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71 Cards in this Set

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What do denial, stereotyping, and projection
have in common?
They are all ways to deal with sensory
Which principle of organizational design provides that each employee should report to only one
Unity of command
What is considered a standard response for
routine problems?
Programmed decision
A manager trying to motivate an employee should
give ample feedback
What is the best way for new employees to learn about an organization's culture?
By observing leaders and socialization
Cross-functional teams are
Used most often for the purpose of product development
Decision criteria are used to
evaluate alternatives
Who developed the situational leadership model?
Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard
What is the trend in work space design?
Creating public spaces for employees to use for various purposes
Employees resist change most often because of the
fear of an adverse outcome
Which type of organizational change is least threatening to employees because it involves reintroducing an already familiar practice?
Adaptive change
Which of the following is true of heuristics?
Heuristics lead to biases in judgment.
According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Bill is a thinking-type. When reviewing a vendor proposal with his boss, he will most likely
express his opinion
Which of the following is true about gender differences in leadership?
It is difficult to judge the truth about stereotypes of gender differences.
According to Kolb's Learning Style Type, which of the following describes the accommodative learning style?
Concrete experience, active experimentation, adaptive
Power granted to a person by an organization is an example of
position power
What is a dependent variable?
The factor that an experiment or hypothesis tries to explain or predict that is affected by some other factor
Which of the following statements accurately describes situational leadership?
There is no one best way to influence group members.
A mechanistic organization...
emphasizes specialization and control
Which of social psychologist Kurt Lewin’s three-stage model of planned change is considered to be the most difficult part of the change process?
Change will not occur unless there is motivation to change.
Which is a major contributing factor to the transformational leader?
The most important challenge facing the field of organizational behavior is
managing workforce diversity
Which technique is used by organizations to help “unfreeze” the organization?
What is an organigraph?
A map that gives an overview of a company's functions and the way people organize themselves at work
Which of the following statements is true about Herzberg's two-factor theory?
Intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction.
Accounting firms, consulting firms, and hospitals are examples of
professional bureaucracies
Which of the following is a difference between men's and women's communication styles?
Women prefer to communicate to build rapport, and men use communication to display knowledge and skill.
Being "in the zone" is also known as
the experience of flow
What is true about Total Quality Management (TQM)?
It relies on bottom-up, participative decision making in planning and execution
A leader with Machiavellian tendencies would likely
manipulate others for his or her personal gain
Which of the following statements accurately describes Vroom's expectancy theory?
It is one of the most widely accepted theories of motivation.
Advances in information technology have
increased access to information and made delayering possible
What type of power will help a leader establish a power base?
Power as an expert
What is the relationship between stress and job performance?
Moderate stress correlates with high performance.
Outsourcing means that a company
hires other companies to do some of its work
What is an affinity group?
An employee-involvement group made up of professional-level workers
The only way a person can influence someone else is to
What is true about flat organization structures?
Customer problems can be solved quickly.
A person with a high achievement need...
prefers tasks of intermediate difficulty
What differentiates a team from a group?
Shared versus individual accountability
Determining the tasks to be done, who should do them, and who reports to whom is an example of which management function?
Which of the following statements is true about group dynamics?
Groups go through predictable stages to become productive.
According to the triarchic theory of intelligence,
wisdom, street smarts, and common sense are important factors of intelligence
As a rule of thumb, in the absence of information, what do many employees do?
Create and spread rumors
Which of the following describes people with a directive style of decision making?
Has a low tolerance for ambiguity and seeks rationality
The contingency approach to organization design affirms that
organizations are more effective when they are structured to fit the situational demand
Which of the following is true about employee recognition?
Employees welcome praise as much as a paycheck.
A strategy, or method, for increasing organizational effectiveness by bringing about planned change is called
organizational development
If an employee misperceives an event that occurs in the workplace, it is likely that he or she has
strong attitudes about that event
Which organization structure is best suited to leveraging specialization?
The nominal group technique is
a group decision-making approach that generates creative alternatives independently
Which of the following is NOT a technique to enhance creativity?
Forming homogeneous work groups
Which of the following is an accurate description of Emotional Intelligence (EI)?
A person's EI predicts performance better than IQ.
Which of the following statements is true about organizational behavior?
Organizational behavior is a study of individuals, groups, and structure.
What does the P stand for in the equation B = ? (P x E)?
According to the Leadership Grid®, which is the best leadership style?
Team management
Who created the three-step model for change that includes unfreezing, movement, and refreezing?
Kurt Lewin
Cognitive style is determined by
how people gather and evaluate information
Groupthink is
likely to occur when the group values getting along more than getting things done
Experts predict that the predominant style of organization in the future will be
The 4I framework of a learning organization consists of intuiting, interpreting, integrating, and
Which of the following is the foundation of all organization cultures?
History of the company and its founders
Process consultants will
guide and coach on workflow, informal relationships, and communication
Which type of firm is likely to use a territorial departmentalization structure?
Large service firm
The Delphi technique is best suited for
decision making for groups that are difficult to bring physically together
What is cognitive dissonance?
When attitudes or beliefs held by a person are contradictory
A team member in the role of process observer contributes by
helping the group look at how it's functioning
According to attribution theory,
information on causation is gathered on three dimensions of behavior
What is a frequently used research method for organizational behavior?
Which of the following accurately describes social loafing?
It is also known as freeloading.
According to Myers-Briggs typology, a sensation-type individual is best described as someone who
prefers routine and order when gathering information