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22 Cards in this Set

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Larcrimal Gland
is over the superolateral part of orbital fossa. produces tears.
Larcrimal puncta
tears drain across eyes to puncta
Nasolacrimal duct
(opening into the inferior nasal meatus) membranous canal from lacrimal sac to inferior meatus in lateral wall of nose. This is why tears come out of your nose when you cry.
Muscles of the Eye orbit
levator palpebrae-most superior muscle of eyelid
2. medial rectus(immediately below the superior oblique
3. lateral rectus
4. superior rectus
5. inferior rectus
6. superior oblique
7. inferior oblique
levator palpebrae superioris (M)
A: raisies upper eye lid

N: oculomotor (III) supplies striated muscle fibers and sympathetic fibers supply smooth muscle fibers
horner syndrome
Ptosiss(eyelid drupping in pateint)

This means the sympathetic system got infected and is affecting the levator palebrae superioris (m)
This is when the pupil gets constricted on the horner syndrome side.
Medial Rectus (m)
A: addcuts eyeball (medially pulls eye

N: CN III oculomotor
Lateral Rectus (m)
A: abducts eyeball

N: abducecent (VI)
superior Rectus (m)
A: elevates and adducts eyeball to look superomedially

N: CN III oculomotor

this muscle is immideatly underneath the levator palpebrae
Inferior Recuts (M)
A: depresses and abducts eyeball to look inferomedially (like looking at a book)

N: CN III oculomotor
Superior Oblique (M)

Note: proximal part of This muscle is good for tagging
A: depresses and abducts eyeball to look inferolaterally

N: Trochlear (IV)
Inferior Oblique (M)
A: elevates and abducts eyeball to look superolatrally

N: CN III oculomotor
Next set is nerves and related structures
see following cards
Ophthalmic dvision of trigeminal (V1)
Has Fontal N; which is largest branch of V1
Frontal N:
The frontal nerve branches form the supraorbital and supratrochlear Nn
Trochlear (iv) N
supplies the superior obique M
Abducens (VI)
supplies the lateral rectus
oculomotor (III)
supplies superior rectus, levator palpebrae superioris, medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique
surrounded by extensions of the 3 meninges and by common annular tendon. the central A of retina enters optic N about 1/2 way along its length
Vessels of orbit
ophthalmic A and V- from internal carotid passes through optic canal.
In geriatric patients what is common
macular degeneration may be resulted from the decreased blood supply to the retina. caused by lack of blood being supplied by ophthalmic a and v.