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46 Cards in this Set

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Carnivores possess enhanced _____________ vision to improve predatory feeding habits
What type of vision yields a larger area of panoramic vision for ungulates?
where in the orbit is the dog's eye located with regards to midline?
rostrolateral, 10 degrees from midline
What species have an entirely enclosed orbit?
horse, ox, sheep, cattle, goat
what species have an open orbit?
carnivore, pig
What is the bone structure of the dog/cat orbit?
5, sometimes 6 bones
+/- maxillary
what are the 3 entities that comprise the orbital fascia?
periorbita, Tenon's capsule (fascia bulbi), fascial sheaths of the extraocular muscles
What represents the yellow color in periorbital fat of animals?
lutein, beta caroten, and retinol
What is the insertion of the 4 rectus muscles (be specific)?
Medial - 5 mm away from the limbus
Ventral - 6 mm away from the limbus
Dorsal - 7 mm away from the limbus
Lateral - 9 mm away from the limbus
In which direction does the dorsal oblique muscle pull the globe?
medially, ventrally
In which direction does the ventral oblique pull the globe?
medially, dorsally
What extraocular muscles are innervated by the oculomotor nerve (CN III)?
dorsal, ventral, and medial recti, ventral oblique
What extraocular muscles are innervated by the abducens nerve (CN VI)?
lateral rectus, retractor oculi
What extraocular muscles are innervated by the trochlear nerve (CN IV)?
dorsal oblique
Where does the medial palpebral ligament insert?
the periosteum of the nasal bone
Where does the lateral palpebral ligament insert?
temporal fascia and bones associated with the lateral orbit
what muscle(s) are responsible for closure of the eyelids?
orbicularis ocululi
what muscle(s) are responsible for open of the eyelids?
relaxation of the orbicularis oculi and contraction of the levator palpebrae superioris
How many rows of eyelashes do dogs have?
do cats have upper eyelashes?
technically no; however the first row of hairs are close enough that some consider them eyelashes

also seen in the elephant and hyrax
What is the function of the eyelid (3)?
1. protection/exclusion from light
2. production of a portion of liquid tears
3. spreading of the precorneal tear film/sweeping away of foreign material
What are the 4 histologic layers of the eyelid?
1. skin
2. orbicularis oculi
3. tarsus and stromal layer
4. palpebral conjunctival layer
glands of Zeis
sebaceous glands of the eyelid
glands of Moll
aka ciliary glands; modified sweat glands of the eyelid
glands of Kraus
found in the human; accessory sweat glands of the conjunctiva
meibomian glands
tarsal glands that contribute to the outer oily layer of the preocular tear film
what large terrestrial animal lacks meibomian glands?
what are the mucus forming cells found in the conjunctiva?
goblet cells
where is the highest concentration of goblet cells in the dog?
lower nasal and middle fornix and lower tarsal portion of the palpebral conjunctiva
what is the blood supply of the conjunctiva?
branches of the anterior ciliary arteries (branches of the external ophthalmic artery
What cells dominate the diffuse portion of the CALT?
CD-8 positive suppressor cells, cytotoxic effector cells
What cells dominate the follicular portion of the CALT?
lymphocyte activation, proliferation and effector cell differentiation
What is the lymphatic drainage of the lateral commissure of the conjunctiva?
parotid lymph nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the medial conjunctiva?
sumaxillary lymph nodes
what are the main functions of the conjunctiva (3)?
1. prevent dessication of the cornea
2. increase mobility of the eyelid and globe
3. provide a physiologic barrier against microrganisms and foreign bodies
what is the nictitans cartilage primary made of in the horse? dog?
largely elastic in the horse; hyaline in the dog
name the function (mixed, serous, mucus) of the nictitans gland in the horse, dog, cat, cow, and pig:
horse - serous
dog/cat/cow - mixed
pig - mucus
Harderian gland
accessory lacrimal gland; found primarily in the rodent
what domestic species has smooth muscle associated with the third eyelid?
what is the name of the skeletal muscle in the manatee that is associated with the third eyelid? what is it's innervation?
pyrimidalis muscle; innervated by the oculomotor nerve
what are the 3 layers of the preocular tear film?
1. oil
2. aqueous
3. mucus
what glands produce the oil layer of the preocular tear film?
meibomian glands, glands of Zeis
What percentage of the aqueous layer of the tear film is produced by the lacrimal gland, accessory gland of Kraus and Wolfring, and the gland of the third eyelid respectively?
lacrimal - 61%
accessory glands - 3%
gland of the third eyelid- 35%
where is the mucin layer of the preocular tear film produced?
largely by conjunctival goblet cells
what effect do cholinergic drugs have on the lacrimal gland?
What type of drug will decrease tear production?
anticholinergics (ie atropine!)