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19 Cards in this Set

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Vertebral loose-pack position
midway between flexion and extension
TMJ loose-pack position
jaw slightly open (freeway space)
SC and AC joint loose-pack position
arm resting by side
GH loose pack
55-70 deg abduction; 30 deg horizantal adduction; neutral rotation
Humeroulnar and humeroradial loose pack
HU-70 deg flex and 10 deg sup
HR-full ext and sup
proximal radioulnar and distal radialulnar loose pack
proximal = 70 deg flex and 35 deg sup
Distal = 10 deg sup
Radio/ulnocarpal loose pack
neutral w/ slight ulnar deviation
midcarpal loose pack
neutral w/ slight flex and ulnar deviation
carpometacarpal loose pack (2 through 5)
midway b/t flex and ext
trapeziometacarpal loose pack
midway b/t flex and ext and b/t abd and add
metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
loose pack
first MCP = slight flex

MCP (2-5) = slight flex w/ ulnar deviation
interphalangeal (IP) loose pack (hand)
PIP: 10 deg flex

DIP: 30 deg flex
hip loose pack
30 deg flex, 30 deg abd, and slight ER (lat. rot)
knee loose pack
25 deg flex
talocrural loose pack
midway b/t inv/ever and 10 deg PF
subtalar and mid-tarsal loose pack
midway b/t extremes of ROM w/ 10 deg PF
tarsometatarsal loose pack
midway b/t supination and pronation
metatarsophalangeal loose pack
neutral (10 deg ext)
interphalangeal loose pack (foot)
slight flex