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101 Cards in this Set

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To what does the spleen lie anterior?
ribs 8-10
To what does the spleen lie posterior?
large intestine at transverse-descending transition
Pain distribution: substernal
Pain distribution: RUQ
duodenum, liver, gallbladder, colon
Pain distribution: mid-epigastric
Pain distribution: generalized upper abd
Pain distribution: peri-umbilical
small intestine
Sympathetic IV: esophagus
Sympathetic IV: upper GI
What does "upper GI" include?
stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, duodenum
Sympathetic IV: middle GI
What does "middle GI" include?
pancreas, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, R colon
Sympathetic IV: lower GI
What does "lower GI" include?
L colon, rectum, pelvic organs
Greater splanchnic nerve distribution and place of synapse
T5-9; celiac ganglion
lesser splanchnic nerve distribution and place of synapse
T10-11; SMA
Least splanchnic nerve distribution and place of synapse
T12-L2; IMA
What does sympathetic IV cause?
increased vascular tone; decreased O2 and nutrient delivery; decreased peristalsis; relaxation of gallbladder and ducts; contraction of rectal sphincter; splenic vasoconstriction; decreased mucosal defenses in stomach
Common complaints of someone with hypersympathetics:
constipation, abd pain, flatulence, distention
Parasympathetic IV: lower 2/3 esophagus
vagus nerve
Parasympathetic IV: L vagus nerve
greater curve of stomach, pyloric sphincter
Parasympathetic IV: R vagus nerve
upper GI, liver, gallbladder, R half of colon
Parasympathetic IV: pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-4)
L colon and pelvis
What does parasympathetic IV cause?
increased acid and mucous secretion, contraction of gallbladder and ducts, peristalsis
Common complaints of someone with increased parasympathetics:
N/V, diarrhea, hyper-motilitiy related cramping and pain
Viscerosomatic reflex for: esophagus
T3 on R
Viscerosomatic reflex for: stomach
T5-8 on L
Viscerosomatic reflex for: iliocecal area
R iliotibial band prox to femur head
Viscerosomatic reflex for: ascending colon
R IT band, middle part
Viscerosomatic reflex for: R 2/5th of transverse colon
R IT band, prox to knee
Viscerosomatic reflex for: sigmoid area
L IT band, prox to femur head
Viscerosomatic reflex for: descending colon
L2-3 on L, L IT band, middle part
Viscerosomatic reflex for: splenic flexure
L IT band, lower middle
Viscerosomatic reflex for: L 3/5ths of transverse colon
L IT band, prox to knee
Pain distribution for pancreatitis:
epigastric pain with radiation to back
Dx: pain gets better with leaning forward
Dx: vomiting, low grade fever, jaundice, decreased BS, Grey Turner and Cullen signs, hypotension
Ranson's criteria for pancreatitis on admission
> 55 yo, WBC > 16K, serum LDH > 350, BG > 200, SGOT > 250
Ranson's criteria for pancreatitis after initial 48 hr
Hct decreased > 10%, BUN increased > 5, Ca < 8, art pO2 < 60, base deficit > 4, fluid sequestered > 6L
Tx for pancreatitis:
psoas tenderpoint, thoracic diaphragm, thoracic/lumbar/iliosacral mobilization, OA decompression
Pancreas lymph drainage
celiac nodes
Why do you have increased psoas usage with pancreatitis?
abdominal muscles become weakened
Pain distribution for PUD
epigastric pain with radiation to back
What makes PUD pain better?
eating or antacids
Nutritional advice for PUD
decrease alcohol, spices, coffee/caffeine; increase n-3 and n-6 Fas
Tx for PUD
rib raising, Chapman points, thoracic inlet/abd diaphragms, vagus nerve
Pain distribution for GERD
neck and shoulder, sub-xiphoid pain
Nutritional advice for GERD
avoid dietary fat, alcohol, coffee, acidic food, spices, large meals
4 Fs for cholecystitis
fat, female, forty, fertile
Pain distribution for cholecystitis
shoulder and R scapula, RUQ
How does SNS predispose to gallbladder infection?
decreases bile production and relaxes gallbladder which increases stasis
Rome 3 criteria for IBS:
recurrent abd pain/discomfort for at least 3 days per month in last 3 mo associated with 2 or more of the following: improvement on defecation, onset assoc with change in stool freq or stool appearance
With what disorders is IBS associated?
major depression, anxiety, somatoform disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, TMJ, chronic pelvic pain
What can contribute to the IBS pain associated with gas?
lymph edema
Nutritional advice for IBS:
avoid coffee, disaccharides, legumes, cabbage
Dx: terminal ileum is inflammed through intestinal wall, abd pain, diarrhea, weight loss
Crohn's disease
Dx: large intestine is bleeding, diarrhea with mucous
Dx: functional inhibition of propulsive bowel activity with no physical obstruction
Dx: ileus that resolves after 2-3 days, gas in sm int and colon
post-op ileus
Causes of ileus:
surgery/inactivity, opioids, sepsis, hematoma, decreased K, trauma, MI, lower lobe pneumonia, pyelonephritis, int ischemia
Contraindications to mesenteric lifts
abscess, abd aneurysm, acute infection
To where is the apex of the bladder attached?
anterior abd wall by the median umbilical lig
To where is the neck of the bladder attached?
pubic bones
To where does the bladder lymph drain?
external iliac nodes
To where does the posterior renal fascia attach?
quadratus, psoas, vertebrae, IV discs
To what does the superior renal fascia attach?
diaphragm; causes kidneys to move with respiration
Sympathetic IV: T10-11 for GU
adrenals, kidney, upper half of ureter, gonads
Sympathetic IV: T12-L2 for GU
lower half of ureter, bladder, prostate, genitals
What GU functions does sympathetic cause?
vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles, decreased GFR and ureteral peristalsis, relaxation of detrusor muscle
parasympathetic IV: vagus for GU
kidney and prox ureters, gonads
parasympathetic IV: S2-4 for GU
distal ureters, bladder, prostate, genitals
Inguinal lig tenderpoint
lateral border of pubic bones near lig attachment
Lymph drainage of gonads
superficial venous plexus under tunica vaginalis and deep plexus in testis/epididymis -> ascend in spermatic cord -> lateral and pre-aortic nodes
Along what muscle does the spermatic cord run?
Chapman point: kidney
1 inch lateral and superior to umbilicus, ipsilaterally
Chapman point: adrenals
1 inch lateral and 2 inches superior to umbilicus, ipsilaterally; POST: T11-12
Chapman point: bladder
umbilical area; POST: T12-L2
Chapman point: urethra
superior margin of pubis ramus about 2 cm lateral to symphysis
Chapman point: prostate
myofascial tissue along posterior margin of IT band
Most common causes of chronic kidney disease
HTN and DM
What is a reason BUN can be increased (unrelated to kidney)?
GI bleeding
Causes of acute renal failure
glomerulonephritis, acute tubular necrosis, drugs, tumor lysis syndrome, dehydration, rhabdomyolysis
Most common cause of UTI
E coli
Pain distribution for bladder infection
Lab findings for UTI
pyuria, bacteruria, leukocyte esterase is pos, nitrite is pos if E coli
MS problems that manifest like urolithiasis
sacroiliac, iliolumbar ligaments
Pain distribution for Meralgia Paresthetica
in distribution of lateral femoral cut nerve - anterolateral thigh
Causes of Meralgia Paresthetica
tight clothing, pregnancy, rapid weight gain, innominate SD
Iliolumbar tenderpoint
1 inch superior and lateral to inferior margin of PSIS and iliolumbar ligament
Dx: abrupt moderate to large leakage of urine due to uninhibitied bladder contractions of detrusor
urge incontinence
Dx: increased intraabd pressure causes sphincter opening in absence of bladder contraction
stress incontinence
Dx: small volume leakage due to detrusor weakness and/or bladder outlet obstruction
overflow incontinence
Prehn sign
elevation of hemiscrotum relieves pain of epididymis
Pain distribution of prostatitis
perineal and low back pain
Distribution of psoas pain
lumbar to upper butt, umbilicus to ASIS and anterior thigh
What is the osteopathic explanation for urge incontinence?
sacral dysfunction leading to hyperstim of PNS which causes contraction of detrusor
Chapman point: pancreas
Chapman point: liver, gallbladder
Chapman point: prostate
Chapman point: adrenals
Chapman point: kidney