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48 Cards in this Set

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What heart arrhythmia can you expect with a right-sided cervical spine dysfunction
sinus brady arrhythmia
What heart arrhythmia can you expect with a left sided cervical spine dysfunction?
Left side is going to manifest as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree AV block
What heart arrhythmia can you expect with a left sided thoracic dysfunction?
Left Sided problems with the heart leads to rapid heart rate from the AV node and below --> V fib, V tach
What heart arrhythmia can you expect with a right sided thoracic dysfunction?
Right sided problems with the heart or thorax leads to rapid heart rate but is coming from the SA node down to AV node --> Sinus tachycardia
How do you treat 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree AV block?
Transcutaneous (External ) pacing
Which ribs are the true ribs
True ribs: 1-7
Attach directly to the sternum via costochondral cartilage
which ribs are the false ribs
False ribs: 8-10
Attach via a synchondroses to the costochondral cartilage of rib 7
Tightness of which muscle can cause restriction of the diaphragm
The psoas get tight with appendicitis and kidney stone in the ureter
Which group of ribs are primarily bucket handle?
Which group of ribs are primarily pump handle?
Ribs 1-5
what is the primarily muscle of inspiration?
What other muscles can assist with inspiration?
External intercostals
Interchondral portion of the internal intercostals
Scalenes (ant, middle, post)
Should you treat a pre-op patient with a C3-5 dysfunction? Why?
If you are examining someone preop and you find a dysfunction C3-5, you should treat that because it could lead to post op atelectasis.
The alveoli could collapse with a shallow breather and be a cause of fever
You can also decrease the risk of atelectatic pneumonia
What is the attachment point of the Diaphragm?
Diaphragm (The primary respirator)
Attaches to the lower 6 or seven ribs
Pulls these ribs inferiorly and flattens abdominal contents
what muscles help with quiet breathing?
It results from passive recoil of the lungs
Why can a pelvic visceral dysfunction affect breathing?
If you have a pelvic somatic dysfunction which affects quadratus lumborum you can have a 12th rib dysfunction
What muscles help with active breathing?
Intercostalis int.
Rectus abdominis
Obliques, int. & ext.
Transversus abdominis
Diaphragmatic contraction increases relative______ pressure of thoracic cage and increases relative _______ pressure in abdomen
We want this pressure gradient to allow lymphatic and venous fluids to flow from the body to the upper thoracic area.
What nerve roots innervate the diaphragm?
C 3-5
At what level does the IVC, Aorta, And esophagus pass through the diaphragm?
Esophagus T10
Aorta T12
What is the position of the intercostal nerves?
Lie on inferior portion of rib in the costal groove
Define structural rib dysfunctions?
rib dysfunctions associated with the intercostal space are structural rib dysfunctions. They contribute to restriction of the rib cage respiratory activity. They are found primarily as dysfunctions associated with chest wall pain.
how can a thoracic somatic dysfunction trigger a viscerosomatic reflex?
Any thoracic somatic dysfunction can put pressure on the sympathetic chain ganglia lead to facilitated segments (viscerosomatic reflexes)
An irritated nerve that has high preexcitation levels ( it has a lower threshold for pain) the pain will also manifest in the area of the affected ganglia
Which ribs have at least some pump handle action?
Remember that ribs 1-10 all have some pump handle action
Where is the bucket handle motion primarily found?
Predominantly ribs 6-10
What axis is the bucket handle motion representing?
From costosternal junction to costovertebral junction is almost A-P axis in a frontal (coronal ) plane
Where can you best palpate for the bucket handle motion?
In the midaxillary line
The bucket handle motion _____ the transverse diameter of rib cage
Which ribs primarily have the pump handle motion?
Predominantly ribs 1-5
Where are pump handle ribs best palpated?
in the midclavicular line
What is the axis of motion of the pump handle ribs?
The axis of motion is transverse and in predominantly the sagittal plane
In inspiration what is the movenment of the anterior rib and the posterior rib
As inspiration occurs the anterior rib moves cephalad
and The posterior rib moves caudad
What motion is predominantly ribs 11 and 12?
Motion predominantly in transverse plane
With inspiration, what motion do we expect from ribs 11 and 12?
When you inhale they abduct and exhalation they adduct
What causes the separation of ribs 11 and12
tend to separate as 11 is pulled superior by latisimus dorsi and 12 is pulled inferiorly by quadratus lumborum
Where are ribs 11 and 12 best palpated?
Best palpated 3-5 cm lateral to transverse processes
When does a patient complain of pain with an inhaled rib dysfunction?
Pt complains of pain on exhaling for an inhalation rib dysfunction
What is the key rib in an inhaled rib dysfunction?
Inhaled ribs –work on bottom ribs --> the bottom rib is the key rib in the inhalation dysfunction
Exhaled ribs work on the top ribs
What forms the borders of the anatomical thoracic inlet?
Anatomical inlet is the manubrium 1st rib and T1
what forms the borders of the functional thoracic inlet?
Functional inlet is the manubrium with angle of Louis with 1st two ribs bilaterally and T1-4
What is the first zone of entrapment in thoracic outlet syndrome?
Entrapment between the Scalenus anterior and medius
What is the second zone of entrapment in thoracic outlet syndrome?
Entrapment between the clavicles and the first rib (costoclavicular space)
What is the third zone of entrapment in thoracic outlet syndrome
Entrapment between tendon of Pectoralis minor and ribs
What muscle do you target for ME on the first rib?
Anterior and Middle Scalene
What muscle do you target for ME on the second rib?
Posterior Scalene
What muscle do you target for ME on ribs 3-5?
Pectoral Minor
What muscle do you target for ME on ribs 6-9?
Serratus anterior
What muscle do you target for ME on ribs 10- 12
Latissimus dorsi