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78 Cards in this Set

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Knee joint
tibio-femoral joint
patello-femoral joint

Synovium excludes cruciate ligaments = extracapsular ligaments
Loose Packed position
-ROM where joint is under the least amount of stress
-joint capsule has greatest capacity
-minimal congruence
-ligaments lax
-passive separation of joint surface is greatest
Closed Packed Position
-Maximum tension
-fully congruent joint surfaces
-tightly compressed
-ligaments are maximally tight
-position of maximal joint stability
Capsular Pattern
pattern of limitation or restriction by a joint with capsule pathology

Knee menisci movement
move with the tibia during flexion and extension, and with the femur during rotation
Medial meniscus
-more C-shaped
-loosely attached by coronary ligament
-attached to the medial collateral ligament (MCL)
Lateral meniscus
-more O-shaped
-more mobile because it doesn't attach to LCL or the capsule
-arcuate ligament and lateral meniscus are both attached to the popliteus muscle
Anterior cruciate ligament
-posterio-lateral part of femur to anterio-medial part of tibia
-resist anterior translation of the tibia
-most common injured knee ligament
-torn by dislocation, torsion, or hyperextension
posterior cruciate ligament
-connects posterior intercondylar area of tibia to medial condyle of femur
-resist posterior translation of the tibia
-common injury: "dashboard injury"
Patella position
normal: squarely against the anterior femur
Lower posture: patella baja
Higher posture: patella alta (less efficient in exerting concentric contractions
Screw home mechanism
knee glides more in the medial side because the medial meniscus is larger than the lateral side. This produces external tibial rotation or (internal rotation of the femur)
prevents tibial external rotation with increasing knee flexion
-active in screw-home mechanism in terminal knee extension: initiates knee flexion by unscrewing the locked knee
Male and female alignment (LE)
Male: narrower pelvis, genu varum
Female: wider pelvis, femoral anteversion, genu valgum, lateral femoral torsion
angle between quadriceps muscles and patellar tendon (ASIS to patellar midpoint and tibial tubercle to patellar midpoint)
Knee pathology
-genu varum
-genu valgum
-genu recurvatum
-lateral tibial torsion
-medial tibial torsion
Osgood Schlatter
Sprains, strains
Meniscal tear
Genu Valgum
-pes planus
-excessive subtalar pronation
-lateral tibial torsion
-lateral patellar subluxation
-excessive hip adduction
-ipsilateral hip excessive medial rotation
-lumbar spine contralateral rotation
Genu varum
-excessive lateral angulation of the tibia in the frontal plane (tibial varum)
-medial tibial torsion
-ipsilateral hip lateral rotation
-excessive hip abduction
Genu recurvatum
knee extension greater than 5 degrees
-knee pain
-extension gait pattern
-consequence have for femur is ROTATION
Tibial Torsion
13-18 degrees is normal
greater than 18: toe-out from lateral tibial torsion
less than 13: toe-in possibly from medial tibial torsion or excessive femoral anteversion
squinting patellae
femoral anteversion and tibial external rotation
Genu recurvatum (poss. motions or postures)
ankle plantar flexion
excessive anterior pelvic tilt
Lateral tibial torsion
Out toeing
excessive subtalar supination with related rotation along the lower quarter
medial tibial torsion
metatarsus adductus
excessive subtalar pronation with related rotation along the lower quarter
"miserable malalignment syndrome"
increased femoral anteversion, genu valgum, VMO dysplasia, lateral tibial torsion, foot pronation
Coxa valga/vara
femoral neck angles
-coxa valga: 170 degrees
-normal: 125 degrees
-coxa vara: 100 degrees
femoral anteversion
normal angle: 15 degrees

excessive anteversion in the hip: toeing in
retroverted hip: toeing out
Excessive anteversion
subtalar pronation
lateral patellar subluxation
medial tibial torsion
medial femoral torsion
Excessive retroversion
toeing out
subtalar supination
lateral tibial torsion
lateral femoral torsion
Coxa vara
pronated subtalar join
medial rotation of leg
short ipsilateral leg
anterior pelvic rotation
Coxa valga
supinated subtalar joint
lateral rotation of leg
long ipsilateral leg
posterior pelvic tilt
functional leg length discrepancy
-foot supination (lengthening)
-foot pronation (shortening)
-hip extension and external rotation (lengthening)
-SI anterior rotation (lengthening)
-SI posterior rotation (shortening)
sub-talar pronation can be caused by: (4)
-medial tibial torsion
-genu valgum
-coxa vara
-excessive hip anteversion
manual muscle testing
Normal: 5 (whole hand resistance)
Good: 4 full active ROM against 2 finger resistance
Fair: 3 complete full active ROM against gravity
Poor: 3 partially complete active available ROM
Trace: 1 slight contraction of muscle with no movement
Limited ROM causes
muscle weakness
nerve damage
spine damage
Painful arc
subacromial bursitis
tendonitis of rotator cuff
supraspinatus impingement
Neer (supraspinatus): greater tuberosity jams against acromion
Hawkins-Kennedy: supraspinatus tendon pushed against anterior surface of coracoacromial ligment and coracoid process
labral tearing
common in throwing athletes
multidirectional instability
arm straight and relaxed to side, the elbow is pulled inferiorly.
-a depression occurs below the acromion

scapular stability
wall push up, scapular retraction


push up position and touch hands
Muscle/tendon pathology
Lateral epicondylitis
passively pronate arm, flex wrist fully and extend elbow
resist 3rd finger extension
wrist extensors
Heberdens and bouchard's nodes
degenerative (breakdown and loss of cartilage)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Boutonniere and swan-neck deformity
autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of joints
Treatment: reduce joint inflammation and pain, maximize joint function, and prevent joint destruction and deformity
Murphy's sign
lunate dislocation if the 3rd nuckle is level with the others
Finkelstein test
pain over abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis at wrist is indicative of tendonitis
Tinel's sign
carpal tunnel syndrome
causes tingling and paraesthesia into first 3 fingers
Phalen's sign
flex wrists maximally and hold for 1 min
facial profiles
orthognathic profile "straight jaw"
Retrognathis profile: "receding chin"
Prognathic profile: "protruded" or "strong" chin
Shoulder girdle movements (primary and accessory)
-abduction (protraction)
-adduction (retraction)
-upward rotation
downward rotation

Accessory movements
-anterior and posterior rotation of clavicle
-anterior and posterior tilt of the scapula
-scapular winging
Humeral head angles
head is angled 130-150 degrees to the shaft
transverse plane is angled posteriorly (retroversion)
Force couples
Shoulder complex muscles can be classified by anatomic and functional groupings
-axioscapular muscles (stabilize and rotate the scapula) trapezius, rhomboids, levator scapulae, serratus anterior
-extrinsic shoulder girdle muscles: pedctoralis major and minor, deltoid, subclavious, biceps, triceps, and lats
-rotator cuff muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor

agonists and antagonists working together as force couples
Shoulder ROM glenohumeral
Resting position: 40 - 55 abduction, 30 horizontal adduction (scapular plane)
Close packed position: full abduction, ER
Capsular pattern: ER, abduction, IR
thoracic outlet syndrome
compressed blood vessels and nerves by structures in the thoracic outlet region
stretching and moving clavicle can reduce pain...
biceps tendon stability in bicipital groove
Elbow (radiohumeral joint)
Resting position: elbow flexed to 90˚, supination 5˚
Close packed position: full extension, full supination
Capsular pattern: flexion, extension, supination, pronation
Elbow (ulnohumeral joint)
Resting position: 70˚ elbow flexion, 10˚ supination
Close packed position: extension with supination
Capsular pattern: flexion, extension
radio-ulnar joint
functional unit
pivot joint
movements: supination and pronation
carrying angle
10-15 degrees
people with more carrying angle is more likely to pronate forearm when holding objects in the hand to keep load closer to the body
carpal tunnel
4 tendons to flexor digitorum superficialis
4 tondons to flexor digitorum profundus
flexor pollicis longus
flexor carpi radialis
radiocarpal joint
radioulnar disk
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum
Dupuytren's contracture
connective tissue under skin of palm contracts and toughens over time
after 40, mostly ring and little finger involved
Exercise: three types
Flexibility: stretching improve ROM of muscles and joints
Aerobic exercises: cycling, walking, running, hiking--increasing cardiovascular endurance
Anaerobic exercises: weight lifting, functional training or sprinting increase short term muscle strength
exercise to restore strength and ROM
Active exercise
-active assistive, active, active resistive
Passive exercise
-physiological ROM
-passive accessory movement (arthrokinematics)
Structural or FUnctional (thoughts of musculoskeletal medicine)
Structural: specific static structures is emphasized, diagnosis based on localized evaluation (x-ray, MRI, CT scan)
Functional: recognizes function of all processes and systems within the body rather than on single site of pathology

Structural if for acute injury
Functional is when addressing chronic musculoskeletal pain
Vladimir Janda
two groups of muscles based on phylogenetic development
-tonic: flexors, dominant
-phasic: extensors, work eccentrically against force of gravity

Upper and lower crossed syndrome
Upper crossed syndrome
Inhibited (weak): deep cervical flexors, Lower trap, serratus ant, lower and middle trap
Facilitated (strong): SCM, pectoralis, upper trap, levator scapula, suboccipitals
Lower crossed syndrome
inhibited (Weak): Abdominals, gluteus min, med, max
facilitated (tight): thoraco-lumbar extensors, quadratus lumborum, rectus remoris, iliopsoas
Muscle (active and passive)
Active element: muscle tissue
-bundles fascicles
-bundles of muscle fibers
-thick and thin filament fibers

Passive element: wrappings (epi, peri, endo) which make up the tendon
Extrafusal muscle fibers:
-contains myofibrils
-intervated by alpha motor neurons,
-contract and generate muscle tension
Intrafusal fibers (muscle spindles)
-parallel to extrafusal fibers
-innervated by gamma motor neurons
-stretch receptors are primary proprioceptors in muscle; sensitive to change in muscle length and rate of change in muscle length
-fibers are stretched in 2 different ways: muscle stretch and muscle contraction
Monosynaptic stretch reflex
when muscle is stretched, so is the muscle spindle
-muscle spindle records change in length and sends signals to spine (stronger or faster the stretch, the stronger the message)
-stretch reflex is triggered. (myotatic reflex)
function of muscle spindle
helps to maintain muscle tone and protect body from injury
Monosynaptic stretch reflex example
patella tendon
only involves one synapsis..FAST!
synapses with alpha motor neurons that innervate the same muscle
golgi tendon organ
located in the tendon near the end of the muscle fiber
sensitive to change in tension and rate of change of the tension
stimulated when muscle contracts
sends signal to spinal cord and then sends a reflexive message to the muscle to relax

Myotatic stretch reflex (autogenic inhibition)
Polysynaptic reflex
-contains at least one interneuron between sensory and motor neuron
lengthening is only possible because the signaling of golgi tendon organ to the spinal cord is powerful enough to overcome the signaling of muscle spindles telling the muscle to contract
Active/passive stretch
Active: agonist of the to be stretch muscle is contracted "reciprocal inhibition"
-contract DF to stretch PF

passive: external force is used to slowly increase available ROM
"inverse myotatic reflex"
PNF stretch
Contract-relax: contract muscle, then relax and stretch more

Contract-relax-antagonist-contract: reciprocal inhibition