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33 Cards in this Set

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Mydriasis contraindications
- iris supported IOLs
- subluxated crystalline lens
- very narrow angles
- symptoms/Hx of angle closure
Acute Angle Closure
Signs & symptoms
- ocular pain (plus vomiting)
- conjunctival/ciliary injection
- corneal oedema - hazy vision
- fixed mid-dilated pupil
- pupil block/plateau iris

- generally occurs within 1hr dilation
- can occur when mid-dilated as pupil returns to normal
- full symptomology 4-8hrs after instillation
Pupil Block
- lens seals against the iris as angle narrowed with dilation
- due to combination of iris thickening and anterior iris displacement as tip moves towards root
- blocks the flow of aqueous humour from posterior to anterior chamber
Plateau Iris
- large or anteriorly positioned ciliary processes push peripheral iris forward
- crowds angle and obstructs aqueous outflow
- chamber deep centrally and shallow peripherally
- always assess chamber angle peripherally
1. Pre-dilation Procedures

2. Narrow angle Px dilation
1- Informed consent
- IOP and angles assessment on every occasion

2- dilate earlier in day in case emergency care required
- only one eye at initial visit
- 0.5% tropicamide
Schaffer scale
0: iris against TM - definite angle closure risk
Slit: angle b/w iris and TM <10deg - sigt risk
I: 10 deg - moderate risk
II: 20 deg - slight risk
III: >2odeg, but <45deg - low risk
IV: 45 deg - no risk
Post dilation procedures
- if not sigt increased 1hr post tropicamide instillation, unlikely to increase
- concerning if more than a few mmHg - Px remain until decrease to baseline values
- Px should remain if sigt reduced

Warn against driving
Return if vision decreases, eye pain or redness, nausea, vomiting etc
Acute angle closure management
- consider urgent referral to ophthal - surgical iridectomy or laser iridotomy
- IOP < 50mmHg - topical pilocarpine may relieve pupil block
- topical anti-glaucoma meds - apraclonidine, timolol
- oral or IV acetazolamide & hyperosmotic agents

- tropicamide rarely causes complete closure and IOP responds well to Tx
Informed Consent
- drop function
- routine procedure
- risk of CAG attack but checks carried out to determine risk - and procedures to deal with
- non-dilation = risk of non-detection, more danger
- duration of dilation
- vision effects - sunglasses and hat advised,
Miotics - Mode of action
- directly acting parasympathomimetics (cholinergics)
- bind Ach receptors on sphinter and ciliary muscles
- mimic Ach -- constriction and accom spasm
Pilocarpine 1 %
1. time to miosis onset, time to maximal miosis & recovery time
2. accomodative spasm duration
1- 10mins, within 1/2 hour, gradual over 6hrs
2- up to 2 hrs
Pilocarpine Uses (3)
1- AAC glaucoma emergency treatment
2. COA glaucoma
3. Adie's Pupil Diagnostic Test
- damage to postganglionic

NOTE - rarely used in clinical practice now, many ocular and systemic SEs
Pilocarpine to treat AACG
1- AAC glaucoma emergency treatment
- 1 drop 2% every 5 min until miosis
- >2% contraind
- ineffective if IOP >50mmHg - bc ischaemia of sphincter
Pilocarpine to treat COAG
2. COA glaucoma
- dec IOP by CM contraction -> force on scleral spur -> streches TM -> dec outflow resistance
- short-term effects and SEs tf superceded
Pilocarpine and Adie's Pupil
3. Adie's Pupil Diagnostic Test
- CG lesion -> damage to postganglionic PNS pathway to eye
- cholinergic hypersensitivity in affected eye
- 0.1% constricts affected pupil but not normal
Pilocarpine and myrdriasis reversal
- Positives and negatives
- avoids photophobia
- speeds accom return if mydriatic has cycloplegic action

- competing action not helpful
- Inc pupil block danger
- prolongs abnormal structure positions - these structural changes may predispose to angle closure even in those with low closure risk
- unnecessary for short-acting mydriatics
Pilocarpine: Ocular Side Effects (6)
- accommodative spasm - browache, pseudomyopia
- miosis - dim vision at night
- pupil block glaucoma
- conjunctival injection - BV dilation->redness
- allergic blepharoconjunctivitis
- ret detachment - constricted pupil pulls all linked structures
Pilocarpine: Systemic Side Effects (6)
- serious SEs assoc chronic use in glaucoma or overdose in acute treatment of angle closure

- bronchoconstriction - possible respiratory distress in asthmatics
- GI upset
- inc salivation and tearing
- flushing and sweating
- CNS effects - stimulation then depression
- systemic cholinergic effects
Pilocarpine contraindications
- PSCC - on axis tf dec vision w/ constriction
- <40yo
- neovascular & uveitic glaucoma -
- RD Hx
- asthma
- pregnancy B2, lactation
Lubricant uses (7)
- dry eye Tx
- debris/allergen removal
- contact agent - gonio etc
- corneal regularity and VA improvement - OCT, topography
- decrease preserved meds toxic effects
- pre, intra and post refractive, cataract and corneal surgery
- alleviate ocular discomfort
Ideal lube properties (9)
- non-irritating
- good lubricating effect
- long retention time
- won't affect optics
- won't remove essential substances from tears
- contain beneficial substances - K bicarbonate and electrolytes
- isotonic to tears
- compatible with tear film components/layers
- improve symptoms, TF stability and surface staining
Lube 'active' ingredients (6)
- demulcents - mucolytic
- mucomimetic - enhance mucous properties
- emulsifiers - mix oil/aqueous
- surfactants - wetting agents
- viscolizers - enhance viscosity
- liposomes - enhance lipid properties

(+preservatives & buffers - ph7.4)
- Low viscosity
- for mild DE symptoms
- short retention time - frequent dosing
- no blurring of vision on instilation

- eg. Povidone, Murine Revital Eyes
- High viscosity
- prolonged residence
- high mucoadhesiveness
- blur on instillation
- poor shear thinning in tear deficient eye

- PolyTears, PolyGel
Non-Newtonian polymers
- synthetic gels
- high viscosity
- shear thin with blinking
- prolonged residence - less freq dosing
- day and night use

- eg carbomer gels, Luxyal
Mucomimetic lubes
HP - guar
- gelling agent in solution with glycol 400 and propylene glycol
- liquid form in bottle, gels with eye contact
- preferentially binds more hydrophobic, dessicated of damaged areas
- improved mucin layer -> temporary protection
Systane Lubes
- HP-guar +sorbitol

- HP guar + lipids/mineral oil

- thicker eye drop for severe symptoms
- inc HP guar, inc gelling action
Liposome Lubes
Tears Again - lid spray
- liposomes concentrate on lid margins and deliverd to ocular surface by blinking
- delivers phospholipids, essential FAs, Vit E to lid
- addresses lipid layer deficits

- up to 95% Tear evap reduction
- sigt NITBUT increase - up to 90min
Lube Osmolarity
- hypotonic <340mOsm/L or isotonic

- increased tear osmolarity is a feature of all chronic TF and oc surface disorders
-> morphological and biochemical changes to corneal and conj ep and pro-inflam
BAK in Lubes
- preservative required in all multi-dose products to prevent microbial growth (TGA)
- toxic to corneal and conj ep
- toxicity related to concentration, freq, tear secreation and clearance, oc surface severity

- mild DE - well tolerated < 4xday
- moderate DE - high potential for BAK toxicity
Lubricating ointments
- contain paraffin and lanolin (can be irritant and delay wound healing, wool sensitivity)
- not well tolerated in severely aqu-deficient DE
- avoid in MGD
- generally unpreserved
- night use
Lubricant dosage in DE
Unit dose, preservative free
- > 4xday
- in allergy, toxixity or severe tear deficiency

- transient use
- up to 4xday non-toxic
DE treatments
- primary cause Tx
- tear supplements - drops day, gels night
- ocular hygiene - lid scrubs
- Omega 3
- AB drops/ointments - chlorsig
- AI drops/ointments - FML, Hydrocor
- Manuka Honey
- Punctal plugs
- Bandage CLs
- Moisture Chamber goggles