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23 Cards in this Set

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In the thoracic and lumbar region where does the nerve root exit.
Below its corresponding vertebrae so L4 exits between L4 and L5
Which muscle is the primary flexor of the Hip and what is its orgins and insertions
O: T12-L5
I: Lesser Trochanter of femur
SD: Of Iliopsoas
Musles of the Erector Spinae group.
S: Spinalis
I: Iliocostalis
LO: LOngissmus
Facet Trophism:
An Asyymetry of the facet joint angles: Usually they are alingled backward and medial in the lumbar spine..in facet trophism they are more alingned in the coronal plane.
Boney deformity Transverse processes of L5 are Long and Articulate with the Sacrum
Failure of the fusion of S1 with the rest of the Sacrum
Spina Bifida
Anamoly in which there is a defect in the closure of the lamina of the vertebral segment
Spina Bifida Occulta
No herniation thru the defect....Only physical sign is a patch of hair ..No nuero defecit
Spina Bifida Meningocele
A Herniniation if the meninges.
Spina Bifida MYELOmeningocele
Herniation of meninges and nerve root thru the defect..ass. w/ nuero defecits
What is the main motion of the lumbar spine
Motion of L5 on the sacrum
Sidebending of the L5 will ENGAGE SACRUM TO THE SAME side
ROtation L5 will engage Sacrum to the opposite side
Lumbosacral angel/ Ferguson's angle
The Lumbosacral angle is caused by the INTERSECTION of a horizontal line and the Line of inclination of the sacrum...
NORMAL LUMBOSACRAL angle 25-35: Increase causes SHEAR stress--> Low back pain
Lumbosacral Spine Somatic Dysfunction
Pain in low back butt
Ache or muscle spasm
S/S:: Increased Pain with prolonges standing.sitting
TX: OMT counterstrain/ME/HVLA
How does a herniated nucleus pulposus present
Due to narrowing of PLL
Herniated disc in lumbar region
Disk herniation between L3/L4:
Will AFFECT NERVE root of L4
Numbness or tigling down leg, burning/shooting pain
S/S weakness decreased reflexes: Dermotomal defecit:
+ STriaght Leg raising test
MRI: BEST REST FOR no More than 2 days.
PSOAS SYndrome
Flexion/ Contracture of the Iliopsoas: Prolonged position shorten the PSOAS..
Non-Neutral dysfunction of L1/L2..+ SIde shift to contralateral side...Oblique axis and contralateral piriformis spas,
+ Thomas test
Tender pnt. medial 2 ASIS.
Non-Nuetral DYsfunction of L1 or L2
Describe the path of Spinal Stenosis
1.) Hypertrophy of facet joints
2.) Ca2+ Deposits w/ ligamentum flavum and PLL
3.) Loss of Intervertebral disc height.
Worse with Extension
X-Ray: Osteophytes and decreased Intervertebral disk space present
Describe SPondolisthesis
Anterior Displacement of 1 vert. in relation to the one below
Occurs @ L4/L5 Due to fatigue fractures of the Pars iNtercularis of the vertebrae
S/S: Increased PAIn on Extension: Tight Hamstrings Bilaterally, Stiff legged-waddeling gait..
+ Step off sign
Heal lifts if needed
What is the grading of SPONDOLITHESIS
Grade 1: 0-25%
Grade 2: 25-50%
Grade 3: 50-75%
Grade 4: >75%

Defect of PARS intercularis WITHout ANTERIOR SLIPPAGE
Collar of scotty dog

OBLIque X-ray
DEGENERATIVE changes in the intervertebral disk and ankylosing of adjacent vert. bodies
Cuada Equina Syndrome
Pressure on nerve roots of the cauda equina massive disk herniation
Low back pain: Sharp
SADDLE ANESTHESIA, Decreased DTR, Decreased Rectal Sphinchter tone and LOSS of bowel and bladder control