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207 Cards in this Set

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What must be ruled out in any reproductive-age women presenting with acute pelvic s/sxs? (abd/pelvic pain or unexplained hypovolemia)
ectopic pregnancy
Pt hx clues of ectopic pregnancy include
hx of abnormal bleeding, fever, pain, or amenorrhea

hx of prior ectopic or acute salpingitis
Lab value used to check for ectopic pregnancy includes
urine HCG (pos very early)

serum quant if in doubt
What is used to r/o ectopic pregnancy?
u/s to check for IUP
If u/s is non-dx in suspected ectopic, what should be done?
many pts with acute appendicitis have CC of
abd pain, nausea, vomiting
Fever is a _____ finding in acute appendicitis except

when ruptured
Labs used in the ddx of acute appendicitis include
CBC (increased wbc)

U/A (leukocytes)
Xray findings of acute appendicitis may demonstrate
free air under diaphragm when flat and upright
Ovarian causes of acute pelvic sxs include
ovarian cyst or torsion of adnexa
Factors diagnostic of ovarian causes of pelvic pain include

CBC w/ elevated WBC

negative hCG
Causes of severe acute pelvic pain include
acute salpingitis
acute endometritis
rupture endometrioma
Etiology of pain in a ruptur eendometrioma includes
rupture of chocolate cysts and production of toxic rxn
In regards to endometriosis, the most pain is caused by
least severe disease
definitive dx of endometriosis is
seeing endometrial glands/stroma in other tissues (cannot dx endometriosis w/o histology)
Other causes of acute pelvic pain include
Sexual assault/pelvic trauma

ureteral colic
S/Sxs of ureteral colic include
spastic pain secondary to obstruction from stone or clot

elicit peritoneal signs
Acute pelvic pain can also be 2ary to
threatened or inevitable abortion

incomplete abortion or septic abortion
Uncommon cause of acute pelvic pain with a IUP is
heterotropic pregnancy (combined IUP and ectopic)
heterotopic pregnancy is dx by ____ and tx with _____

laparoscopic abortion
Causes of pelvic pain other than ectopic pregnancy, abortion, stones, trauma, salpingitis, etc
UTI esp cystitis

ruptured corpus luteum cyst
Causes of acute pelvic pain in post-menopausal women
GI and urinary tract most common

Degenerating myoma
Hx diagnostic of degenerating myoma in post-menopausal pt with pelvic pain is
What mus tbe ruled out in post-menopausal pts presenting with acute pelvic pain?
adnexal pathology
Conception is defined as
Period from LNMP to 2 weeks
Abortion defined as
2 - 21 weekes
Fetal Death defined as
22 weeks +
Infant death defined as
delivery to 1 year
Premature fetus defined as
wt 1000 - 2400 g
mature fetus defined as
wt 2400-4000 g
Postmature fetus defined as
42 weeks or 4000g+
Pregnancy is diagnosed by
LNMP and positive HCG

Sxs of pregnancy are variable and may include


breast tenderness and enlargement

urinary tract sxs
quickening occurs at
14-20 weeks gestation
Signs of pregnancy include
Chadwick's sign

hegars sign

Pelvic, joint and ligament relaxation

arthralgia esp in pubic symphysis

abdominal enlargement
Chadwick's sign is
vascular congestion of the cervix (appears blue or purple)
Hegar's sign is
softening of uterine isthmus making it compressible, 6-8 weeks
"Belly" measurement in pregnancy is done by
measuring from top of symphysis to fundus
Abdominal measurement in pregnancy always done in
Fundus stops enlarging/raising at
37-38 weeks (or cm?)
urine hCG tests are positive
around 2 weeks post conception
FHT are heard as early as
10 weeks
Fetal movement is felt around
18-20 weeks
Pregnancy can be detected by sonography by
5 weeks
Braxton-Hicks contractions can be felt at
28 weeks +
Serum pregnancy tests are positive around
8 days after conception
Goal of prenatal care is to
recognize high risk pregnancy
Pregnancy is complicated in about
5-20% of cases
What should be done at the first PRENATAL visit
ID risk factors

make dx and establish EDC (delivery date)

HX of previous pregnancies

HX of current pregnancy

Medical hx including blood transfusions, allergies, infections

Family hx (diabetis, twins)

Complete physical exam

Size of uterus (helps with gest age)

Evaluate bony pelvis for adequate diameter to accomodate fetus

Check cervical length (should be firm and 2-3 cms)
Diagonal conjugate is ____ and should be ____
distance b/t symphysis and sacrum

Lab studies to get at first prenatal visit include
Hemoglobin, Hct, Blood type, Rh, syphilis, Hep B, HIV

Screen for neural tube defects, Trisomy 18, 21 with quad test at 15-20 wks

OFFER genetic testing to pts over age 35 ; CVS or amnio

Dipstick UA for glucose and protein
Genetic testing should be offered to all pregnant pts over
Test that should be performed at 35-37 wks gestation
Group B strep
PPD for pts
in endemic areas
F/U appointments should be
q 4 wks until 32 weeks then q 2 weeks until 36 weeks then weekly
What should be done at every f/u appt?
Check wt gain, fetal growth, BP, FHR, UA for protein and glucose
Nl wt gain in the pregnant pt is
25-35 lbs
_____ can be a sign of fetal well being
maternal well being
subtle changes in _____ may give clue to early fetal compromise
maternal BP
____ should both be monitored closely and should be _____ and _____
wt gain and FH

gain is 25-35 lbs

FH increases ~ 1cm/wk past 20 weeks
FHR at f/u appts in pregnancy pts should be monitored for
accels, decels, irregular rates

nl is 120-160 bpm
___ should be noted in pregnant pts at f/u appts with _____ in late pregnancy normal

dependent edema in late pregnancy
Early signs of preeclampsia include
upper-body edema with elevated BP

facial edema
fetal size and position should be checked at
26-28 wks
Persistant abnormal lie may indicate ______ and should be evaluated with ____
problem with placenta, pelvis, uterus, or fetal size

In preparing for labor, the pt should be evaluated if
regular contractions q5-10min

ruptured membranes

vaginal bleeding

decreased fetal movement

signs of pre-eclampsia (facial swelling, rapid wt gain)

chills and fever

severe abdominal or back pain (placental separation if in upper quadrant)

any other medical problems
Common complaints during pregnancy include
Ptyalism (excessive salivation)
Pica (eating clay)
Vaginal infections
varicose veins
back/pelvic pain
leg cramps
Leg cramps in pregnancy should be tx with
increase Ca carbonate or citrate

decrease cal phos
Breast soreness in pregnancy can be tx with
24 hr bra or ice packs
hand discomfort in pregnancy related to
carpal tunnel d/t swelling
Pts should be instructed to
stop smoking

stop ALL alcohol (dose for FAS is not known)
If a pregnant pts desires exercise, they should
maintain pre-pregnancy levels
Dental and peridontal infections may
contribute to preterm labor
Most common cause of PID
acute salpingitis secondary to gonoccocal or chlamydial infection
PID is
acute, subacute or chronic infection of tubes, ovaries, and adjacent tissues
Most PID infections are
3 pathways of PID infection
Up vagina and through endometrium into tubes

lymphatic spread via endometrium

hematogenous spread
Most common pathway of infection in PID
Up vagina and through endometrium into F tubes and ovaries (typical with gonorrhea)
Dx criteria for PID
Lower ABD tenderness
adnexal tenderness

And at least one of

Oral temp > 101F
Abnormal cervical and vaginal discharge
Elevated ESR
Elevated C-reactive protein
Positive gonorrhea or trachomatis culture
Acute salpingitis dx by

heavy vaginal discharge (+/-)

generalized abd/pelvic tenderness

Plus one or more of

Temp > 101F
leukocytosis > 10,000
inflammatory mass on exam or u/s
Labs indicative of acute salpingitis
Purulent material on culdocentesis or laparoscopy

Elevated ESR

Gram negative diplococci
Blood finding in culdocentesis can indicate _____ as well as _____
ruptured ectopic

acute salpingitis
Culdocentesis + for blood most likely indicates a ruptured ectopic in
young, healthy pt of reproductive age
S/Sxs of PID/acute salpingitis
Pelvic pain
purulent discharge
Labs of acute salpingitis
Leukocytosis > 10,000 with left shift (increased immature WBCs)

Fluid from culdocentesis positive
Imaging studies used in the dx of PID/AS
Abdnominal xray (to r/o other things)

vaginal u/s
Study diagnosis of PID/AcSalp
vaginal u/s
DDx of PID/AcSalp
ruptured corpus luteum
adnexal torsion
acute UTI
Complications of PID/Acute Salpingitis include
Pelvic thrombophlebitis
abscess formation
adnexal destruction w/ infertility
intestinal adhesions and obstruction
Common complication of PID
Prevention of PID complications is best done by
early recognition and tx of minimal dz
Tx of PID started when?
As soon as presumptive dx is made
Tx of PID/AcSap includes
Most respond to out patient antibiotics
Hospital tx for PID/Acute Salp is reserved for
Severe cases or uncertain dx, or a patient with abscess

Pt with temp greater than 102.2F

Pt with marked abdominal guarding or rebound tenderness

Pt who does not respond to outpatient therapy
Outpatient therapy for PID includes
bed rest
removal of IUD if present
Hospital tx of PID includes
bed rest
IV antibiotics
surgical exploration possible
Prognosis of PID is
related to prompt tx with adequate meds
A bout of PID may
cause infertility in 12-18%

increase risk for ectopic pregnancy
What should be done if a PID pt compalins of infertility after tx?
hysterosalpingogram of tubes to check for patency
Additional cause of PID includes
toxic shock syndrome
sxs of TSS
fever, rash, desquamation of palms and soles of feet, shock
Signs of TSS include
acutely ill pt with temp 102+, GI sxs, pain, shock

Pt hx of menstruation and tampon use
Rash of TSS resembles
sunburn on face, trunk, and proximal extremities
Tx of TSS is _____ and requires

fluids, antibiotics, steroids, blood products
Mortality rate of TSS is
Indications for C-section
Previous C-section
Fetal distress
Reasons for increase in c-section include
Fewer operative deliveries
Breech presentation
Fetal monitoring (increases knowledge of distressed fetus)
Increased inductions esp in nulliparas
increased litigation risk
M&M is increased in c-section due to
infection, hemorrhage, thromboembolism
Elective C-sec is
not medically justified
Two types of abdominal incision in C-sec

low transverse (more cosmetic)
Uterine incisions in C-section include
Classical (vertical)

Low Transverse
Which uterine incision type is rarely used in C-sec and why?

cuts through lots of muscle which can weaken it and cause uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies
C-section procedure
Separate and push bladder down
Incise serosa and myometrium 2cm
Pull apart
Deliver fetus
Sew it up
Indications for classical incision include
difficulty in exposing or entering lower uterine segment

transverse lie of large fetus

Cases of placenta previa with anterior implantation

Non-thinned lower uterine segment with small fetus

Massive maternal obesity
Post-op care of C-sec pts includes
IV fluids

Prevention of infection with single dose of B-lactam

Prevention of hemorrhage with IV oxytocin
Prevention of infection in C-sec pts post-operatively is done with
Post-op management includes
Cath removel in 12 hrs

Solid foods 8 hrs

Ambulate 24 hrs
Wound care in C-sec pts
Staples removed 3-4 days postop, or 7 days in obese pts
Patients may return home after a C-sec on
3rd or 4th day post-op
Obstetric emergencies include
incomplete abortion
ectopic pregnancy
hypertensive crisis
placental abruption
placental previa
cord prolapse
post-partum hemorrhage
pulmonary embolism
Incomplete abortion may cause _____ and requires _____
profound blood loss

emergency surgery
Most episodes of DVT in pregnant pts is confined to the
deep venous system of the lower extremities
90% of DVTs involve the
left leg
Classic sxs of DVT are
abrupt onset of pain and edema of the leg and thigh

positive homan's sign (painful passive dorsiflexion of the foot) sometimes noted
Most frequently used method to dx DVT and positive findings
compression ultrasonography

+ findings are noncompressability of the vein and typical clot pattern
Standard dx test of DVT
contrast venography
A normal venous u/s does not always r/o _______ in pregnant pts since the clot frequently arises in the _____
pulmonary embolism

iliac veins
____ is most helpful in the dx of pelvic vein thrombosis, including iliac vein thrombosis
Tx of DVT includes
Heparin while pt pregnant

Warfarin 6-12 wks AFTER DELIVERY
Untreated eclampsia can result in
maternal stroke
subcapsular hematoma of the liver
Fetal M&M in eclampsia is due to
uteroplacental insufficiency
Tx of eclampsia involves
MgSO4 bolus plus continous infusion


____ cures eclampsia
____ should be avoided in the tx of eclampsia
Placental abruption defined as
separation of placenta before birth
Placental abruption most often evident by
vaginal bleeding
Concealed abruption is
Pt with nl pregnancy but no longer feels fetal movement

fetal demise at 38 wks
Greatest risk factor of placental abruption is
prior abruption
risk factors of placental abruption include
increased age and parity


preterm ruptured membranes


prior abruption
S/Sxs of placental abruption include
vaginal bleeding (most common)
uterine tenderness or BP
fetal distress
preterm labor
tetanic contractions (irritation from blood)
dead fetus
Tx of placental abruption at term with a living fetus involves
Placenta previa defined as
part of placenta detaches from uterus
Most common cause of perinatal death in placenta previa is
preterm delivery
Clinical sign of placenta previa is
painless vaginal bleeding in 2nd trimester
An important thing to remembe rwith pts presenting with bleeding in mid-trimester or later is
Tx of placenta previa
Prolapse cord is a true emergency and tx/management consists of
placing pt in knee-chest position

pushing presenting part up and away from cord

When doing an amniotomy, it is important to
always check for the cord
Post-partum hemorrhage is
excessive bleeding from placental implantation site (event, not a dx)
Tx of uterine atony in PPH is done by
rapid infusion of oxytocin
If oxytocin is insufficient in managing PPH, what should be used?
methylergonovine 0.2mg IM

PGF2-alpha 0.25 mg IM if ergonovine unresponsive

Surgery if all are unresponsive
If oxytocin fails to stop PPH ...
Uterine massage
get help
add IV, oxytocin w/ blood
Blood transfusion
explore cavity and retrieve missing placenta piece
inspect vag/cervix for tears
Insert foley to monitor urine output
____ requires immediate attention as shock can be profound and bleeding extensive
uterine inversion
Etiologies of breech presentation at term include
multiple fetuses
relaxed uterus
placental and uterine abnormalities
fetal malformations
Complications of persistant breech presentation include
perinatal M&M from delivery
low birthweight from preterm delivery, growth restriction, or both
prolapsed cord
placenta previa
fetal, neonatal, infant anomalies
uterine anomalies/tumors
Common complicatoin in breech is
placenta previa
Complete breech is
one or both knees flexed
Frank breech is
hips flexed
knees extended
footling breech
one or both feet presenting
most problematic breech presentation is
footling breech
Breech is dx by
abdnominal exam

location of FHT above umbilicus
Vaginal exams in dx of breech is
confusing esp after long labor
___ used if dx of breech uncertain
Breech presentations place ______ at higher risk compared to cephalic
mother and fetus
Maternal M&M in breech related to
higher incidence of operative delivery
Maternal risk in breech presentations is even more elevated with ______ compaed to ____
emergency c-sec

elective c-sec
Deaths of fetus in breech much higher at ____
any gestational age
contributors to perinatal loss in breech presentations are
preterm delivery
congenital anomalies
birth trauma (forceps)
Preterm breech fetus is even more susceptible than normal fetus because
disparity between body and head even greater
What is done sometimes to aid in head delivery of breech presentation?
incisions in cervix to release head
Hyperextension of fetal head with vaginal breech may cause ____ and instead delivery should be ____
severe spinal cord damage

frequency of cord prolapse is increased in small fetus and esp highest with _____
footling breech
Possibility of _____ in footling breech is too great and one should ______
cord prolapse

deliver via c-sec
in a term fetus with breech presentation, _____ will decrease infant M&M
elective c-sec
Aftercoming head in a breech preterm can easily _______ by_____
become entrapped

incompletely-dilated cervix
ACOG recommends _____ for presistant breech presentatoin except ______

birth imminent
Delivery techniques of breech babies includes
spontaneous (no traction or help)

partial breech extraction (spontaneous delivery to umbilicus, rest delivered)

Total breech extraction (entire body of infant extracted by OB)
Complicatoins of breech delivery include
anoxia d/t cord compression
birth injury (13x greater)
entrapment of head
nuchal arms
greatest number of breech delivery injuries occurs in
total breech extraction delivery
External cephalic version may be attempted at ______ and is done with ________. Success is 60%
36 weeks

u/s guidance and tocolytics
Abortion is
termination of pregnancy (spontaneously or induced) before fetus can survive (before 20 wks or < 500 gm)
spontaneous abortion
occurs w/o medical or mechanical means
effective therapies for abortion are
Pt hx of elective abortions include
< 25
white unmarried female
60% done during 1st 8 weeks
88% during 1st 12 weeks
indications for therapeutic abortion include
persistant heart disease after cardiac decompensation

advanced hypertensive vascular disease

invasive carcinoma of the cervix
non-medical indications of abortion include
cases of rape or incest

prevent birth of fetus with significant anatomical/mental deformity

counseling consists of offering 3 choices to pregnant women
continue pregnancy with its risks and maternal responsiblity

continue pregnancy with its risk and arrange adoption

terminate pregnant with its risks
Abortion can be
medical or surgical
Surgical abortion may remove the pregnancy ...
through dilated cervix
transabdominally via hysterotomy or hysterectomy
D&C abortion procedure
dilation of cervix and scarping/suctioning out
(dilation and curettage)
complications of D&C abortion increased after
first trimester
D&C abortion MUST be done before
14-15 wks
D&E abortion is performed after
16 weeks
D&E abortion involves
destruction of fetus and suctioning of POC
Pts receiving surgical abortion should receive ...
prophylactic antibiotics
Rhogam for Rh(-) pts
Laminaria used in abortion
draws water out of proteoglycans causing dissociation and softening/dilation of cervix
Steps in D&E
Laminaria to ripen/dilate cervix
local anesthetic into cervix an ddilation to allow introduction of suction cannula
Most common complication of D&E abortion

most likely to occur with retroverted uterus
Pt who wants termination and sterilization may receive
hysterotomy or hyesterectomy abortion

hysterectomy in pts with significant uterine dz
Medical abortion is an acceptable alternative in women with
pregnancy < 49 days
3 drugs and classes used in medical abortion include
antiprogestine - mefepristone

antimetabolite - methotrexate

prostaglandin - misoprostol
Medical abortion drugs cause abortoin by
increasing uterine contractility either by reversing progesterone induced inhibition of contractions or direct uterine stimulation
Drug regimens for medical abortion include
mifepristone plus misoprostol

methotrexate plus misoprostol
Abortion must be completed with methotrexate and misoprostol because
they are both teratogens
relative risk of complications of induced abortion doubles for
each 2 weeks past 8 weeks gestation
fertility with elective abortoins is usually not
ovulation may resume as quickly as ______ after abortion procedure
2 weeks, thus important to start pt on contraceptives