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18 Cards in this Set

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what is bicipital tendinitis
irritation of the long head of the biceps tendon in the bicipital groove
why is bicipital tendinitis rarely an isolated injury
because its very closely related to the rotator cuff and its therefore often associated with bursitiis or RC tendinitis - so treatment should be aimed to the other disorders as well
bicipital tendinitis may be associated with partial subluxation of the tendon due to
laxity of the transverse humerl ligament
speeds test focuses more on....
bicipital tendinitis than RC
how does laxity in the transverse humeral ligament cause pain and where would the pain be
if the ligament is lax, the tendon is unstabule so it gets irrtitated within the groove
where would pain be more located for bicipital tendinitis
below the subacromial space
what are the S and S of bicipital tendinitis
1) painful arc in flexion and abduction (more in flexion!)
2) (+) speeds test
3) (+) impingement test
4) tenderness in bicipital groove
5) pain with shoulder rotation
bicipital tendinitis is usually related to ___ and ____
overuse and overhead activities
when would you expect pain with shoulder rotation in someone with bicipital tendonitis
if the tendon is subluxing because of a loose transverse humeral ligament
what is the treatment protocol for bicipital tendonitis
1) decrease pain and inflammation (rest, ice, phono, ionto)
2) promote healing with cross-friction massage
3) eliminate cause of impingement
4) extablish normal ROM
5) strengthening of shoulder, elbow and scapular muscles
6) return to activities
what is the worry with chronic tendinitis of the long head of the biceps
it may lead to a tear of the tendon
why is there usually not a surgical repair of bicipital tendinitis
because the biceps are prominant at the distal elbor so there is usually no functional loss and a greater risk for surgery
what is bursitis
inflammation of subacromial bursa often secondary to rotator cuff tendonitis
what are the S and S of bursitis
1) rapid onset of limitation of movement
2) previous hx of RC tendinitis (painful arc)
3) possibly slight pain with resisted shoulder movment tests due to compression on the bursa
4) empty (painful) end-feel
5) non-capsular pattern of restriction of movement
6) several movements painful
7) painful at night and sleep disturbances
what is the treatment protocol for bursitis
1) decrease pain and inflammation (rest, ice, phono, ionto)
2) promote healing with US and moist heat
3) eliminate cause of impingement
4) establish normal ROM
5) strengthening of shoulder and scapular muscles
6) return to activities
what are the differential dx S and S for RC
1) painful arc
2) pain with overhead activities
what are the differential dx S and S for bursitis
1) pain at night
2) pain with AROM and PROM in several directions (note: more than just flexion and extension)
3) limited motion in non-capsular pattern
what are the differential dx S and S for adhesive capsulitis
1) pain at night
2) decrease ROM in capsular pattern
3) empty or capsular end feel