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39 Cards in this Set

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Is developed for embedded software

OOP(Object Oriented Programming)

Favored for larger, more complex projects or when modeling real-world entities is beneficial.

Promotes modularity by dividing software into smaller, self-contained objects or classes.

Procedural-Oriented Programming

Are large programs divided into smaller programs known as functions.

Data and function are often separate with functions operating data.


Is used to create Instruction and data

The Three Types of Error

1.) Syntax Error

2.) Logical Error

3.) Run-time Error


Consist of attributes and methods mechanism that combine data and operations in single unit.

Can store Data.


attribute or state characteristic


Do something, functions, behavior.


Checking the output line by line.


Checks the program as a whole


Is a collection of object.

a blueprint.

List of OOP Design Principles

- Encapsulation

- Abstraction

- Inheritance

- Polymorphism


Binds data together, no direct access is granted to the info in case it's hidden.


Allowing users to only see relevant and useful information


Child classes inherit from main class or from existing class


Same class but can have different method or function

List of OOP Relationships

- Association

- Aggregation

- Composition


independent, can exist on its own.


Cannot exist on its own, is dependent.


relationship between two separate classes.

The Founder of JAVA

James Gosling

JAVA Development Kit (JDK)

Latest release of JAVA SE Platform

Characteristic of JAVA

1. Platform Independent.

2. Simple.

3. Object-oriented.

4. Robust.

5. Distributed.

6. Dynamic.

7. Secure.

8. Performance.

9. Multi-threaded.

Just-in-time Compilation

Design to improve the execution performance of programs and reduce startup times by dynamically translating and compiling code at runtime, right before it is executed.


Ability of a program or an operating system to enable more than one user at a time without requiring multiple copies of the program running on the computer.

Java Virtual Machine

Enables a computer to run Java programs as well as programs written in other languages that are also compiled to Java byte code.


Collection of Empty methods


way of grouping related classes.


Default and base package in java

import java.io*;

used to process the input and produce the output.

import java.util.*;

built-in package that contains various utility classes and interfaces.

import java.util.Arrays;

The package java.util contains the class named Arrays. Write the statement that will allow you to access all methods under the class Arrays.

3 Data Types in Java

- Primitive Type

- Class Type

- Identifier Type

Primitive Type

- its values are simple, indecomposable values, such as a single letter or a single number, lowercase letter.

Class Type

Is a type for objects with both data and methods

Uppercase Letters.


Includes the name of a variable, name of a class, a method or an object.

Correct way of Declaring BufferedReader Class

- BufferedReader objectName = new BufferedReader(new inputStreamReader(System.in));

- InputStreamReader objectName = new inputStreamReader (System.in);

BufferedReader objectName1 = newBufferedReader(objectName);

Way of declaring the main method in Java

- public static void main(String[] args)

- public static void main(String[] s)

- public static void main(String args[])

- public static void main(String s[])

Using the BufferedReader object named myReader, write the syntax for getting an integer input to be stored at variable myInput

int myInput= myReader.readline();