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169 Cards in this Set

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The skull can be divided into which two parts?
The neurocranium and the viscerocranium.
The roof and sides of the cranial vault are formed through a process known as __________, while the bones of the base are formed through ___________.
intramembranous ossification; endochondrial ossification.
Because the bones of the base of the skull form in a pre-existing cartilage, it is referred to as the _______.
The viscerocranium (also known as the ____________), which forms the skeleton of the face, originally develops from ___________.
splanchnocranium; pharyngeal arches
An aperture or perforation through a bony or membranous structure
a usually broad and shallow depression
fossa (pl. fossae)
an aperture, gap, or fissure
a passage leading from one anatomical space to another
a wall, as of the chest, abdomen, or any hollow organ; the wall of a body cavity
a general term for such dilated spaces as may occur in the cranial dura or certain cranial bones
Latin for branch or twig
relating to the soma or trunk, or the wall of the body cavity
a thin plate of bone
an organ of the digestive, respiratory, urogenital or endocrine system; also the spleen, the heart and blood vessels; any hollow and multilayered walled organ
viscus (pl. viscera)
What are the eight bones of the neurocranium?
frontal (1), parietal (2), occipital (1), temporal (2), sphenoid (1), ethmoid (1)
The supraorbital margins are the _____ borders of each orbit.
The _____________ are the superior borders of each orbit.
supraorbital margins
The ______________ are rounded elevations about 3 cm. above each supraorbital margin.
frontal eminences
The frontal eminences are about _____ above each supraorbital margin. They mark the location of the ______________ of the developing bone.
3cm; primary centers of ossification
The _______________ are the prominent elevations immediately above the medial ends of the supraorbital margins.
supercilliary arches
The supercilliary arches are the prominent elevations immediately above the _____ ends of the ______________.
medial; supraorbital margins
The ________ is a smooth and slightly elevated area of bone between the supercilliary arches.
_________ of the frontal bone are bilateral bony extensions which articulate with the zygomatic bones.
Zygomatic processes
The ______ and ______ mark the attachment of the temporalis fascia and temporalis muscle respectively. These lines also demarcate the superior limit of the temporal fossa.
Superior; inferior temporal lines.
The superior and inferior temporal lines arch _______ from the zygomatic processes.
The superior temporal line marks the attachment of the _________. The inferior temporal line marks the attachment of the ________.
temoral fascia; temporalis muscle
The superior and inferior temporal lines mark the superior limit of the ________.
temporal fossa
Nasion is the midline point at the intersection of the __________ and _________ sutures.
frontonasal; internasal
_______ is the midline point at the intersection of the frontonasal and internasal sutures.
The frontal crest is a vertical feature of the ______ surface of the frontal bone at the midline. It provides attachment for the anterior end of the _________, which is a reflection of _________, and separates the _______ during life.
internal; falx cerebri; dura mater; cerebral hemispheres
The ______ is the attachment point of the falx cerebri to the frontal bone.
frontal crest
The _________ lodges the anterior portion of the superior sagittal sinus.
sagittal sulcus
The superior _______ is a dilated channel between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura.
sagittal sinus
The _______ carries venous blood along the superior margin of the falx cerebri.
sagittal sinus
The ______ form the roof of each orbit.
orbital plates
The orbital plates form the ____ of each orbit.
The lacrimal fossae are _______ depressions on the roofs of the orbits which house the ________ during life.
anterolateral; lacrimal glands
The _______ accommodates the cribriform plate of the ethmoid.
ethmoidal notch
The ethmoidal notch is part of the _____ bone.
The _____ separates the two orbital plates.
ethmoidal notch
The frontal sinuses are usually restricted to the area between the ______ and the ______.
supercilliary arches; anterior cranial fossa
The foramen caecum transmits an _______ from the _______ to the ________.
emissary vein; frontal sinus; superior sagittal sinus
The ______ is found at the midpoint of the frontoethmoidal articulation, inferior to the frontal crest.
foramen caecum
The foramen caecum is found at the midpoint of the ___________, inferior to the ________.
frontoethmoidal articulation, frontal crest
The _________ or ______ is in the medial 1/3 of the supraorbital margin.
supraorbital foramen; notch
The supraorbital foramen transmitts the _________from the ____ to the ______.
supraorbital neurovascular bundle (NVB); orbit; forehead
The parietal bones articulate with one another in the midline along the _____.
sagittal suture
The parietal eminences mark ________.
primary ossification centers
Bregma is the point of intersection of the _____ and _______ sutures and marks the site of the anterior _____ in the neonate.
coronal; sagittal; fontanelle
Lambda is the point of intersection of the _____ and ______ sutures and marks the site of the _______ in the neonate.
lambdoidal; sagittal; posterior fontanelle
The grooves for the middle meningeal vessels show the ______ of the vessels, which supply the _______.
arborization; dura mater
What would happen if the skull was fractured in the vicinity of pterion?
The middle meningeal vessels, which supply the dura mater with blood, might burst, leading to a pressure build up on the brain.
The temporal lines are located on which bones?
mostly frontal and parietal, with the posterior portion on the temporal
The arachnoid foveae are concentrated along the _______ and house the _________.
sagittal sulcus; arachnoid granulations
The arachnoid granulations inside the arachnoid _____ intrude into the ___ table of compact bone. They are involved in filtering ____, which fills the _______ space
foveae; inner; CSF; subarachnoid
The parietal ______ are located adjacent to the sagittal suture. They transmit ______ between the scalp and superior sagittal sinus.
foramina; emissary veins
The occipital squama rises posterior and superior to the _______.
foramen magnum
The inion is also know as what? What two things is it roughly midway between?
External occipital protuberance. Lambda and foramen magnum.
The superior nuchal lines divide the occipital squama into two portions called what?
The occipital planum and the nuchal planum.
The superior nuchal lines mark the origin of what two muscles? They also mark the insertion of which muscles?
Origin: trapezius and occipitalis

Insertion: sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis
The median nuchal line is a crest that descends from what to what?
from the external occipital protuberance to foramen magnum
The median nuchal line marks the attachment of what?
the nuchal ligament
What does the nuchal ligament do?
Limits flexion of the head and spine and provides an area for attachment of muscles.
The inferior nuchal lines extend bilaterally from the midpoint of what?
the median nuchal line.
The inferior nuchal lines mark the insertion of which two small muscles?
rectus capitis posterior (major and minor)
The internal occipital protuberance lies at the center of the _________.
cruciform eminence
The cruciform eminences divides the _______ superiorly from the _____ below.
cerebral fossae; cerebellar fossae
In the occipital bone, the sagittal sinus runs from ____ to _____.
lambda; the cruciform eminence
The internal occipital crest is the ____ arm of the cruciform eminence. It attaches the ______.
inferior; falx cerebri
The internal occiptal crest features a variably developed sulcus for the _______, which descends toward _______.
occipital sinus; foramen magnum
The _____ sulci extend bilaterally from the internal occipital protuberance.
The transveres sulci house the _____. The one on the _____ is usually, but not necessarily, larger and communicates with the _____.
transverse sinuses; right; sagittal sinus
The depression for the confluence of sinuses is at the intersection of which sinuses?
superior sagittal, transverse, occipital, and straight (rectus) venous sinuses
The ______ part of the occipital bone is the thick, square projection anterior to foramen magnum.
The ______ is about 1cm anterior to foramen magnum on the interior surface of the ____ of the occiptal bone.
pharyngeal tubercle; basilar part
The pharyngeal tubercle marks the site of attachment of the fibrous ______.
pharyngeal raphe
The inferior petrosal sulci house the _______ and are found on the ______ margins of _______ internally.
inferior petrosal sinuses; anterolateral; foramen magnum
The _____ is a long, steep slope that descends from sella turcica to foramen magnum
The clivus is a long, steep slope descending from _____ to _____.
sella turcica; foramen magnum
The lateral (condylar parts) of the ______ are located lateral to _____ and articulate with the ______.
occipital bone; foramen magnum; temporal bones
The __________ articulate with the first cervical vertebra (the atlas), to form the atlanto-occipital joints (the ___ joints).
occipital condyles; yes
The _______ are called the "yes" joints. They are between which bones?
atlanto-occipital. Between atlas (the first cervical vertebra), and the occipital condyles of the lateral part of the occipital bone.
The ________ are located just posterior to the occipital condyles and accommodate the superior articular facets of ______ when the head is bent backwards.
condylar fossae; the atlas
The condylar fossae are sometimes perforated by the ______, each of which transmits an ______.
condylar canals; emissary vein
The hypoglossal canal transmits the ___________. It is _______ oriented in the ____ part of the base of each _______.
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII); transversely (coronally); anterior; condyle
The ______ of the occipital bone along with the ______ of the temporal bone, contribute to the formation of the jugular foramina.
jugular notches; jugular fossa
The jugular notches are located on the ______ margin of the ______ of the _____ bone.
anterolateral; condyles; occipital
The jugular foramen transmits which three cranial nerves?
glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and accessory (XI)
The _____ occupies the jugular fossa.
jugular bulb
Foramen magnum transmits the spinal cord descending from the ______ and its surrounding _____; vertebral arteries; vertebral venous _____; meningeal branches of upper cervical spinal _____ and the spinal roots of the _______.
medulla oblongata; meninges; plexus; nerves; Accessory nerves (CN XI)
The zygomatic process of the temporal bone extends ______ to articulate with the ______ and form the _______.
anterior; zygomatic bone; zygomatic arch
The articular tubercle is at the root of the _______ of the temporal bone. It is an _____ projecting convexity.
zygomatic process; inferiorly
The posterior surface of the articular tubercle is called the ______.
articular eminence
The articular eminence forms the _____ portion of the __________ articular surface.
anterior; tempromandibular
The articular tubercle provides attachment for the ______.
tempromandibular ligament
Which portion of the temporal lines lie on the temporal bones?
The posteroinferior ends (continuous with parietal portions)
The _____, which lies ______ to the articular eminence, forms the majority of the tempromandibular articular surface.
mandibular fossa; posterosuperior
The mandibular fossa is a _____ oriented concavity. It is split by a groove known as ______.
coronally; the petrotympanic fissure
The mandibular fossa is split by the petrotympanic fissure. The anterior portion receives the ________ and the ______. The posterior portion is nonarticular and lodges a small portion of the ________.
mandibular condyle; intervening articular disc (meniscus); parotid gland
The posterior portion of the mandibular fossa is bound by the _______ portion of the temporal bone.
The tympanic portion of the ______ is located just anterior to the ____ and just below the _____.
temporal bone; mastoid process; squama
The external auditory meatus is the ____ part of the external ear. It extends about _____ anteromedially before reaching the ______.
bony; 2.5cm; tympanic membrane
The styloid process is part of the ____ portion of the temporal bone. It extends ________ from the inferior surface of this bone.
tympanic; anteroinferiorly
The styloid process provides surface area for the origin of which three muscles and which two ligaments?
Stylohyoid, styloglossus, and stylopharyngeus muscles. Stylohyoid and stylomandibular ligaments.
The ________ is a large, rounded, downward projection which, despite its superficial robusticity, is in fact _______.
mastoid process; pneumatized
The air-filled voids of the mastoid process are posterior to and continuous with the ______.
middle ear cavity
The mandibular fossa is also known as the ______.
glenoid fossa
The mastoid notch is also known as the _______.
digastric notch
The ______ is a deep groove on the medial aspect of the mastoid process. It marks the origin of the posterior belly of the ________.
mastoid notch; digastric muscle
The mastoid notch is a deep groove on the ____ aspect of the mastoid process. It marks the ____ of the ______ of the digastric muscle
medial; origin; posterior belly
The occipital groove is on the ____ portion of the temporal bone. It is just ____ to the mastoid notch.
mastoid; medial
The occipital groove of the mastoid lodges the _______, a branch of the ___________ which provides blood to the _______.
occipital artery; external carotid artery; posterior scalp
What are the four portions of the temporal bone?
Squama, tympanic, mastoid, and petrous.
The ______ of the temporal bone is a pryamidal wedge of extremely ____ compact bone.
petrous portion; dense
The apex of the petrous portion is driven anteromedially between the _____ and _____ bones.
sphenoid; occipital
The ____ portion of the temporal bone contributes extensively to the formation of the cranial base.
The ____ portion of the temporal bone contributes extensively to the formation of the cranial base.
The auditory ossicles are contained within the ____ temporal bone, as are the organs of ____ and ____.
petrous; hearing; balance
The ____ portion of the temporal bone contributes extensively to the formation of the cranial base.
The auditory ossicles are contained within the ____ temporal bone, as are the organs of ____ and ____.
petrous; hearing; balance
The __________ is a dural partition separating the occipital lobes from the cerebellar hemispheres.
tentorium cerebelli
The tentorium cerebelli is a dural partition separating the _____ from the _____.
occipital lobes; cerebellar hemispheres
The hypoglossal canal transmits which artery?
meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery
The trigeminal ganglion gives rise to three divisions of the nerve in the ____ cranial fossa.
Name the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve and the holes they pass through.
V1: opthalmic division: superior orbital fissure

V2: maxillary division: foramen rotundum

V3: mandibular division: foramen ovale
CN V provides sensory innervation to...
periodontal tissues, teeth, mucosa of anterior 2/3 of tongue, palatal mucosa, lips, cheeks, nasal and paranasal mucosa.
Cranial nerve _____ innervates the muscles of mastication.
V3 (the mandibular division of the trigeminal)
V1 traverses the ______ to enter the orbit.
superior orbital fissure
V2 traverses the _________ to enter the _______.
foramen rotundum; pterygopalatine fossa
V3 traverses the ______ to enter the _______.
foramen ovale; infratemporal fossa
CN VII courses through the ______ within the _____ portion of the temporal bone.
facial canal (remember VII is the facial nerve); petrous
CN VII enters the facial canal through the ___.
internal acoustic meatus
The ____ of the facial nerve exits the skull through the _______.
trunk; stylomastoid foramen
CN VIII is called the _____ nerve. Conveys information regarding ______ and ______.
vestibulocochlear; sound; equilibrium
CN IX (______) mediates sensation from the walls of the _____, including sensation from the mucosa of _____.
glossopharyngeal; oropharynx; posterior 1/3 of tongue
In the head and neck CN X primarily innervates musculature of the ___ and ____.
pharynx; larynx
CN X innervates autonomically in the thorax and abdomen through three plexuses. Name them. Remaining fibers enter the abdomen via the what?
cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal plexuses. Via the vagal trunks.
CN XI innervates which two muscles?
trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
CN XII (____) innervates most of the ______ and all of the ____ of the tongue.
hypoglossal; extrinsic muscles; intrinsic muscles
The _____ receives the ____ and the ____ to form the TMJ.
mandibular fossa; mandibular condyle; articular disc
The part just above the EAM of the temporal is called the _____.
suprameatal crest
The _____ is a shallow depression at the medial end of the petrous crest. It houses the _______.
trigeminal impression; sensory ganglion of CN V.
The sensory ganglion of CN V is surrounded by a dural outpouching known as ______.
Meckel's Cave
The _______ is a prominence on the lateral aspect of the anterior portion of the petrous tympanic bone. It indicates the position of the ______.
arcuate eminence; superior semi-circular canal
The carotid canal runs through the ____ temporal bone. It transmits not only the internal carotid, but also _____. Together, these are the ______.
petrous; postganglionic sympathic fibers; carotid plexus
What goes through foramen lacerum? What runs over it?
A branch of the pharyngeal artery and and a nerve of the pterygoid canal go through it. The internal carotid goes OVER it. It's mostly filled with fibrocartilage.
Which branch of CN VII exits the petrous temporal through its "hiatus"?
The greater petrosal nerve
Just before exiting the facial canal, CN VII gives rise to the ______.
chorda tympani
Chorda tympani exits the skull through the _________ at the medial end of the ______.
iter chordae anterius; petrotympanic fissure
There are two small holes near the jugular fossa. They transmit some branches of some nerves. What are they called? What branches of what nerves?
tympanic canaliculus - transmits tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal (IX) to middle ear

mastoid canaliculus: the auricular branch of the vagus
Describe the path of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. What is unique about this branch?
It enters the temporal bone through the mastoid canaliculus. It exits through the tympanomastoid fissure. It is the only cutaneous branch of the vagus, with an important distribution to the external auditory canal
The opening to what important tube is located on the inferior aspect of the petrous temporal?
The ossea tubae auditivae is the opening of the bony portion of the Eustachean tube.
The Eustachean tube communicates between the _____ laterally and the ______ medially.
tympanic cavity; nasopharynx
The Eustachean tube is ____ laterally and _____ medially.
bony; cartilaginous
The organic component of bone is mostly _____. The inorganic component is mostly ____.
collagen; hydroxyapatite
Mature bone has two forms. Name them.
Cancellous (spongy), and and cortical (compact)
The ___ cavity of long bones is filled with marrow.
The tough, vascularized membrane covering most bones is called the _____.
In the flat bones of the skull, the inner and outer tables surround the spongy ____.
During intramembranous osteogenesis, bone forms directly in the ______.
The joints of the flat bones of the skull are called ____.
How many bones in the skull (not counting ossicles)?
The neurocranium can be divided into which two parts?
The calvaria and the basicranium (or chondrocranium)
_____ is the area where the occipital, parietal, and temporal bones meet up.
What bones make up the orbits?
frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, zygomatic, lacrimal, maxilla, and palatine
What are the four pairs of paranasal sinuses?
ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, and maxillary
Where do the three branches of the trigeminal exit the skull?
V1: supraorbital foramen
V2: infraorbital foramen
V3: mental foramen
The part of the ethmoid in the middle of the cribriform plate is called ______.
crista galli
What hole is in between crista galli and the frontal crest?
foramen caecum