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59 Cards in this Set

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Chest X-ray
1. View
2. How/What to Analyze
1. PA & lateral
2. top to bottom, in to out
Chest X-ray
1. # of ribs
2. Trachea location
3. Mediastinum width
4. Heart
5. Lungs
6. Diaphragm
7. bones
8. Pleura
1. 8-10 ribs
2. trachea midline
3. wide if >8cm @ aortic arch
4. Heart: border, curvature of aorta, width = 1/2 of rib cage
5. lungs: hilar/pulm vessels
6. sharp/clear costophrenic angles
7. bones intact
8. pleura to chest wall
What is a silhouette sign
*obscured heart border (RML or L lingua)

(lateral view RML consolidation on top of heart, RLL on bottom of heart)
What do blunted costophrenic angles mean on an CXR?
*pleural effusion
What does it mean if lung markings are lost on one side in a CXR?
What does a mediastinal shift imply on a CXR?
Tension pneumothorax
What does it indicate if the diaphragm is elevated on one side on a CXR?
Atelectasis (collapse/incomplete expansion)
Acid-Base Chemistry
1. normal pH
2. pCO2
3. HCO3
4. pO2
1. 7.35-7.45
2. 35-45
3. 22-26
4. 72-104
Define the following:
1. FVC (forced vital capacity)
2. FEV1
3. TLC
1. max inhale --> max exhale
2. air forced exhale in 1 second
(NOTE: FEV1/FVC >80%)
3. amount of air in lungs after max inspiration
What would the following be in Obstructive Lung Disease:
1. FEV1
2. VC
4. TLC
1. decreased FEV1
2. nl or decreased VC
3. decreased ratio
4. nl or increased TLC
What would the following show if Restrictive Lung Dz?
1. FEV1
2. VC
3. FEV1/VC ratio
4. TLC
1. nl or decreased FEV1
2. decreased VC
3. nl or increased ratio
4. decreased TLC
1. Describe
2. Sx
1. irreversible, obstructive dz (chronic bronchitis, empysema, asthma)
2. cough (+/- productive), progressive, sputum production (>3mo for 2yrs), dyspnea
1. Dx
*Spirometry (decreased FEV1/VC)
*XR: flat diaphragm, retro-sternal air
*PExam: barrel chest (changes in AP diameter), hyperresonant (air trapping)
General Tx guidelines for COPD
*STOP smoking!
*don't use mucolytics, anti-tussive, Abx
Tx for Mild (>80%) COPD
*decrease RFs
*Immunize (flu/pneuomoccal)
*SABA (albuterol or Ipratropium) prn
Doses for SABA for COPD
*albuterol (Proventil) 2 puffs q2-6hrs prn [SABA]
*Iptratropium (Atrovent) 2 puffs QID [anticholinergic]
Tx for Moderate (50-80%) COPD
*immunize, SABA prn AND
*LABA (salmeterol, tiotropium)
Doses for long acting inhalers for COPD
*Salmeterol (seravent) 1 puff BID [LABA]
*Tiotropium (Spiriva) 1 capsule (18mcg) inhaled qd [Anticholinergic]
Tx for Severe (30-50%) COPD
*immunize, SABA, LABA +
*ICS (Fluiticasone)
Doses for ICS for COPD
*Fluticasone (Flovent) 2 puffs BID [44, 110, 220]
Tx of very severe (<30% or >30% w/ chronic respiratory failure) COPD
*O2 replace w/ respiratory failure
Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis
1. describe
2. MCC
3. Sx
1. flare w/ existing chronic bronchitis
2. MCC = viral (20-50%), S. pneumo, H. flu, M. cat
3. Increased DOE, viscosity of sputum, increased volume
Tx of AECB
*don't smoke
*postural drainage
*Severe: increase dose/freq SABA, add anticholinergic, PO CS
-mild-mod: Amox, doxy, TMP/SMX
-severe: Augmentin, azithro, resp FQs
1. Define
2. Sx
3. Dx
1. reversible inflammation of airway
2. accessory muscle use, tachycardia/tachypnea, wheeze, prolonged expiration
3. Spirometry >12%, >200ml change in FEV1
Intermittent Asthma
1. Sx
2. Nighttime sx
3. SABA use
4. Activity impariment
5. FEV1
6. Tx Step
1. <2x/wk
2. <2x/mo
3. <2x/wk
4. None
5. >80%
6. Step 1
Mild Persistent Asthma
1. Sx
2. Nighttime sx
3. SABA use
4. Activity impariment
5. FEV1
6. Tx Step
1. >2x/wk
2. 3-4x/mo
3. >2x/wk
4. minor
5 >80%
6. step 2
Moderate Persistant Asthma
1. Sx
2. Nighttime sx
3. SABA use
4. Activity impariment
5. FEV1
6. Tx Step
1. daily
2. >1x/wk
3. daily
4. some
5. 60-80%
6. step 3 or 4
Severe Persistent Asthma
1. Sx
2. Nighttime sx
3. SABA use
4. Activity impariment
5. FEV1
6. Tx Step
1. throughout day
2. >7x/wk
3. several times/day
4. extreme
5. <60%
6. step 5 or 6
Stepwise Tx for Asthma:
1. step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3
4. Step 4
5. Step 5
6. Step 6
1. SABA prn
2. low dose ICS
3. low dose ICS + LABA
4. med dose ICS + LABA
5. high dose ICS + LABA
6. high dose ICS + LABA + PO CS
(Prednisone (Sterapred) 5-60mg QD)
What asthma meds are used to both prevent and tx sx?
When should you follow up for asthma?
*F/U q2-6wks until controlled
*after control = q3-6mo

**Have Written Asthma Action Plan on file
1. Seasonal occurrence
2. Transmission
3. Incubation
1. Fall/Winter
2. spread via large aerosol droplets
3. incubation 1-2d, virus shed 1wk
1. Onset
2. Sx
3. improves
1. abrupt onset of F, HA, myalgia, malaise
2. F, non-productive cough, myalgia, ST, rhinitis
3. gradual improvement w/in 2-5d, post-influenza fatigue for few wks
1. Dx
*Clinical: U/L RTI, signs of systemic infxn + no other cause
*Rapid antigen test (nasopharyngeal swab)
*Viral culture = gold std

-r/o strep & sepsis
Who to tx for influenza
*high risk & <48 hrs
*close contact of high risk
*>48hrs + persistent severe illness
*Pg 3rd tri or 2nd tri w/ comorbidities
General tx for Influenza
*rest, increase fluids, saline nasal drops, hand washing, OTC analgesics, cold/cough remedies
Pharm Tx for Influenza
*Zanamivir (type A/B): don't use in bronchospasm pt
*Oseltamivir (A/B)= tamaflu
*Amantadine/Rimantidine (A)
*prevent w/ vaccine
1. Describe
2. Risks
1. reportable, highly contagious bacterial infxn
2. <12mo, not immune, immunodeficient, school age
Name & describe the 3 stages of pertussis
1. Initial/catarrhal = rhinorrhea, F, dry cough (7d), URI worsens
2. Paroxysmal: longer coughing fits --> whooping sound, posttussive emesis ((1-6wks)
3. Convalescent: decrease cough, return to nl (2-3wks)
1. Dx
2. Tx
1. Nasopharyngeal swab + culture, leukocytosis + lymphocytosis
*clinical: cough >2wks + sx of stage 2
2. Macrolide: erythromycin
*immunize DTap (kids), Tdap (single booster >5yo)
Acute Bronchitis
1. Seasonal occurrence
2. MCC
3. Sx
1. Fall/spring
2. MCC = viral, atypical = bacterial (M. pneumo, B pertussis, S pneumo, C. pneumo)
3. productive cough, purulent sputum, F, myalgia, SOB, +/- rhinorrhea
Acute Bronchitis
1. Dx
2. Tx
1. PExam: usu remarkable, dx = exclusion
2. No Abx, avoid OTC meds (dry out), symptomatic tx (rest, fluids, anti-pyretics)

*If F/resp sx > 4-6d think bacterial cause & Abx
1. Describe
2. Source of Infxn
1. MC infectious COD
2. aspirate oropharyngeal contents, inhale aerosolized particles, seed in blood, extra-pulmonary infxn
Causes of CAP
1. Typical
2. Atypical (MC young adults)
1. S. pneumo, H. flu, virus
2. M. pneumo, Legionella, Chlamydia pneumo
Sx of CAP
1. Typical
2. Walking
1. S. peumo --> rust colored sputum, rapid onset, CXR consolidation, increase WBC, F, productive cough, SOB, fatigue
2. M. pneumo --> non-productive cough, F, slow course
PExam of CAP
*abnl (tachypnea, cyanosis, egophany (e-->a), increased tactile fremitus, rales/crackles, dull to percuss
*CXR = consolidation
-if negative & suspicious --> CT
*sputum gram stain & cx
Tx of CAP
*healthy & no Abx in 3mo = Macrolide or doxycycline
*comorbidities/recent Abx/Abx resistance = Resp FQ or Macrolide + Beta-lactam inhibitor
Tactile Fremitus, Auscultation, and percussion for:
1. Pneumonia
2. Pneumothorax
3. Effusion
1. increased tactile fremitus, rales/crackles, dull to percuss
2. decreased tactile fremitus, decreased/no sounds, tympanic percussion
3. decreased tactile fremitus, decreased/no sounds, dull to percuss

*Note: nl auscultate = vesicular, nl percuss = resonant
1. Describe
2. Sx
3. Dx
4. Tx
1. collapsed lung, spontaneous (young/tall/thin/M), traumatic
2. SOB, unilateral CP
3. CXR = unilateral lucency (black), tracheal deviation (tension)
4. small = observe, lg = chest tube, tension = surgical emergency
Pleural Effusion
1. Describe
2. Dx
1. fluid b/t viscera & parietal pleura
2. CXR = blunted costophrenic angles
3. PEXam: decreased tactile fremitus, no/dec breath sounds, dull to percuss
1. Sx
2. Dx
3. Tx
1. stabbing CP, follows virus
2. dx of exclusion
3. tx = NSAIDS
1. nl PPD/TST
2. dx
1 nl pt = 15mm
2. AFB smear & sputum cx
Pulmonary Embolism
1. Risk
2. sx
1. Virchow's triad (hypercoagulable, stasis, intimal injury)
2. SOB, CP, tachy, hemoptysis, HoTN, cough
Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
1. Dx
2. Tx
1. gold std = pulmonary angiogram, CT, D-dimer, V-Q scan, EKG = S1Q3T3 pattern
2. admit, O2, supportive care, heparin + warfarin x 3mo
Lung CA
1. Types
2. Sx
3. Dx
4. Tx
1. non-small cell CA, small cell CA (more aggressive, central location, usu mets on dx)
2. cough (MC), hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheeze
3. CXR, bx= stage
4. chemo/rads, advanced = palliative
Smoking Cessation
1. 5 A's
*ask, advice, assess, assist, arrange
Smoking Cessation Tx
1. Behavioral
2. Replacement
1. supoort groups, QUIT plan
2. patch, gum, nasal spray, inhaler, lozenge
Pharm Tx for Smoking Cessation
1. Buproprion (Zyban), DA/NE reuptake inhibitor 150mg PO BID x 7-12wks (quit day 7), can combine w/ NRT, CI: sz, eating ds, MAOI
2. Varenicline (Chantix), AcH receptor agonist, 1mg BID, no combo w/ NRT, AE: increase SI/nightmares, ban w/ FAA traffic