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113 Cards in this Set

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Social entities that are goal directed, are designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity systems, and are linked to the external environment.
Social Entities
Made up of people with strength and failings
Goal Directed
Exist for a specific purpose
Deliberately Structured/Coordinated Activity Systems
Coordinate functioning of activity systems to enhance efficiency.
External Environment
In constant interaction with other systems in social environment.
Social Services
Tasks that social work practitioners perform for helping people and larger systems improve their functioning in social environments.
Institutional Social Services
Provided by major public service systems
Personal Social Services
Address more individualized needs
Human Services
Programs and activities designed to enhance people’s development and well-being.
Social Agency
Org providing social services to a designated client population experiencing certain need.
Public Social Agency
Run by the government/laws
Private Social Agency
Run by private people
Nonprofit Social Agency
Run by goals
Proprietary/For-Profit Social Agency
Run like private, but makes money
Organizational Behavior
The study of human behavior in the workplace, of the interaction between people and the organization, and the org itself.
The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.
2 Organizational Theory Continuums
Traditional Structure vs. Change for better, Human Well-Being vs. Efficiency of Tasks
Classical Management Theories
Emphasize that specifically designed formal structure and a consistent, rigid organizational network of employees are most important in having an organization run well and achieve its goals
Scientific Management (Classical)
Characterized by management and employees working against each other to achieve separate goals
Administrative Theory of Management (Classical)
Focused on admin side rather than workers’ performance
Bureaucracy (Classical)
An administrative structure with well-defined offices or functions and hierarchical relationships among the functions. Highly specialized jobs, minimal discretion, numerous specific rules
Neoclassical Organizational Theory
Reaction and transition in the theoretical movement from the overly simplistic, mechanistic perspectives of the classical theorists to more contemporary thinking about complex organizations
Human Relations Theory (Neoclassical)
Reflect the result of this shift to focus on “human relations” within the organizational environment
Theory X & Theory Y (Neoclassical)
X managers force employees to work via punishments and set goals/requirements, whereas Y managers view employees as creative and promise internal rewards such as respect
Feminist Theories
Liberation of women and girls from discrimination based on gender
Using a Gender Filter (Feminist)
Views the plight of women in organizations by focusing on women and women’s issues.
Empowerment (Feminist)
Power should be distributed and equalized to whatever extent possible within an organization.
The Personal is Political (Feminist)
Women’s conditions extend beyond personal situations, and are part of political decisions.
The Importance of Process (Feminist)
Process of how things get done is just as important as what gets done.
Diversity as Strength (Feminist)
Diversity should be appreciated and sought out in order to attain new ideas to improve old ways.
Cultural Perspective
Assumes that each organization develops a unique mixture of values, standards, presumptions, and practices about how things should be done that eventually becomes habit.
Political-Economy Theory
Emphasizes how organizations must adapt to their external environments, stressing the effects of resources & power.
Institutional Perspective
Accentuates the pressures imposed by social institutions to emphasize the external pressures on an org.
Contingency Theory
Maintains that each element involved in an org depends on other elements; therefore there is no perfect way to accomplish tasks/goals
Culture-Quality Theory
Focus on how to build strong set of shared positive values and norms within a corporation while emphasizing quality, service, high performance, and flexibility
Systems Theory
Emphasize how all parts of the organization are interrelated. Subsystems function to take resources and produce services.
Predominantly Social Work Setting
Made up of mostly social workers who share similar backgrounds, which makes for an easier time understanding roles
Host Setting
Characterized by the presence of a variety of professional staff. (Main service is not social service).
Organizational Mission Statements
Brief declaration of the org’s purpose that establishes broad and relatively permanent parameters within which goals are developed and specific programs designed.
Organizational Goals
Statements of expected outcomes dealing with the problem that the program is attempting to prevent, eradicate, or ameliorate.
Goal Displacement
Occurs when an org moves in different directions from its original purpose
Official Goals
General purposes of the org as put forth in the mission statement, annual reports, and public statements. What the org is supposed to do.
Operative Goals
Designate the ends sought through the actual operating policies of the org. What it actually does.
Organizational Culture
Set of values, norms, guiding beliefs, and understandings that is shared by members of an organization and taught to new members as the correct way to think, feel, and behave
Organizational Structure
System of task, reporting, and authority relationships within which the work of the org is done.
Formal Structure
Includes lines of communications such as through an organizational chart.
Informal Structure
Depicts line of communication that form in other ways.
Lines of Authority
Formal structure rests on this, and depicts who answers to whom.
Channels of Communication
Ways in which info is conveyed or communicated.
Ability to move people on a chosen course to produce an effect or achieve some goal.
Types of Power
Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Referent, & Expert.
Attained by one’s position & vested authority
Held because of ability to provide positive reinforcement and rewards to others
Capability of dispensing punishments in order to influence others’ behavior
Held as a result of other group members’ respect and high esteem
Based on established authority or expertise in a particular domain
Using Agency Politics for Positive Change
Political Diagnosis, developing contacts, form coalitions, get info, provide positive feedback, use assertive communication
Political Diagnosis
Assessment of the location of power in an organization and the type of political behavior that is likely to happen. Identify coalitions and establish political network.
Alliance of individuals who share a common goal
Political Network
System of affiliations and alliances of individuals and coalitions.
Unethical Tactics
Backstabbing, setting up a person for failure, divide and conquer, exclude opposition, go over supe's head, throwing temper tantrums
Macro Context of Orgs (3 Dimensions)
Available resources, legitimation, and client sources
Available Resources
Must have necessary resources/funding to function (pay staff salaries, building maintenance, etc.)
Appropriate status or authorization to perform agency functions and pursue agency goals that is granted by external entities. An agency must be legally viable.
Client Sources
Groups or programs that serve as client referral mechanisms to individuals who directly seek out services themselves.
Traditional Bureaucracy
Emphasize the importance of a specifically designed, formal structure and a consistent org network of employees in making an org run well and achieve its goals.
Managing Diversity
Training employees of different identities to function together effectively, to be creative and innovative to improve their work.
Exists in an org when there is a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among people who work there.
Management Approaches
Total Quality Management & Servant Leadership
Total Quality Management
Philosophy or overall approach to management that is characterized by customer focus and satisfaction, continuous improvement, and teamwork.
TQM Concepts
Focus on Clients as Customers, Quality as the Primary Goal, Employee Empowerment & Teamwork, Total Quality Approach to Leadership, and Continuous Improvement
Servant Leadership
Leaders should be attentive to the concerns of their followers and empathize with them, take care of them, and nurture them.
Problems in Orgs
Impersonal behavior, lack of rewards, agency policy vs. worker discretion, traditions and unwritten rules
Types of Grants
Government, foundation, and business/corporate
Government Grants
Largest source of grant funds. Send out requests for proposals (RFPs) that describe agencies and how much is available.
Foundation Grants
Funding ranges. Could be big-name or local, and have a board of members that decide which agencies to fund.
Business/Corporate Grants
Grantors evaluate agency and proposal to ensure money will be used as intended. Many support research that indirectly benefits the corporation.
Applying for a Grant
Pre-Application Phase
• Identify potential grant sources
• Contact potential sources
Application Phase
• Develop draft proposal
• Consult with potential grantor
Post-Application Phase
• Review grant proposal
• Revise grant if requested
• Plan for ending of grant
Time-limited, planned undertaking with specific goals and activities to accomplish a designated purpose.
An ongoing configuration of services and service provision procedures intended to meet a designated group of clients’ needs.
A rule or set of rules that tells us which actions among a multitude of options we may take and which we may not. Provides macro system direction for its functioning and activities.
Informal Agency Policies
Practice procedures, agency goals, personnel practices
Change Agent
Person who believes some change within the agency is needed
Action System
People you organize and employ to work toward needed change
Innovation Proposal
Idea that you want to implement
Action Plan
Blueprint for how to go about achieving desired change
Planned Change Process
Engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination, follow-up
Orient yourself to problem & establish communication with others addressing problem
Investigation of variables affecting problem
Use of empirically based practice to review alternatives
Doing the plan and monitoring progress
Determination of effectiveness
Ending of social worker-client relationship
Reexamination of client system’s situation
Evaluate whether your goal is worth a macro change effort within an org setting by: identifying Problems to address, reviewing macro and personal Reality, Establishing primary goals, identifying relevant People of influence, Assessing potential financial cost and benefits to clients and agency, reviewing personal and professional Risk, and Evaluating potential success of macro change process.
Identify Problems to address
• Decide to seriously evaluate the potential for macro level intervention
• Define and prioritize problems
• Translate problems into needs
• Determine which need or needs you will address
Assess potential financial cost and benefits to clients and agency
• Worth the effort?
• Alternative solutions produce more benefits at a lower cost?
• Who benefits and who pays the cost?
Review professional and personal Risk
• Could I lose my job?
• Will my career path be affected?
• Will I strain interpersonal relationships at work?
Evaluate potential success of macro change process
• Review PREPARE process and weigh pros and cons of proceeding
• Identify possible macro approaches to use, estimate their effectiveness, and select the most appropriate one.
Start with an Innovative Idea, Muster support and formulate an action system, identify Assets, specify Goals, objectives, and action steps to attain them, Implement the plan, Neutralize opposition, and Evaluate progress
Muster Support and Formulate an Action System
Via micro client system, change agent system, target system, and action system
Micro Client System
Those people who will ultimately benefit from the change process
Change Agent System
Individual who initiates the macro change process
Target System
System that social workers must change to accomplish their goals
Action System
Those people who agree and are committed to work together to attain the proposed macro change
End toward which effort is directed
Subgoals that serve as stepping stones toward accomplishing a primary goal
Action Steps
Tasks one must complete to achieve the desired objective
Program Evaluation and Review Technique Chart (PERT)
Flow chart or time chart that depicts a series of tasks or activities in the order that such tasks should be done to achieve project goals (used during Implement the plan).
Sexual Harassment
Entails unequal power and coercion. Examples include sexual favors or lewd comments on sexual orientation or gender.
Cultural Competence
A set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, policies, and structures, which come together in a system, agency, or among professionals and enables them to work effectively in the context of cultural differences.
Assessing Cultural Competence
• Does the org respond efficiently to clients’ diverse needs?
• Is the agency staff being actively empowered?
• How can the agency respond to culturally diverse needs?
• What is the org vision with respect to the culturally diverse community?
• How do we know that cultural competence has been achieved?
Recommendations for Attaining Cultural Competence
• Identify client system & their diverse aspects
• Assess agency’s need for staff training
• What barriers are there in reaching culturally diverse clients?