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40 Cards in this Set

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Body structures formed by several groups of tissues performing specific functions.

Blood vessels

Tubes for the passageway of blood


Thick walled blood vessel. Carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the different parts of the body


Thin walled blood vessel. Carries unoxygenayed blood from the different parts of the body to the heart.


Small blood vessels interconnecting arteries and veins. These are tubes where exchange of materials between blood and tissues takes place.

Tunica adventitia

Outermost layer with loose connective tissues.

Tunica media

Middle layer with smooth muscle cells

Tunica intima

Innermost layer with elastic fiber and smooth muscle cells.


Layer of squamous cells, lining the central cavity of the blood vessels, known as the lumen.


Mainly for protection.

Stratum corneum

Outer or superficial layer with squamous cells capable of molting or shedding off the skin.

Stratum germinativum

Consists of columnar cells. It contains chromatophores for skin pigmentation.

Stratum laxum

Made up of loose connective tissues. Contains cutaneous glands, the mucus gland keeping the skin moist and slimy

Small intestine

Long coiled tube of the digestive tract where final digestion and absorption of food takes place.

Tunica serosa

Visceral peritoneum covering the gastro-intestinal tract.

Tunica muscularis

Layer of smooth muscles divided into 2 parts; stratum longitudinale and stratum circulare

Stratum longitudinale

Outer layer of longitudinal muscle fibers.

Stratum circulare

Thicker inner circular layer of muscle fibers.

Tela submucosa

Layer of connective tissue with blood vessels and nerves.

Tunica mucosa

Simple columnar epithelium lining the cavity of the organ, the lumen. Contains goblet cells that secrete intestinal juice for digestion.


Partial digestion of the food takes place. It's internal folds are called the rugae.

Tunica subserosa

This is a layer between the tunica serosa and muscularis. Composed of connective tissues with longitudinal muscle fibers.

Muscularis mucosa

Found on innermost submucosa, this contains longitudinal muscle fibers.

Tunica propia

This is a layer between muscularis mucosa and tunica mucosa with a connective tissue supporting the gastric gland.


Largest gland of the body, an emulsifier for fat digestion.

Blood vessels

These are big spaces of various sizes.

Bile conduct

Small cavity lined with cuboidal cells.


Thick walled, small, round structure.


Main excretory organ which functions greatly to remove nitrogenous wastes through uriferous tubules.

Reproductive organs

Gonads which produce gametes or sex cells and hormones for the development of secondary sexual characteristics.


Female gonad which is a sac-like structure containing round bodies of variuos sizes, the egg cells.


Male gonad,mainly composed of seminiferous tubules covered by the outer visceral peritoneum and inner tunica albuginea.

Spinal cord

Connected to the brain and enclosed in the vertebral column.

Central canal

Central activity of the organ lined with columnar cells called the ependymal cells.

White matter

Outer mass

Gray matter

Inner mass

Dura mater

Outer portion

Pia mater

Inner portion

Ventral septum

Ventral fissure of the broader ventral surface with blood vessels, the ventral spinary artery.

Dorsal septum

Dorsal fissure of the narrower dorsal surface.