaphragm
The inferior thoracic aperture of the ribcage is filled by what?
the diaphragm
The inferior thoracic aperture of the ribcage is filled by what?
the diaphragm
What are the three parts of the sternum, top to bottom?
manubrium, body, and xiphoid
What are the three parts of the sternum, top to bottom?
manubrium, body, and xiphoid
What are the three parts of the sternum, top to bottom?
manubrium, body, and xiphoid
What are the three parts of the sternum, top to bottom?
manubrium, body, and xiphoid
What are the three parts of the sternum, top to bottom?
manubrium, body, and xiphoid
The position of the vocal folds relative to each other determines the amount of air that will flow through the _______.
rima glottidis
The shape of the rima glottidis is altered by movements of the ______ joints.
The complete closure of rima glottidis is called "_____".
effort closure
The inferior thoracic aperture of the ribcage is filled by what?
the diaphragm
What are the three parts of the sternum, top to bottom?
manubrium, body, and xiphoid
The head of the rib articulates with what? And when there is a head, there must always be a what?
the vertebrae. a neck
The costal groove of the rib protects what?
the intracostal neurovascular bundle