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33 Cards in this Set

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Human Relations
hiring, unions vs. non-union places of employment, mngt. theories, equal opportunities, interviewing, bonuses and benefits
code of conduct within an organization
Manager Skill Sets
sympathetic, supportive, leadership, gives feedback, states clear directions and standards/expectations, ability to delegate, honest, speaks in a non-condescending tone, has humility, use of theories 'X' and 'Y'
"Human Capital"
people have worth & value and should be invested in to grow and please employees so there's less company turnover
"Political Capital"
employees working solely for their own interest to up-their reputation and career standing
Risks Businesses Take
credit, transactions, compliance, strategic financing, reputation
federal financial corporation that investigates any transaction of $10,000+ in cash (which must be reported anywhere in America.)
Contingency of Management
(like 'Plan B')
separate plan setup just incase the original operational plan and it's tactics to execute the strategic objectives to not work.
belief that ones native culture, country, traditions, etc... is superior
*Every company should have a management-____________plan
Management SUCCESSION plan
3-Phase Model for Organizational Socialization
1: Anticipatory:
2: Encounter:
3: Change in Acquisition:
Equity theory
motivation is a function of fairness in social exchange (people are motivated to maintain consistency between their cognitive beliefs and their behavior
Goal Directed Behavior
Input: effot you put in towards achieving goals; knowledge;skills;abilities

Outcomes: pay, bonuses, benefits, status, recognition, job security
Negative Inequity
another person receiving greater outcomes for similar inputs that will seem unfair to the person working harder.
Positive Inequity
Another person receives lesser-outcomes for similar inputs
Equity Sensitivity
Persons tolerance for negative/positive equity
Policy (how to be done)
Procedure (how to follow policies)
Practice (how to put procedures into action(s))
Business Goals:
Short term: the business plan
Long term: the strategic plan
(M.B.O.) Management by Objectives
incorporates participation of everyone in a firm in decisions and goal setting
S.M.A.R.T. (guidelines for writing 'smart' goals)
R=results oriented
T=time bound
Feedback Styles
-360 degrees
Valance Theory
incentives for good and how they're weighted by employees (how it's valued)
Extrinsic Rewards
outward-rewards (financial, material, or social rewards from the environment you're in)
Intrinsic Rewards
Internal-rewards (self granted, psychic rewards)
Distributive Justice
perceived fairness of how things are advocated
Procedural Justice
perceived fairness of the processes and procedures used to make allocation decisions
Inter-actional Justice
quality of interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented
Expectancy Theory
people are motivated to behave in ways that produce valued outcomes
return on average assets: average business goal is to obtain or exceed 1% profit)
=done by making profits & lowering OPEX
Elements of 'Business Readiness'
-$ forecast
-Disaster Recovery/Strategic Plan
Emotional intelligence
ability to manage oneself & ones relationships in a mature and constructive way