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9 Cards in this Set

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Bleeding into a joint space or cavity or the disruption of synovial lining


An injury to the ligaments surrounding a joint usually caused by a wrenching or twisting motion often ankle wrist and knee joints.

first- only a few fibers

second-° -partial disruption of involve tissue

3rd° -complete tearing of a ligament

Impingement syndrome

Entrapment of soft tissues and nerves under Coracoaromial arch of shoulder.

Rotator cuff tear

Tear within muscles, tendons, and ligaments around shoulder.

Shin splints

Inflammation of periosteal bone (Periostitis) A long anterior calf caused by improper shoes overuse or running on hard pavement.


Inflammation of the tendon as a result of overuse or incorrect use.

Ligament injury

Tearing or stretching of the ligament. Usually occurs as a result of inversion, a version, sharing, or torque applied to a joint. Characterized by sudden pain, swelling, and instability.

Meniscus injury

Injury to fibrocartilage discs in knee characterized by popping clicking tearing sensation effusion and/or swelling.

Anterior cruciate ligament tear

Tearing of ligament by deceleration forces within pivoting or odd positions of the knee or leg.