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32 Cards in this Set

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Operant conditioning

Learning theory that identifies the factors responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of complex voluntary behaviors

Operant conditioning (Thorndike)

Learning occurs through the connections between stimuli and responses as a result of trial-and-error.

The behaviors are instrumental in the achieving of a goal (instrumental learning)

The law of effect

Any response followed by satisfying state of affairs (drive reduction?) is likely to be repeated again.

Behaviors resulting in an annoying state of affairs is less likely to occur

BF Skinner

Father of operant conditioning.

Believed that classical conditioning explained automatically elicited behaviors but failed to explain more complex behaviors that are voluntarily emitted.

Operant conditioning is a theory of behavior based on the way behaviors operate on the environment

Reinforcement and punishment

-A reinforcer always increases the probability or intensity of a response occurring.

- A punishment decreases the probability of or prevents a response occurring


-Positive refers to the application of a stimulus.

-Negative refers to the withholding or removal of a stimulus.

Positive and negative punishment

Positive punishment: dog chews shoe, hit with newspaper

Negative punishment (response cost): child hits sibling, takes away fav toy.

Operant extinction

Reward withheld from a previously reinforced behavior to eliminate or decrease that behavior.

Usually not immediate but rather gradual reduction in frequency/intensity of a response

Extinction burst

A temporary increase in responding during extinction

Behavioral contrast

When 2 different behaviors are reinforced and then the reinforcement of one behavior is withdrawn in order to extinguish it, the other behavior is likely to increase

Primary unconditioned reinforcers

Inherently desirable and do not acquire reinforcing value through experience

(Generalized) Secondary reinforcers

Acquire reinforcing value through their association with a primary reinforcer.

Ex. A token which is reinforcing because it is associated with a stimulus that is naturally reinforcing

Continuous reinforcement

Reinforcement after every response

Intermittent reinforcement

Reinforcement after a specified number of responses

4 types of intermittent reinforcement schedules

1. Fixed interval

2. Variable interval

3. Fixed ratio

4. Variable ratio

Superstitious behavior and S - R generalization

Accidental, non contingent reinforcement. Reinforcement not tied to any particular behavior

Odd, ritualistic behavior: Behaviors that the organism was engaging in just prior to the non contingent behavior

Discriminated stimuli

Similar, but different, stimuli are differentially reinforced. Organism learns to discriminate between stimuli that are reinforced and similar stimuli that are not reinforced

Escape and avoidance conditioning

Behaviors that are maintained by negative reinforcement (Escape Behavior incr bec the organism's performance allows the organism to escape an undesirable stimulus)

Escape behavior is a two-factor form of learning (organism learns to identify a stimulus that signals the initiation of an aversive stimulus).

If the organism performs the target behavior in the presence of a cue, the organism can escape the negative reinforcer.

Two factors = discrimination learning (cue) and avoidance, or escape learning


The reinforcer should only be available when the target Behavior has been performed


The reinforcer should be delivered immediately after the target Behavior. Reinforcement delayed may not reinforce the target Behavior

Schedule of reinforcement

Establishment of a new behavior is most rapid with A continuous reinforcement. Maintenance of the target behavior is maximized with an intermittent schedule of reinforcement


The change from a continuous to intermittent reinforcement schedule once the behavior is well-established, then reducing the proportion of reinforcement to Target Behavior

Magnitude of reinforcement

the greater the reinforcer the greater its effectiveness.

Beyond a certain magnitude, satiation may occur (the reinforcer loses its reinforcing value)


Verbal or physical reinforcements facilitate the acquisition of the target Behavior


The gradual removal of the prompt


Rewarding behaviors that approximate the target behavior.

Essentially, behaviors come closer and closer to the target behavior


Developing a chain/sequence of behaviors in which each subsequent behavior is contingent on what came before

Premack principle

A high probability behavior is used to reinforce a low-probability behavior.

Ex. Video game-playing (high probability behaviour), working on dissertation (low-probability behaviour) - play video game after 1 hour of dissertation work

Differential reinforcement

Combining positive reinforcement with extinction.

Reward 1 of 2 competing responses. Reward one behavior while ignoring the other behavior

Fixed interval

Scalloping. The interval is the same after each reinforcement. The first response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has elapsed.

Ex: reinforcing a rat with a pellet for the first bar press after 30-second interval

Variable interval

Steady but relatively low level of response. Occurs when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed.

Ex: delivering a food pellet to a rat after the first bar press following a 1 minute interval, 5 minute, then 3-minute interval

Fixed ratio

Relatively High, steady rate of responding. A response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses.

Ex: delivering a food pellet to a rat after it presses a bar five times

Variable ratio

Highest rate of responding, most resistant to Extinction. When a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses.

Ex: delivering food pellets to a rat after one bar press, again after 4 bar presses, and two bar presses.