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63 Cards in this Set

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Administration is comprised of what fundamental elements?
command and control communications
What is the first element of administration?
What does planning helps the unit to decide in advance?
what to do
how to do it
when to do it
who is to do it
Administrative support of the unit must be established to ensure coordination of what?
all administrative activities
Organization is the element of administration which entails the orderly arrangement of what?
materials and personnel
Organization does what?
establishes the working relationship among unit personnel
establishes the flow of work promotes teamwork
identifies the responsibility, authority and accountability of individuals within the unit
Obligation of an individual to render an account of the proper discharge of his or her responsibilities.
The power to command, enforce laws, exact obedience, determine, or judge.
The assigning of a superior's authority to act to a subordinate.
What may never be delegated?
The tasks which the individual is required to perform.
Responsiblity consists of what 2 things?
1) The obligation to carry forward an assigned task to a successful conclusion. With responsibility goes authority to direct and take the necessary action to insure success.
2) The obligation for the proper custody, care, and safekeeping of property or funds entrusted to the possession or supervision of an individual.
What are the 3 applicable principles in developing an organization?
unity of command
span of control
delegation of authority
To ensure all personnel know whom they direct and to whom they report what must me clearly established?
the lines of authority
Span of control refers to what?
The ideal number of people who can be supervised effectively by one person.
Ordinarily, a supervisor should be immediately responsible for not less than ___ or no more than ___ individuals.
Authority should be delegated to the what level of competence commensurate with the subordinate's assigned responsibility and capabilities.
An effective organization will exhibit what 3 basic features?
The general pattern in which the organization should be designed.
All essential functions of the organization must be delineated.
There must be a clear definition of individual duties, responsibilities, authority, and organizational relationships.
What steps should be followed in setting up an organization?
Prepare a written statement of missions.
Familiarize all involved in planning the organization with the principles of organization.
Group the functions logically.
Prepare organization manuals.
Document policies and procedures of the organization in writing.
Indoctrinate key personnel
Set up controls to ensure achievement of the organization's objectives.
The authority which a commander in the military service lawfully exercises over his or her subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.
Effective command requires mastery of what?
leadership and communication skills, and the ability to motivate unit personnel to make personal sacrifices to attain command objectives.
Factors affecting motivation include what?
clear communication of command objectives unambiguous definition of authority and responsibility a commitment by the chain of command to recognize initiative and excellence as well as deficient performance
A good leaders does what?
motivate all individuals of the organization to perform their respective assignments well, enthusiastically, and as a team.
A leader should not allow anyone else but themselves to do what to a subordinate?
critisize or penalize the subordinate
All persons in the naval service have the responsibility to exercise ___ ___ over those persons subordinate to them.
proper authority
All persons in the naval service are charged to obey readily and strictly, and to execute promptly, all lawful orders of whom?
their superiors
All officers, warrant officers, and petty officers have the authority necessary to fulfill what?
their assigned duties and responsibilities
The principles of accountability include:
Each individual is fully accountable for his or her own actions, or failure to act when required.
Leaders and supervisors have a duty to assign clear lines of authority and responsibility.
Leaders and supervisors have a duty to provide their subordinates the resources and supervision necessary to enable them to meet their prescribed responsibilities.
Leaders and supervisors have a duty to hold their subordinates accountable, and to initiate appropriate corrective, administrative, disciplinary, or judicial action when individuals fail to meet their responsibilities.
Orders must be...
lawful and must not be characterized by tyrannical or capricious conduct, or by abusive language.
Control involves...
measuring performance and, where deficiencies exist, providing corrective action
What are 2 types of controls?
Management Control Program (MCP)
individual performance controls
Commanding officers are responsible for ensuring that resources under their purview are used ___ and ___, and that programs and operations are discharged with integrity and in compliance with applicable ___ and ___.
efficiently, effectively, laws, regulations
Management controls should ensure what 5 things are done?
(1) programs achieve their intended results
(2) resources are used consistent with agency mission
(3) programs and resources are protected from waste, fraud, and mismanagement
(4) laws and regulations are followed
(5) reliable and timely information is obtained, maintained, reported and used for decision making.
The program for implementing management controls should have the following basic elements:
Clear responsibility for MCP management and the performance of management control evaluations.
Inventories of assessable units, segmented along organizational, functional, and/or program lines.
Effective, continuously monitored and improved management controls associated with programs.
Processes for identifying, reporting, and correcting material weaknesses, which are instances where management controls are not in place, not used, or not adequate.
Effective training and clear accountability for individuals with responsibility for systems of control, including subordinate commanders or commanding officers, if any.
The individual performance control process also requires that the unit commander do what?
establish standards, measure performance against these standards, and require correction where deviations from standards exist.
Resorting to the withholding of privileges and extra military instruction should occur only when?
counseling and normal training fail to accomplish the necessary objective.
Punishment may only be imposed through judicial process or nonjudicially through what article of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)?
Article 15
instruction in a phase of military duty in which an individual is deficient and is intended to correct that deficiency.
Extra instruction assigned must be...
logically related to the deficiency to be corrected.
What are the 5 limitation for EMI?
EMI will not normally be assigned for more than 2 hours per day.
outside normal working hours.
not be conducted over a period that is longer than necessary to correct the performance deficiency.
not be assigned on member's Sabbath.
EMI will not be used as a method of depriving normal liberty.
What rank or rate can assign EMI during normal working hours?
Authority to assign EMI to be performed after working hours rests with whom?
the commanding officer or officer in charge
Can the CO delegate the authority to assign EMI after working hours to anyone else?
officers and petty officers in connection with duties and responsibilities assigned to them.
Is Delegation of authority to assign EMI outside of working hours to responsible officers and senior petty officers encouraged?
Temporary withholding of privileges is authorized under what?
R.C.M. 306(c)(2) and Part V, MCM,
A privilege is a ___, ___, or ___, provided for the convenience or enjoyment of an individual.
benefit, advantage, favor
Authority to withhold a privilege, however temporary, must ultimately rest with what level of authority?
The level empowered to grant that privilege.
Authority to withhold privileges of personnel in a liberty status is vested in whom?
the commanding officer or officer in charge
Can the CO delegate the authority to withhold privileges of personnel in a liberty status?
Deprivation of normal liberty as a punishment is illegal, except as specifically authorized under what?
lawful deprivation of normal liberty may result from what other actions?
authorized pretrial restraint, or in a foreign country or in foreign territorial waters
All officers and senior petty officers are expected to ___ their subordinates publicly when appropriate.
Recognition may include:
Awarding letters
Initiating recommendations for personal awards
Assigning preferred duties.
Initiating recommendations for special recognition
Making recommendations for reenlistment, assignment to training schools, education or advancement programs and documenting exceptional personal performance in enlisted evaluations.
Communications within a unit are exercised primarily through what means?
plan of the day
personal contact
issuance of unit instructions and notices
Efficient administration requires the development of what?
Records Management Program
Forms are located in what instruction?
Reports are located in what instruction?
Administrative Issuances are covered in what instruction?
Records disposal, storage, and protection is covered in what instruction?
Records disposal, storage, and protection
Classified material control is covered in what instruction?
All requests for Department of the Navy records that can reasonably be interpreted as requests under the Freedom of Information Act should be reviewed according to what instruction?
Information covered by the privacy act is covered in what instruction?