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28 Cards in this Set

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After arriving at a differential diagnosis, information from which one of the following catergories will best establish a final or definitive diagnosis?


The Descriptive term that would best be used for a freckle is a?


Which one of the following terms describes the base of a lesion that is stalklike


Clinical diagnosis can be used to determine the final or definitive diagnosis of all of the following except?

a. Fordyce Granules

b. Unerupted supernumerary teeth

c. Mandibular Tori

d. Geographic tongue

B. Un erupted supernumerary teeth

Radiographic diagnosis would contribute to the definitive diagnosis of all of the following except?

a. Internal resportion

b. Periapical cement-osseous dysplasia

c. Odontomas

d. A retained deciduous tooth

D. A retained Deciduous Tooth

To determine the presence of blood dyscarsias, which of the following would provide the most definitive information?

a. Laboratory blood test

b. Bleeding during probing

c. Pallor of the gingiva and mucosa

d. Patient complaint of weakness

A. Laboratory Blood test

When an antifungal ointment or cream is used to treat suspected angular chelitis, which one of the following diagnostic categories is being used


Yellow clusters of ectopic sebaceous glands commonly oberserved on the buccal mucosa and elevated through clinical diagnosis are most likely what?

Fordyce Granules

A slow- growing bony hard exophytic growth on the midline of the hard palate is developmental and hereditary in origin. The diagnosis is determined through clinical evaluation. You suspect what?

Torus Palatinus

The "white line" observed clinically on the buccal mucosa that extends from anterior to posterior along the occlusal plane is?

Linea Alba

Which one of the following occurs as an erythematous area, is devoid of filiform papillae, is oval to rectangular in shape and is on the midline of the dorsal surface of the tongue.

Lingual Thyroid

Which one of the following diagnostic categories would the dental hygienist most easily apply to the preliminary evaluation of oral lesions?

A. Microscopic

b. Clinical

c. Therapeutic

d. Differential

B. Clinical

These examples of exostoses are found on the lingual aspect of the mandible in the area of the premolars. They are benign, bony hard, and require no treatment. Radiographically they appear as radiopaque areas and are often bilateral. You Suspect:

Mandibular Tori

Which one of the following terms is often used when describing mandibular tori?

a. Bullous

b. Lobulated

c. Sessile

d. Pedunculated

B. Lobulated

Which of the following conditions is benign anomaly has a diffuse gray to white opaque appearance on the buccal mucosa, and is most commonly seen in adult black individuals?


A patient has the clinical signs of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. the hygienist has the patient begin hydrogen peroxide rinse without culturing the bacterial flora. This action applies to which of the following diagnostic categories?


A small circumscribed lesion usually less than 1 cm in diameter that is elevated and protrudes above the surface of normal surrounding tissue is called a?


The base of a sessile lesion is what?

Broad and Flat

The identification of which one of the following is not determined by clinical diagnosis?

a. Fordyce Granules

b. Tori

c. Compound Odontoma

d. Retrocuspid papillae

C. Compound Odontoma

Another term for geographic tongue

Migratory Glossitis

The cause of supernumerary teeth is most likely?

A. Genetic

b. Traumatic

c. Cystic

d. Systemic

A. Genetic

Historical diagnosis can include the patients?

a. Age and sex

b. Family history

c. . Medical history

d. ALL of the Above

D. All of the Above

Which condition is most often seen on the buccal mucosa?

a. Melanin pigmentation

b. Fordyce granulas

c. Nicotine stomatitis

d. Angular Cheilitis

B. Fordyce Granules

Which one of the following is not considered a variant of normal?

a. Migratory glossitis

b. White hairy tongue

c. Fissured tongue

d. Hairy Leukoplakia

D. Hairy Leukoplakia

Which cyst is often described as a radiolucency that scallops around the roots of the teeth involved?

Traumatic Bone

What percentage of erythroplakia is diagnosed as severe epithelial dysplasia or squamous cell carcinoma?


Which of the following best describes the number of types of HIV? more than?


Which one of the following terms best describes leukoplakia?

a. Clinical

b. Histological

c. Historical

d. Microscopic

a. Clinical