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20 Cards in this Set

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i. Stenosing tennoysynovitis of abductor pollicus longus and extensor pollicus brevis tendon at styloid process of radius.
ii. Inflammation causes thickening and stenosis of synovial sheath of first compartment of the extensor retinaculum.
DeQuervain's disease
test for stenosing tensoynovitis
finkelsteins test

( used for dequerveins disease)
i. Stenosing tenosynovitis of flexor tendon's of finger
ii. Most common middle digit

Inflammation and nodular enlargement of tendons
trigger finger
1. Occur at joints or tendons with sleeves
2. A synovial hernia
ganglionic cyst of wrist

can occur other places
4. Tissue at synovium (capsule, sheath, etc.) gets weak and "blows out"
5. If "communicating" - fills with synovium
6. Benign unless painful
7. May self resolve, be drained, surgically excision, adjust adjacent joints (to restore biomechanics)
8. May recur

orthopedic test Allen's for vascular of radial artery
ganglionic cyst
i. Chief complaint is weakness in the hand
ii. Also paresthesia
iii. Associated with pregnancy because fluid accumulation
iv. Test with Tinel's and Phalen's tests
carpal tunnel syndrom
i. Idiopathic, repetitive trauma
ii. Thickening of aponeurosis results in flexion deformities.
iii. problems with extension
painful nodules can occur

v. Most common 4th and 5th digits

vii. Dimpling and puckering of skin
viii. Paraffin/deep heat, then tear adhesions out (like frozen shoulder
Dupuytren's Contracture
Peripheral Innervation of wrist/hand
nerve covers middle and distal surface on palmar surface of 1st, 2nd, 3rd distal digits, and half of fourth distal digit, on dorsal surface distal thumb in anatomical snuffbox
claw hand deformity
loss of ulnar nerve or impingement also median=all 5 fingers in flexion
Kienböck’s Disease
Lunate sclerosis

Pain on dorsiflexion of wrist, especially the middle finger
Weak grip strength
Lunate sclerosis
Lytic changes in reabsorptive phase
Significant change in functioning of wrist
Young adults - 15 to 40 years olds
Ischemic event
i. Can resemble TOS
ii. In true ulnar neuropathy it tends not to refer up the arm because distribution more distal
iii. Compression could be in Tunnel of Guyon, by pisiform and hamate
ulnar nerve compression
buouchard's nodes
associated with Rhematoid arthritis
proximal interphalageal joint is hyperextended and distal part if flexed
swan neck deformity

seen in RA
volkmann's ischemic contracture
due to brachial artery being impaled
Limitation of abduction due to shortened and contracted adductor muscles of hip
congential hip dislocation
tests for hip dislocation
e. Allis' or Galeazzi’s Sign- knees bent, knee on affected side lower than other knee
f. Telescoping or pistoning - moves beyond acetabulum
g. Trendelenburg's Sign - hip drops on opposite side
test for baby and hip dislocation
i. Ortolani’s (reduction) Test
i. Performed on babies
ii. Hip is flexed and abducted
iii. Doctor pushes from behind femur - hear a "Clunk"
iv. Decreases dislocation
j. Barlow's (dislocation) Test
i. Performed on babies
ii. Flex hips and adducted
iii. Doctor will push posteriorly
iv. It should NOT go
v. If it dislocates, it is associated with instability of the joint
vi. Increases dislocation
vii. No pain, no stress in joints in babies
viii. As child grows, leg shortens
Treatment Positions for babies with hip dislocation
a. Triple diapers - one disposable diaper under two cloth diapers
b. von Rosen splint - worn almost 23 hours per day, duration of treatment related to age (treatment time is 2 times the age of child)
c. Pavlik harness - forces flexion and abduction
harness adjustment zones for hip dislocation
4. Safe Zone of Ramsey
a. Where we want femur to come into acetabulum
5. Zone of Redislocation
a. Femur is adducted too much
6. Maximal Abduction
a. Can cut off blood flow to femur
a. Defined as idiopathic avascular necrosis of the epiphysis f the femoral head (capital femoral epiphysis)
1. Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease