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27 Cards in this Set

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What are the stages of Development?

1. Fertalization

2. Cleavage

3. Gastrulation

4. Organogenesis

5. Growth

What are the four major events that occur during fertalization?

1. Contact and recognition between sperm and egg

2. Sperm entry is regulated

3. Egg becomes activated

4. Sperm and egg fuse nuclei

What is polyspermy?

Fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm

What is fast block to polyspermy?

1. Fusion of membranes opens up sodium channels

2. Sodium enters the egg and depolarizes the membrane

3. Other sperm cells cannot fuse with the depolarized egg membrane

What is slow block to polyspermy?

1. Fusion of egg and sperm membranes causes Ca+2 to be released form the egg endoplasmic reticulum

2. Ca+2 stimulates cortical granules to fuse with membrane

What is cleavage?

1. Series of rapid divisions with no growth

2. Occurs shortly after fertilization

3. Cleavage does NOT increase the size of the embryo, only the number of cells

4. The cells that form from each division are called blastomeres

What are the Major stages of Cleavage?

1. Morula

2. Blastula

3. Gastrula

How many cells are in a Morula and is it solid or hollow?

32 cells and solid

How many cels are in a blastula and is it solid or hollow?

64 to hundreds

What is the cavity in the Blastula called?


What is yolk?

food for a developing embryo

What pole is the yok most concentrated in?

Vegetal pole

What pole is the anterior end of the embryo?

Animal pole

What are the 3 germ layers?

1. Endoderm

2. Mesoderm

3. Ectoderm

What is the cavity of the developing gut called in Frogs?


What is the opening where the future anus will be called?


What are some structures found in the Ectoderm?

1. Nervous system

2. Outer layer of skin and associated structures

3. Pituitary Gland

What are some structures found in the Mesoderm?

1. Notochord

2. Skeleton

3. Muscles

4. Circulatory System

5. Excretory System

6. Reproductive System

7. Inner layer of skin

8. Outter layers of digestive tube

What are some structures found in the Endoderm?

1. Lining of digestive tube

What is organogenesis?

organ formation

How is the Nervous system Developed?

1. The notochord induces the overlying ectoderm to thicken and differentiate into the neural plate

2. The neural plate folds downward to form the neural tube, the future brain and spinal cord.

How long is the typical pregnancy?

266 days or 38 weeks or 9 months

When does Organogenesis begin?

During the first trimester and continues throughout development

what is happening with the fetus during the second trimester?

1. heartbeat can be heard

2. Fetus moves

3. Organ systems are developed but not mature

What is happening with the fetus during the third trimester?

1. fetus completes development and can start to grow

what are teratogens?

Are drugs or other substances that interfere with morphogenesis, and so cause malformations.

ex. Alcohol and cigarettes

What is Teratogenesis?

The process by which congenital malformations are produced in an embryo or fetus.