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36 Cards in this Set

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bits per pixels needed for 128 gray levels?

7 bits (2^7)

how do you get normal vector of 3d plane represented by 3 points: a,b,c

a = (x2-x1,y2-y1,z2-z1) b=(x3-x1,y3-y1,z3-z1)

Then cross product:

Cross Product of axb = (a1,a2,a3)X(b1,b2,b3)


Benefit of motion capture system

Realistic motion but expensive system

difference between GL_LINE_LOOP and GL_POLYGON?

polygon fills the shape with a solid color, line loop is an outline only

purpose of glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE)?

double buffer system, it sets a second buffer for the display window

A sum of a point and a vector is a point (true/false)

TRUE. A vector is a displacement of the point to another point

What is the dimensionality in which the vertices in OpenGL are processed?

4D (4 dimensional)

suppose following function:

y=sin(x), -2 <= x <= 2 (domain), -1 <= y <= 1(range)

Plot in openGL window of size 640x480 so the specified area fits the entire window. Write OpenGL code that does this.





TRUE/FALSE. A translation T followed by rotation R is the same as rotation R followed by translation T


TRUE/FALSE The last row of a 3D affine transformation matrix is always (0 0 0 1)


What is the purpose of the OpenGL modeling transformation stack?

Push/pop allows us to go to previous transformation states. Basically it allows for 'history'

TRUE/FALSE A quadrilateral is always a convex polygon?

True. Duh

Write OpenGL statement to set the foreground color to cyan


mix of green and blue

advantage of outline based text representation over bitmap-based?

Outline based saves space and it's 'scale independent' ie. no loss of quality on expand/shrink

suppose you performed a 2D rotation about the origin by the angle THETA. Write affine trans matrix that would undo this roation

[ cosTHETA sinTHETA 0 0]

[ -sinTHETA cosTHETA 0 0]

[0 0 1 0]

[0 0 0 1]

TRUE/FALSE a 45 degree x roll followed by 90 degree y-roll would be the same thing reversed?


describe how a cube-shaped box would be displayed on the screen under parallel projection vs. perspective projection

On parallel each side would be truly parallel. On perspective is would change based on distance from the viewer, looks more realistic like the human eye sees. (remember skyscraper example Kang drew)

TRUE/FALSE gluLookAt function determines the shape of the view volume

False. gluLookAt sets viewing matrix, projection matrix sets the shape of view volume

TRUE/FALSE In 3d graphics, the depth buffer isn't needed when rendering wireframes

True, if you can see everything like in a wire frame, why would you need depth to determine what can and cant be seen?

Using homogenous representation, prove that an affine combination of two points is a point.


a+b=1 so a=1-b

(1-b)(x1,y1,z1,1) + b(x2,y2,z2,1) = ((1-b)x1+bx2,...etc...,1)

How has computer graphics advanced science?

visualization of math functions (graphs), modeling of bacteria/viruses, molecules, etc. CAD

a smooth curve must be converted to a polyline before display. Why?

display is a collection of discrete pixels so it can't display a truly smooth curve

TRUE/FALSE A convex polygon is a simple polygon

True (no intersections when convex)

What is the color depth of True Color?

24 (24 bits) =~ 16 million colors

TRUE/FALSE OpenGL system has origin at the upper left

False, it's bottom left

What is wrong with: glColor3f(1.0, 0.3, 0.5 , 1.0);

3f should only have 3 floating point #'s, not 4 (the alpha value)

what does glFlush do?

outputs current drawing in the buffer to the display. in kang's words: display everything you have specified so far

Difference between GL_PROJECTION and GL_MODELVIEW

GL_PROJ creates viewing volumes. MODELVIEW holds the transformations and camera view

Aspect ratio of 1080p? (1920x1080)

16:9 = 1920/1080

Prove that Bezier curve always passes through first and last control points

coeffecients determined by ((1-t)+t)^n where n is the # of control points minus one.

So if t=0, the point = 1,0,0,0,.etc.....0

if t=1, the point = 0,0,0,0.etc....,1

Supposed their is a plane represented by triangle ABC with coordinates A(1,0,2), B(2,3,0) and C(1,2,4). Computer the normal vectore of the plane


Write code to generate a snowflake using the structure on left

void drawBranch(){





//In main

for (i=0,i<6,i++){


glRotated(60*i,0,0,1); // 360degrees/6branches




derive parametric form for a circle with radius r

x = r*cos(t)

y = r*sin(t)

0 <= t <= 2PI

Window to viewport conversion formula

sx = Ax+B

sy = Cy+D





interpolation steps

Draw graphs.

If intermediate step = 50%, find midpoints between each given points