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26 Cards in this Set

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Who was the first religion who offered services for the deaf?
Who was the first Deaf Clergy for the deaf? What was the name of the church?
Reverend Thomas Gallaudet. St Stephens Church in NYC.
Who was the first Deaf Priest in America?
Reverend Henry Style.
Who was Louise Fletcher?
Her father was Robert C. Fletcher, he was deaf. She won an oscar and when she accepted her award, she did it in sign language.
Name the Religions in order of accepting sign language:
1 Episcopal
- deaf pastor
3 Methodist
4 Latter Day Saints (Mormans)
5 Baptist
6 Jewish
7 Catholic
Which churches only had deaf preachers and which had hearing?
1 deaf
2 deaf pastor - Edward Kaercher
3 hearing
4 hearing - only taught sign language
5 hearing
6 hearing until 1956 formed National Congress of Jewish Deaf
7 hearing until 1977 Thomas Coughlin
Who was John W. Michaels?
He would hop trains in the south and do sermons for deaf people.
Where did the first interpreters learn how to sign?
In churches and from their parents.
What are hearing children of deaf parents called?
C.O.D.A.'s (Children of Deaf Adults)
Who was the founder of the Girl Scouts?
Juliette Gordon Low
Why was important to Juliette Low to include handicapped girls into the girl scouts?
She was hard of hearing herself.
Where did the first interpreters learn how to sign?
In churches and from their parents.
Who was the first religion who offered services for the deaf?
Who was the first deaf pilot in the world? How old was she?
Nellie Zabel Willhite. 16.
What are the conditions of holding a pilots license for deaf people?
Pass the test, But you must land seperately from radio-controlled airports, except in an emergency.
What happened at the end of the depression error with the deaf people?
Highly discriminated against for jobs, many schools added vocational training for hearing.
Labor bureaus were established in how many states? Which one was the first?
4. Minnesota.
Why were attempts BEFORE 1940 to establish a labor bureau for the deaf to congress never made?
Because until the soldiers came back from the war, the government didn't want to do anything for the deaf or disabled. Now that soldiers were coming home with disabilities, they felt obligated.
In 1940 who did Indiana hire and what was he hired for?
Boyce R. Williams, Specialist for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
When did the use of hearing aids begin to increase and why?
1930's. People had been fooled by gimmicks, and some didn't believe they had a hearing problem.
What famous inventor had a hearing impairment?
Thomas A. Edison
In what ways is it possitive to hire a deaf person over a hearing person?
Alert deaf people keep their eyes open and their reflexes sharp. They don't talk and are more focused on their work. they don't gossip and talk about nonsense, like a regular employee could.
What can cause dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and tinnitus in a hard of hearing individual? This affects balance and hard of hearing.
Menieres Disease
Who wrote "Memoir Upon the Formation of a Deaf Variet of the Human Race?"
Alexander Graham Bell
Why did the churches revert back to sign language instead of oralism?
Because deaf people were not attending services like they used too. They couldn't' see or understand, and would sometimes fall asleep.
How can Hiring a Deaf person hinder an employees job?
Some are careless, lethargic and clumsy. Sometimes this could be due to an imbalance in the center of the the ear.