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46 Cards in this Set

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Chest wall and pleura drain to ____________ trunk.
Thoracic viscera drain to _________ trunk.
Legs drain to ________ trunk.
External Iliac
Pelvis drains to _______ trunk.
Internal Iliac
Arms drain to __________ trunk.
Head and neck drain to _____________ trunk.
Liver, spleen, stomach and pancreas drain to ____________ trunk.
blind endothelial tubes?
lymph capillaries
What is Cysterna Chyli?
dilated saccule that marks beginning of the Thoracic Duct
Cysterna Chyli receives lymph from what?
Lower extremities
Thoracic duct receives lymph from what?
Cysterna Chyli
Left head and neck
Left arm
Left lung
Right Lymph duct receives lymph from where?
Right head and neck
Right arm
Right upper thorax
Heart and Pericardium
What is the largest lymphatic vessel in the body?
Thoracic Duct
_____% of all plasma proteins that diffuse out of the vascular system are returned to the circulation via the lymph.
How much fluid is taken up into the lymph ever
y day?
3 Liters fluid daily (10% of the total)
Lymph provides the first line of defense ______ the skin.
What kind of lymph comes from the small intestine after eating a fatty meal?
The ______ in the small intestine absorb long chain fats, chylomicrons, and cholesterol.
Lacteals in the villi
What is the normal interstitial pressure?
-6.3 mm Hg
An increase in the ________ pressure will cause flow towards the lymph capillaries.
interstitial pressure
What is the normal rate of flow for lymph?
120 ml/hr
What happens when the interstitial pressure is moer than 0.0 mmHg?
Lymph stops flowing into the capillaries b/c the lymph capillaries have collapsed. Results in LYMPHEDEMA.
Systemic HT has what effect on lymph?
increases arterial capillary P, leading to increased interstitial pressure, and then to lymph capillary
Cirrhosis of the liver causes plastma protein synthesis to decrease. what effect is there on lymph?
decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, flow into interstitial. increases intertial pressure, flow into lymph cap.
What is an example of plasma hypoalbuminea with starvation?
Increased interstitial fluid protein
what happens when a section of lymph duct distends?
it's smooth muscle contracts, and propells the lymph into the next segment of the vessel
How does Capillary Peristalsis happen?
via Endothelial cells contractile myoendothelial fibrils. creates a slight degree of suction
Lymphatic vessels have an intrinsic rate of ___________seconds per cycle.
6-8 seconds per cycle
What is the rate of lymph per minute?
7.5 to 10 cycles per min.
What problems do paraplegics have with lymph?
develop peripheral edema due to the lack of muscle contraction and thus have no muscle pump to help move lymph along
What is the "lymph heart"?
Contraction of the Diaphragmatic Crura exert a pumping action on ______________.
Cysterna Chyli
what muscle promotes negative pressures within the thoracic cavity and positive pressures in the abdomen?
what are 5 diaphragms in the body?
1) Tentorium Cerebelli and Diaphragma Sella
2) Sibson's Fascia
3) Respiratory Diaphragm
4) Pelvic Floor
5) Knees, arches of the foot?
What kind of somatic dysfunction could cause restriction of the respiratory diaphram?
L1-3, Ribs 6-12, Xiphisternal Joint, somatosomatic reflex of C3-5
What is the first step for trx of Lymph problems?
thoracic inlet!!!!!!
How do you tx a respiratory diaphragm prob?
1. correct spinal curve problems
2. Correct somatic dysfxns (L1-3, Ribs 6-12, C3-5)
3. Redome the diaphragm
What would you do to correct lymph of the pelvic floor?
1. correct innominate dysfxn
2. correct sacral
3. correct pubic symphysis
4. use ischiorectal fossa release on hypertonic or scarred musculature
what are 2 indications for lymphatic approach to tx?
1. Edema
2. Infxn
What are relative contraindication for lymph tx in general?
1. acute osseous fracture b/c embolism
2. fever over 102
3. Early stages of cancer (metastic spread)
4. Kidney failure (cause CHF or pulmonary edema)
What is thought to decrease the deterioration of NK cell activity during radiation therapy?
Light pressure effleurage massage
What has a short term improvement on Natural Killer cell activity?
Light pressure effleurage massage
What is the lymphatic approach to oMM?
1. remove obstrxns to lymph flow
2. provide free motion of all diaphragms and rib cage
3. apply external lymph pump techniques
4. apply effleurage tech.
What OMM tx is thought to increase basophils?
pectoral traction for 3 min.
and splenic pump for 1 min.
Thoracic pump, abdominal pump, and exercise all had an efect on the_____________.
thoracic duct flow. exercise is best
What OMM trx increases mobilization of leukocytes?
Abdominal Pump technique