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48 Cards in this Set

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Torn rotator cuff/Impingement tests

-Empty can

-Full can

-Drop Arm

Impingement tests

-Neer test

-Painful arc

Torn labrum/Instability tests

-Yergason's test

-Apprehension test

-Clunk test

-Sulcus sign

Adhesive capsulitis/OA tests

-Shrug sign

Unlar nerve entrapment tests

-Tinel's sign

Elbow instability tests

-Varus stress test

-Valgus stress test

Biceps tear tests

-Biceps squeeze test

Lateral/medial epicondylitis tests

-Cozen's test

-Resisted tennis elbow test

Thumb tenosynivitis tests

-Finkelstein's test

Carpal tunnel syndrome test

-Phalen's test

-Percussion test

Empty can test

-rotator cuff tear

-all stages of impingment syndrome from bursitis through a rotator cuff tear

Performing an empty can test

-pt elevates arms to 90 deg.

-adducts 30 deg. (scapular plane)

-thumbs pointed down

-examiner provides downward resistance on pt's arms

-a positive test is weakness, pain, or both

Full can test

-supraspinatus tear

Performing a full can test

- pt elevates arms to 90 deg. with thumbs pointed up (arms straight out to side)

-examiner provides downward resistance to arms

-a positive test is weakness, pain, or both

Drop arm test

-supraspinatus tear

-subacromial impingement

Performing a drop arm test

-pt is standing with examiner to side

-examiner passively abducts pt's shoulder to 90 deg.

-examiner releases arm and instructs pt to slowly lower arm

-a positive test is the inability of the pt to lower the arm

Neer test

-subacromial impingement

-subacromial bursitis (SAB)

-rotator cuff tear

-superior labral tear

Performing a neer test

-pt is seated with examiner standing to side

-the examiner raises the pt's arm into flexion while stabilizing the scapula

-the examiner applies forced flexion toward end-range

-a positive test if concordant shoulder pain is present

Painful arc test

-all stages of subacromial impingement

-can also be used to test for an AC joint disorder

Performing a painful arc test

-pt is standing facing examiner

-pt instructed to abduct shoulder

-a positive test is pain in the 60-120 deg. range

-pain outside of this range is a negative test

-pain that increases in severity as the arm reaches 180 deg. is indicative of an AC joint disorder

Yergason's test

-subacromial impingement

-SLAP lesion

-any labral lesion

-long head of the biceps pathology

performing a yergason's test

-pt sitting or standing

-pt's elbow is flexed to 90 deg. and forearm is pronated with upper arm at the side

-pt instructed to supinate (and ER) while examiner concurrently resists

-a positive test if there is concordant pain to the bicipital groove

Apprehension test

-anterior instability

-all instabilities of the GH joint

-labral tear

-SLAP lesion

Performing an apprehension test

-pt is standing or supine

-examiner is either behind or to the side

-examiner maximally ER the humerus with shoulder in 90 deg. of abduction

-forward pressure is then applied to the posterior aspect of the humeral head

-a positive test is apprehension or pain

Clunk test

-labral tear

-superior labral tear

Performing a clunk test

-pt is supine

-examiner hold the posterior humeral head with one hand and the medial distal humerus with the other

-examiner abducts the pt's shoulder to end-range

-a posterior to anterior force is applied the the posterior humeral head and ER

-a positive test is indicated by a "cluck" or a grinding

Sulcus sign

-inferior laxity

-superior labral tear

Performing a sulcus sign

-pt sitting

-examiner grasps the elbow and pulls downward

Shrug sign


-adhesive capsulitis

Performing a shrug sign

-pt is asked to raise the arm (flexion or abduction)

-a positive test is when the pt shrugs with the movement

Tinel's sign

-cubital tunnel syndrome

Performing a tinel's sign

-examiner applies 4-6 taps to pt's ulnar nerve just proximal to the cubital tunnel

-a positive test is the reproduction of symptoms along the ulnar nerve

Varus stress test

-integrity of the lateral collateral complex

Performing a varus stress test

-pt seated or standing with elbow fully extended

-examiner holds the pt's elbow and the wrist

-an adduction (varus) force applied while palpating the lateral colleteral ligament of the elbow

-pt's elbow is flexed 20-30 deg. and force is applied again

-a positive test is reproduction of distraction pain laterally and compression pain medially at the joint line and laxity with stress

Valgus stress test

-elbow instability

Performing a valgus stress test

-pt seated or standing with elbow fully extended

-examiner holds the pt's elbow and the wrist

-an abduction (valgus) force applied while palpating the medial colleteral ligament of the elbow

-pt's elbow is flexed 20-30 deg. and force is applied again

-a positive test is reproduction of distraction pain medially and compression pain laterally at the joint line and laxity with stress

Biceps squeeze test

-distal biceps tendon rupture

Performing a biceps squeeze test

-pt is seated with forearm resting comfortable in lap

-elbow flexed approx. 60-80 deg. and forearm in slight pronation

-examiner squeezed the biceps firmly with one hand at the distal myotendinous junction and other around the muscle belly

-a positive test is lack of forearm supination

Cozen's test

-lateral or medial epicondylitis

Performing a cozen's test

-pt sitting or standing

-examiner palpates the lateral epicondyle with thumb

-pt makes a fist with forearm pronated and radially deviated

-pt extends wrist against a force applied by examiner (flexed for medial epicondylitis)

-a positive test is a reproduction of pain along the lateral epicondyle (medial for medial epicondylitis)

Resisted tennis elbow test

-lateral epicondylitis

Performing a resisted tennis elbow test

-pt is seated

-pt extends 3rd digit (middle finger) against resistance applied by examiner

-a positive test is a reproduction of pain along the lateral epicondyle

Finkelstein's test

-thumb tenosynitivits

Performing Finkelstein's test

-pt makes a fist with thumb inside fingers

-examiner stabilizes the forearm and performs ulnar deviation

-a positive test is indicated by pain over the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis tendons at the wrist

Phalen's test

-carpal tunnel syndrome

Performing Phalen's test

-reverse prayer

-hold for 1 minute

-a positive test is the reproduction of symptoms along the distribution of the median nerve

Percussion test

-carpal tunnel syndrome

Performing percussion test

-pt's wrist is placed in neutral

-examiner taps on the median nerve when it enters the carpal tunnel

-a positive test reproduces symptoms of paresthesia along the median nerve distribution