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244 Cards in this Set

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What represents 2-3 % of all cancers?
What is the classic triad of Renal Cx?
Hematuria, Abdominal Mass, Flank Pain
What are some systemic manifestations w/ Renal Cx?
Anemia, FUO, Weight Loss, HyerCALCEMIA
What is the MOST common cx?
Lung Cx
What is responsible for 80-85% of lung and laryngeal cancers/
What is resonsible for 30% of ALL Cancer deaths?
What type of Lung Cx is most aggressive?
Small Cell (Oat)
Small Cell Cx = what altered CNS fxn?
Endocrine Syndromes
Osteoarthropathy= what altered CNS fxn?
What is the most common primary tumor of medullary bone?
Mulitple Myeloma
What cx is commonly overlooked in the pt. with back pain?
Mulitple Myeloma
What cx appears to have diffuse osteoporosis pattern on xray?
Mulitple Myeloma
What amount of pts. Complain of bone pain w/Multiple Myeloma?
2/3 of them
What is the most common complication seen w/ Multiple Myeloma?
What is assoc. with Multiple Myeloma and has symptoms of HA, vertigo, fatigue, nystagmus, paresis, etc?
Hyperviscosity Syndrome
What is the Tx for Hyperviscosity Syndrome?
Plasmapheresis and chemo
What are the terminal events of Multiple Myeloma?
Infxn and Renal Failure
What is the prevalence of Breast Cx?
more than 2/5 million
_________ % primary site is where diagnosis is made.
15-35% of women with masectomies have ____________________.
Chronic Lymphedema can lead to ______________ and _________________.
Tissue Fibrosis and Infections (cellulitis)
Disproportionate Pain levels and atypical arthritis in kids we think _________________.
What OMT is recommended for acute illness or advancing age?
What OMT is recommended for a stable pt when metastasis has been ruled out?
What OMT is recommended for atelectasis or constipation?
Rib raising/thoracolumbar soft tissue
What OMT is recommended for Lymphedema?
Fascial diaphragms then lymphatic pumps
What is the main motion of Thoracics?
What limits rotation of Thoracics?
What ribs have the greatest motion?
What plane do facets rotate in?
What is a transitional thoracic segment that is vulnerable to trauma?
Upper facet of T12 is in what orientation?
Lower facet of T12 is in what orientation?
Shortened Pec Muscles, think?
Rhomboid Major/Minor
Pain along vertebral border of scapular and in supraspinous fossa?
Rhomboid Major/Minor
Pectoralis pain and Interscapular Pain?
Trapezius M
What are 7 Tachycardia etiologies?
Pain, Anxiety, Fever, Cardiac Ischemia, CHF, Acute Gout, Hypersympathctonia T1-4, R1-4
Thyrotoxicosis is an etiology for what?
Poor Diaphragmatic Mtion is due to SD of _____________.
What somatic dysfxn is seen with Tachypnea?
SD C3-5 causing poor diaphragmatic motion
When would you hear a pericardial frxn rub and pleural frxn rub?
Rib Fx
What OMM is done for Rib Fx?
tx opposite side and diaphragm and tx c3-5 SD
When will you see Hepatic/Splenic Enlargement or Tenderness?
Costal Cartilage Fx
What imaging is done for Costal Cartilage Fx?
Chest X ray and Bone Scans
What could be done for hepatic/splenic injury?
Peritoneal Lavage
What presents with persistent pain at the lower ribs posteriorly?
Cough Fx
what are the VS of Cough Fx?
Fever and Rapid Respiration
What does early pneumonia sound like?
suppressed breath sounds
What does later pneumonia sound like?
bronchial breathing and crepitant rales
what does bronchitis sound like?
moist rales
Percussion of Pneumonia?
Percussion of Bronchitis?
NO dullness
Pain w/deep inhalation?
Cough Fx
Restricted Diaphragmatic Breathing?
Cough Fx
What imaging is done for Cough Fx?
Chest X ray and Bone Scans
What OMT is for Cough Fx?
What presents with pericarditis, CHF and cardiomyopathy?
What presents w/Renal Probs?
What what do you hear bibasilar rales and the patient has exertional dyspnea?
What is assoc. with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?
Diffuse pain with pressure over sternum?
Chest Wall syndrome (also shoulder and cervical spine pain)
What presents with sharp 1-3 min. pain?
Intercostal Muscle Spasms
What are some tx options for Intercostal Muscle Spasms?
OMM, Intercostal N Block, Trigger Point Injxn, Analgesic, and Muscle Relaxants
What presents w/ pain with respiration, fascial nodularity, and tender intercostal space?
Intercostal Myositis
What are the tx options for Intercostal Myositis?
OMM-Indirect, NSAIDS, Corticosteroids
What is a pain in the anterior chest wall that is assoc. with rib dysfxn?
Costochondral Pain
What are the tx options for Costochondral Pain?
OMM to correct rib dysfxn, counterstrain, Analgesics, Cortico injxn
What presents with dull pain and aggrevated shoulder motion?
Where will you have Costochondritis?
symm. 3, 4, 5th Costochondral Joints
What are the tx for Costochondritis?
OMM-rib dysfxn, Lidocaine Patch, Corticosteroids
What is a fusiform swelling of costal cartilage? (asymmetric 2nd and 3rd)?
Tietz Syndrome
What are some tx options for Tietze Syndrome?
OMM (segmental dysfxn, thoracic pump, splenic stimulation), Lidocaine Patch, NSAIDS, Corticosteroids
What is an inflammatory cause of Respiratory Pain?
What are 2 causes of Osteomyelitis?
Staphylococcal and Tuberculosis (Pott Dx)
Burns, Sugical Scasrs, Adhesions and Lacerations can cause what?
What are 2 causes of Loss of motion due to Atrophy or Myopathy?
Post Polion Syndrome and Inclusion Body Myositis
What are 2 syndromes assoc. with IBS?
Crohn Dx and Ulcerative Colitis
What is a Connective Tissue Dx that can cause a loss of motion?
What are 3 ex. Of Spondyloarthropathies?
Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoaratic Arthritis, and Arthritis assoc. with bowel dx
What is another name for Pectus Excavatum?
Cobbler Chest
What 2 dx would put you at risk for developing a Pectus Excavatum?
Rickets and Marfans
What deformity do you see Congenital Heart Dx and severe Kyphoscoliosis?
Pectus Carinatum
What are 3 reasons why a pt might develop Harrisons Grooves?
Familial, Rickets, and Protubertan Abdomen during development
What are 2 causes of a Barrel Chest?
Kyphosis and Pulmonary Emphysema
What is the congenital etiology of Arcuate Kyphosis?
Anterior Failure of Segmentation
What Neuro Dx is an etiology of kyphosis?
What are the 3 main reasons for an Acquired Kyphosis?
Weak Paraspinal Muscles, Postural Collapse, Increased Lumbar Lordosis
What is the Congenital reason for developing Angulate Kyphosis?
Failure of Vertebral body formation
What kind of trauma would result in Angulate Kyphosis?
Compression Fx
Tuberculus Osteomyelitis (Potts Dx) is assoc. with what type of Kyphosis?
Angulate Kyphosis
Osteogenesis Imperfecta is assoc. with what type of Kyphosis?
Angulate Kyphosis
Metastatic Cx is assoc. with what type of Kyphosis?
Angulate Kyphosis
What are 2 exercise options for kyphosis treatment?
Kyphosis extension and abdominal Strengthening
What percent of patients withmyocardial infarction also have concomitant chest wall pain?
Symmetric polyarthritis similar to RA is a symptom assoc. with what syndrome?
What dx presents with Increased Kyphosis, rigid thoracic spine, and xray findings of irregular endplates and vertebral wedging?
Scheuermann Dx
What are the 3 main causes of Atraumatic Respiratory Pain?
Chest Wall Syndrome, Inflammatory, and Infx
What presents with tenderness at the Serratus Anterior attachments?
Intercostal M Spasms
What is a post viral syndrome that is commonly seen before the age of 40?
Tietz Syndrome
What causes tenderness at the cutaneous branches of the Intercostal N?
Intercostal Neuralgia
When is the highest incidence in life to develop Herpes Zoster?
60-80 years
what % of Patiets wil endure a second round of Herpes Zoster in their life? :(
Herpes Zoster most commonly affects where?
T3-L3 dermatomes
How long till Herpes Zoster vesicle form?
3-5 days
How long does a pt have Herpes Zoster?
7-10 days
What is the OMT tx for Herpes Zoster?
Tx Segmental Dysfxn and Costal Dysfxn at rash level. (Prevents Post-Herpetic Neuralgia, so a good thing). Also Thoracic and Splenic Pump.
What is the tx for Herpes Zoster?
FAV---- Famcyclovir, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir; for pain give opiates, Lidocaine Patch, Nortriptyline, and Glucocorticoids
What is the tx for Post Herpatic Neuralgia?
Antiseizure Meds (Gabapentin, Topiramate, Lamotrigone)
what presents with a knife like, shooting pain, fever and a CBC with Leukocytosis?
Periphery of Diaphragm is innervated by what?
T6 nerve root
Patients with Diaphragmatic Pain also sense pain where?
lateral neck and shoulder (about C4, C5, T1-5)
What is the Devil's Grip?
Epidemic Pleurodynia (aka Bornholme Dx)
What presents with severe paroxysms of thoracic and abdominal pain?
Epidemic Pleurodynia (aka Bornholme Dx)
Severe thoracic and Abd. Pain, fever, HA and mild pharyngitis, what is your diagnosis?
Epidemic Pleurodynia (aka Bornholme Dx)
What is the etiology of Epidemic Pleurodynia?
Coxsackie Virus Group B and Echo Virus
What are 2 possible complications to having Epidemic Pleurodynia?
Pericarditis and Orchitis
What presents with such severe pain that often pt. end up in the ICU with a diagnosis of myocaridal Infaction or dissecting aneurysm?
Epidemic Pleurodynia (aka Bornholme Dx)
How do you diagnose Epidemic Pleurodynia?
Viral Titres
What are 6 possible reasons to develop Intercostal Neuralgia?
Tabes Dorsalis, Neoplasm, Pott Dx, Neurofibromatosis, Fx Callous, and Herpes Zoster
What is a sensory neuropathy involving one of the dorsal cutaneous rami of the upper thoracic region?
Notalgia Paresthetica
What are 4 symptoms seen with Notalgia Paresthetica?
Pruritis, Dysesthesia, Hyperesthesia, and Skin Hyperpigmentation
What would you treat with Botulinum Toxin Injxns, Anticonvulsants meds, and transcutaneous electrical N stimulation?
Notalgia Paresthetica
What presents with peripheral stretch neuropathy due to weight of rolls of hanging fat?
Dercum Dx
what is another name for Dercum Dx?
Adiposa Dolorosa
What is painful obesity?
Dercum Dx
What is thrombophlebitis of the Thoracoepigastric V?
Mondor Dx
What dx runs in the anterior lateral abdomen and thorax from the Femoral V to the AxillaryV?
Mondor Dx
What is a potential complication following mastitis, breast and abdominal surgeries?
Mondor Dx
What is the cause of Rachitis Rosary?
Rickets (healing obliterates the costochondral knobs)
What is a "Funnel Breast" or "Trichterbrust"?
Pectus Excavatum
What is found assoc. with coexsisting MV prolapse and 27% of women with MAC have it?
Pectus Excavatum
What is aka Pigeon Breast?
Pectus Carinatum
What is a test for compression btwn scalenes?
Adson's Test
What is a test for compression btwn Pec Minor and Upper Ribs?
Wrights test
What is the Arm HYPERextension test?
Wrights test
What is the Military Posture Test?
Costoclavicular Syndrome test
What is the test for compression btwen the clavicle and the 1st rib?
Costoclavicular Syndrome test
What is known about C8 in 54% of the TOS cases?
nerve root stimulation below normal
What is the best imaging for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome?
MRI is best (plain xray reveals the cervical ribs)
Vascular TOS injected with _________________ improved symptoms in 3 weeks.
Botulism Toxin A
What OMT technique is done for TOS?
Mysofascial Release Techiques
What is osteochondrosis of vertebral end plate growth plates that can lead to Arcuate Kyphosis?
Scheuermann Dx
At what age do you see Scheuremann Dx?
10-16 yrs.
_______________ % of population have Scheuermann Dx.
What are the symptoms assoc. with Scheurmann dx?
back pain (upper thoracics and neck) and Fatigue
What can NOT be straightened with muscular effort?
Scheuermann Dx
What limits Straight Leg raising due to hypertonic hamstrings and increased pelvic tilt?
Scheuermann Dx
What is the criteria to be Scheuermann Dx?
must affect 3 adjacent segments
When would you see Schmorl Node Formation on an xray?
Scheuermann Dx
Why is your pt. involuntarily bending forward to decrease pressure on their painful joints?
Facet Joint Arthritis
What presents with hip and knee contractures and is a rigid arcuate kyphosis?
Ankylosing Spondylitis
What is common in elderly men and presents with Bone ache, HA, tinnitus, vertigo and increased Cardiac Output?
Osteitis Deformans
What is trabecular microfrxing with vertebral wedging?
Osteitis Deformans
When you would see an increase in serum Alkaline phoshpatase?
What is the tx for Osteosarcoma?
biphosphonate meds
What is the cause of Osteitis Deformans?
unknown---but maybe a VIRUS
What is seen in 1% of the population at age 50 and presents with Candle Wax Osteophytes?
What is assoc. with Type II Diabetes Mellulitis?
What is a defect in Tyrosin and Pheny. Metabolism complication?
Alkaptonuria is a possible cause of _____________________.
With what dx will you have your urine turn from yellow to blue to black?
What feels like a pulled muscle and is due to bone telescoping into itself with no displacement of fx fragments?
Costovertebral Joints allow gliding_____________ motion.
Costotransverse joints allow gliding ______________ motion.
What rib joints do you see wht most dysfxns?
What type of rib motion is the axis of the neck of the rib in an AP plane?
Bucket Handle
What type of rib motion is the axis in a coronal (lateral) plane?
Pump Handle
What type of rib motion is there primarly a change in the lateral diameter?
Bucket Handle
What type of rib motion is there primarlily a change in the AP diameter?
Pump Handle
Which is the only rib that attached via synchondrosis?
Rib 1
What is Rib 1 attached to?
Serratus Anterior, Scalenes, Subclavius
Inhalation Rib is kept by what muscle with a Rib 1 dysfxn?
Ant and Middle Scalenes Hypertonic
Arm swelling is seen with Rib 1 dysfxn. What is this due to?
Subclavian V compressing against clavicle
What is held by hypertonic Serratus Ant. M?
Exhalation Rib Dsfxn of Rib 1
what are the symptoms assoc. with Exhalation Rib Dysfxn Rib 1?
tenderness at Costochondral Jxn anteriorly, unlar distal pain and parasthesia, and claudication of arm due to sub. A compression
What dysfxns (2) are due to an Exhalation Rib Dysfxn?
Mid-Cervical Dysfxn and Flexed Occipitoatlantal dysfxn
What are the muscle attachments for Rib 2?
Posterior Scalene and Serratus Anterior
How does Rib 2 attach to the sternum?
Bicompartmental Synovial Joint at Manubrio-Sternal Jxn
Inhalation Rib of Rib 2 caused by _____________________.
Hypertonic Posterior Scalene M
What rib presents with neck pain due to exhalation rib dysfxn?
Rib 2
What are the attachments of the TRUE ribs (3-7)?
Serratus Anterior, Pec. Minor, Iliocostalis Cervicis, and to sternum via Synovial Joint
Pec. Minor attaches to what ribs? Hypertonic Pec. Minor can cause what?
3,4 5 anteriorly. Inhalation Rib.
Inhalation dysfxn creates a same side sidebending dysfxn in what region?
Exhalation dysfxn creates a CONTRA side sidebending dysfxn in what region?
Cervical !
How do the False Ribs (8-10) attach to the Costal Cartialge above?
via Synovial Joint
What do the False Ribs attach to?
Iliocostal Thoracis and Lumborum, Serratus Anterior, Diaphragm, and Synovia Joint
Scoliosis is named for the side of the ________________.
what causes the rib hump seen in Scoliosis?
What is the test done to test if Scoliosis is strxl or fxnl?
Adams Test
An Adams test had a result of the hump disappearing when the pt was asked to sidebend. What is the diagnosis?
Functional Problem (SD)
What happens if a Scoliotic rib hump DOES NOT get better with sidebending?
Structural Problem :(
Forward bending of Scoliosis exaggerates the sidebending and rotation. What law does this follow?
3rd law of spinal motion
What is the most common method to measure Scoliosis?
Cobb Method
Vertebral bodies move what direction with scoliosis?
toward conVEX
With rib cage distortion from Scoliosis what side of the rib cage is narrow? Convex or Concave.
Curves of more than 60 degrees are at risk for what?
Pulmonary and Cardiac Compromise
___________% of women with MAC had scoliosis of greater than 10 degree curve.
What is Wolff's Law of Pelvic Distortion?
Bone is laid down along lines of stress
With fxnl scoliosis what is seen with inhalation?
curve straightens
With strxl scoliosis what is seen with inhalation?
pt. breathes in with BAD side
Spinous process and pedicles move what direction with Scoliosis?
toward concavity
On what side of the rib cage, convex or concave, are your lamina thinner the vertebral canal is narrower?
What is done with a level of apex btwn 30-40 degrees?
Brace it.
What would you grade a vertebral rotation when the pedicles are dissappearing and there is migration within the 1st segment?
grade 1
What would you grade a vertebral roation when the pedicles have dissappeared and there is migration to 2nd segment?
Grade 2
What grade of vertebral rotation do you have migration to middle segment and the concave side is not visible?
What grade of vertebral rotation do you have migration PAST midline to concave side of VB?
Grade 4
What can cause the contact with the liver and cause increased liver enzymes?
Degenerative Spondylosis
What can cause the rib cage to "sit" on the pelvis?
Degenerative Spondylosis
How is Scoliosis assessed?
Plumb line analysis--- measures collapse
What is a plumb line analysis that falls at mid sacrum?
Completely compensated curve
Plumb line analysis that falls at mid heel?
Partially compensated curve
Plumb line analysis that falls off mid sacrum AND mid heel?
Decompensated or Collapsed Curve
What MUST be done on all structural scoliosis patients?
Craniocervical jxn MRI
What are some reversible neurologic etiologies of Strxl Scoliosis?
Chiari Malformations and Neurofibromatosis
what is an example of a Chiari Malformation that can be a cause of Strxl Scoliosis?
What are 2 irreversible neurologic causes of Strxl Scoliosis?
Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy
What is a Congenital Cause of Strxl Scoliosis?
Hemivertebrae (tx with fusion)
What is thought to be the cause of Idiopathic Strxl Scoliosis?
Soft tissue growth abnormality
Idiopathic Strxl Scoliosis affects _____________% of the population.
What is the goal of exercise and traction tx for scoliosis?
to maintain MOBILITY
Bracing of Scoliosis is successful for what?
HALTING progression (but not correcting it)
what type of Scoliosis brace do you wear for 23 hours a day?
Boston Brace
What type of Scoliosis brace do you wear only when you sleep and attempts to correct the curve?
Charleston Brace
How do you measure the End of Bone Growth?
Risser Scale
What does the Risser Scale measure? Be specific.
fusion of Iliac Crest Apophyses
How long does fusion of Iliac Crest Apophyses take?
12-36 months. Once this is complete you can do fusion.
What device is good for growing kids with Scoliosis?
Internal Fixation Device
What is a Harrington Rod?
Internal Metallic Device that is inserted during Scoliosis surgery
What presents with infrascapular mid thoracic backache and pectoral pain?
Latissimus Dorsi
What muscle SD would cause you to have limited Scapular protrusion and pain?
Rhomboid Major/Minor
What muscle allows you to extend the neck and rotate the head to the same side?
what muscle SD would refer pain down lower part of buttocks, upper lumbar fibers, and mid lumbar range?
Longisimus Thoracis
A 56-year-old woman presents to your office in congestive heart failure. The presence of a pericardial friction rub alerts you to the presence of Pericarditis. The skin on her hands is taut, shiny and smooth. Diagnosis?
A 26-year-old man presents to your office with lower back pain & mid-line sternal pain. His xiphoid process is prominent and tender to palpation. Which of the following is most likely the etiology of his Xiphalgia?
Ankylosing Spondylitis
A 35-year-old woman presents to your office following a motor vehicle accident in which she sustained several fractures of the left costal cartilages. Which of the following is the best choice for manipulative management of this patient?
HVLA to her somatic dysfxn at C3-5
An 83-year-old woman presents to your office with what you diagnose as a post-herpetic neuralgia. Give an antiseizure medications that would best relieve her pain.
A 72-year-old man presents to your office with a heart rate of 101 bpm. Which of the following is correct regarding this finding?
You would examine him for Somatic Dysfunction in the T1 to T4 range
What can be not be straightened by muscular effort and can cause kyphosis?
Scheuermann Dx
The kyphosis of which of the following diseases is caused by the patient involuntarily bending forward to take the pressure off the diseased facet joints?
What produced typical candle wax osteophytes?
Which cancer frequently metastasizes to bone and can cause frequent pathologic frx?
If rib 1 is held in inhalation, what artery may be partially ocluded?
Rib 1 attaches to the sternum via what kind of joint?