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79 Cards in this Set

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the small rounded nodule of tissue in the center of the lowest part of the upper lip
the depression running from the tubercle to the nostrils
Nasolabial groove
the groove running diagonally downward on each side of the nostril toward the corner of the lip
Alae of the nose ( Ala)
"Wings" of cartilage that begin lateral to each nostril and extend medially and anteriorly to the midline of the nose
Labiomental Groove
the horizontal groove under the lower lip which emphasizes the chin
Labial Commissure
the corner of the mouth where the upper and lower lips meet
Vermillion border
the red-colored margin of the lips
Oral Fissures
the opening from the oral cavity to the exterior
Maxillary Tuberosity
Immediately Posterior to the maxillary second molar is a bulge of the alveolar ridge and tissue
Retromolar Ridge
Elevation of tissue distal to the mandibular second molar
A broad flat organ composed of muscle fibers and glands
The top side of the tongue(dorsum) is covered with 2 kinds of papillae which are the ?
Filiform papillae and Fungiform papillae
Filiform Papillae
Abundant, Fine,white, and hairlike covering about 2/3 of the dorsal surface.NO TASTE BUDS
Fungiform Papillae
Large, round mushroom shape and red. TASTE BUDS
Circumvallate Papillae
8-12 large form V-shaped row on the dorsum at the posterior part
Salivary glands of Von Ebner
Trough surrounding the circumvallate papillae that contain taste buds
Foliate papillae
found on the lateral surface (Side) of the tounge 1/3. TASTE BUDS
Median Lingual Sulcus
A longitudinal depression down the midline of the tongue
Sulcus Terminalis
V-shaped depression posterior to the circumvallate papillae.
Lingual Tonsils
Lymphoid tissue located under the mucosa on the dorsum of the base of the tongue
The ventral or undersurface of the tongue is shiny, and blood vessels are visible. True or False?
Fimbriated Fold (Plica Fimbriata)
A fold of mucosa that runs anteriorly, lateral to the lingual vein. The DEEPER LINGUAL ARTERY is found here.
Lingual Frenum
A thin sheet of tissue which attaches the center of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
Upward behind the root of the tongue. Flap of mucous-covered cartilage shaped like a leaf. attached to the tongue
Sublingual Folds (Plica Sublingalis)
extend on each side of under the tongue from the first molar to the lingual frenum.
Wharton's Duct Openings (Sublingual Caruncles)
at the center line, between the right and left sublingual folds are 2 buldges. 2/3 of saliva is produced here.
Frenum is to tight and is cut
Tongue Tied
Parotid Gland
Location: In front of ear
Duct: Stensen's Duct
Stensen's Duct
opens opposite #2 and #15 and is covered by a tissue called Parotid papilla
Parotid Papilla
piece of elevated tissue that covers Stensens duct
Submandibular Gland
Location: Floor of mouth
Duct:Wharton's Duct
Wharton's Duct
opens at the sublingual Caruncle (duct)
Sublingual Gland
Location: Floor of mouth
Duct: Bartholin's Duct
Ducts of Rivinus
Ducts of Rivinus
Smaller Ducts along the sublingual folds
Incisive papilla
the small rounded elevation of tissue on the midline behind the central incisors.
Palatine Raphe (line)
1. Folds of Connective Tissue.
2. Slightly Elevated Center Line in the hard palate.
3. Bone is directly Under
Why are the sides of the hard palate less hard than the palatine raphe?
Because there is fat beneath the surface tissue
Are Palatine Rugae more distinct in old people or young people?
Palatineui Rugae
A series of elevations (wrinkles) running from side to side behind the maxillary anterior teeth.
Why is the soft palate sometimes more red than the hard palate?
Its increased Vascularity
Is there bone beneath the soft palate?
Vibrating line
the hinged place where you observe the motion beginning
Small fleshy structure hanging from the center of the posterior border of the soft palate
Bifed Uvula
Divided into 2
Palatoglossal Fold/Arch

Anterior Tonsillar Pillar
Extend downward from the soft palate in a lateral direction
Palatopharyngeal Fold/Arch

Posterior Tonsillar Pillar
Extend downward from the soft palate in a lateral direction
Palatine tonsil
Lymphoid Tissue

Lies in a triangular groove between the 2 folds ( Palatoglossal and Palatopharyngeal)
The oropharynx lies behind what?

It leads to what?
behind the soft palate

Leads to the esophagus
The arched opening leading from the oral cavity into the pharynx.
Pterygomandibular Raphe
A curtain-like connection between the mandible and maxilla

Holds the jaw together
Palatine Foveae
2 small pits on either side of the midline between the hard and soft palate
Fordyce's Spots
Small, Yellow elevations produced by sweat-glands
inside lips,cheecks
The soft tissue which surrounds the cervical part of the teeth and is firmly attached to the teeth and to the bone in which the teeth are set.
Attached Gingiva
grey to light pink gingiva that surrounds all teeth EXCEPT for the free gingiva
Mucogingival junction
line between the attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa
Alveolar Mucosa
darker pink/Red just above the mucogingival junction
Gingival Margin
The occlusal border of the gingiva
Free Gingiva
gingiva surrounding each tooth from the gingival margin to the depth of the gingival crevice (sulcus) where floss fits.
Interdental Papilla
gingival tissue between the teeth (triangular)
Space between the gingiva and tooth
Free gingival groove
junction between the free gingiva and attached gingiva
depression between the buccal and lingual peaks of the interdental papilla(NOT SEEN)
Marginal Gingiva
Right around tooth
gingiva has a rough textured surface usually with recession
3 parts of the pharynx

- 1 in long
-behind the nasal cavity
above the oral cavity
infront of the first cervical vertabrea
-2 in long
-infront of the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae
-extends from soft palate to hyoid bone
-3 in long
-in front of the 4th, 5th, 6th cervical vertabrae
-extends from the hyoid bone to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage
Voice box
Thyroid Carilage Shape?
a shield
Epiglottis shape?
A leaf
Cricoid Cartilage Shape?
Signet Ring
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

articulated between _____ &_____

what kind of joint?
articulation between the temporal bone and mandible.
-bilateral joint
The TMJ is lubricated by ________ fluid?

Why is the fluid important?
-Synovial fluid

-Enables the bones to glide over eachother without creating friction
If the condyle extends beyond the articular tubercle what will happen to the patient?
The patient will not be able to open their mouth!
What is the name of the pad of connective tissue that rests between the condyle and the temporal bone?
Articular disc ( Meniscus)
A thick fibrous ______ surrounds the entire joint.
The ______ of the mandible atriculates with the ________ of the temporal bone.
Condyle and the mandibular(glenoid) fossa
what does the oral mucosa line?
the oral cavity