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54 Cards in this Set

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the innominate bones are made up of
the ilium, ischium and pubic bones
Where are the sacroiliac joints located
where the lower extemity ends and the spine begins
What joint serves as the the universal joint
the pubic symphysis
what does the sacrum coordinate
lower extremity and spinal motion
what is the most codependent bone in the body
what do the innominate bones rotate in respone to
leg motion
as the leg comes forward, the innominate rotates what way
as the leg goes backward the innominate rotates what way
how much motion is available in the sacroiliac joint
about 5 degrees each for flexion & extension so a total of 10 degrees
why is any dysfunction possible in the sacroiliac joint (SI)
b/c of its unusual shape
what maintains the somatic dysfunction in the SI joint
true joint subluxation locking mechanism
the SI joints are what type of joints
Joint locking
when the innominate is carried beyond its 5 degree ROM, lumps on one side of the joint come into opposition with high areas on the opposite side of the joint
what does joint locking do
separates the joint surfaces, pulling the sacroiliac ligaments taught, compressing the joint surfaces together
what maintains the dysfunction in joint locking
the ligamentous tension
What is an iliosacral dysfunction
dysfunctions introduced from the lower extremity and causing restriction of motion between the ilium & sacrum
SI dysfunction or just Sacral dysfunctions
dysfunctions introduced from the spine and causing restriction of motion between the sacrum and the ilium
6 most common innominate dysfunctions (in order of prevelance)
1. Rotation
2. Shear or Slip
3. Flare
Types of rotational dysfunctions
posterior and anterior
Types of shear or slip dysfunctions
upslip(sup shear) or
downslip (inf shear)
Types of flare dysfunctions
inflare and outflare
A pubic symphysis dysfunction can involve a (still and innominate dysfunction)
-superior pubic bone
-inferior pubic bone
-symphyseal compression
-symphyseal gapping
every pelvic somatic dysfunction does what
distorts the shape and motion of the entire pelvis
the dysfunctions are named for
the site of greatest motion restriction
symptoms of innominate dysfunction vary depending upon
which myoligamentous structure is under the greatest stress
What type of joint pain may or may not be present as a symptom of innominate dysfunction
SI joint pain
the SI joints and their ligaments are innervated by
S1-S5 nerve root levels
the site of greatest ligamentous stress will be where
the site from which somato-somatic reflexes will emanate
Reflex muscle hypertonicity may be caused by
somato-somatic reflex
Myotome muscles are innervated by
S1 innervates
fibularis longus & brevis
gluteus maximus
S2 innervates
intrinsic muscles of the foot
pelvic floor
S3 innervates
intrinsic muscles of the foot
pelvic floor
S4 & S5 innervate
the pelvic floor
a sclerotome is
the segmental innervation of the peritosteum, ligaments and fascia
what is a viscerotome
segmental innervation of the internal organs
the sacral parasympathetics arise from what
S2, S3, S4
the segmental relation to the organs that viscerotomes supply
S2, 3, 4 supply
left half of colon, lower ureter, bladder sphincter, uterine body, prostate, and cavernous tissues of the genitalia
symptoms of hyperparasympathecotonia in the colon
colonic cramping and pain
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
symptoms of hyperparasympathecotonia in the ureter
symptoms of hyperparasympathecotonia in the bladder
irritable bladder with increased bladder wall tone
stress incontinence with decreased internal urinary sphincter tone
symptoms of hyperparasympathecotonia in uterus
relaxation of uterine muscle
decreased pain threshold for cervix
symptoms of hyperparasympathecotonia in the prostate
engorgement and secretion (non-specific prostatitis)
symptoms of hyperparasympathecotonia in the cavernous tissues
priapism(persistant engorgement of the erectile tissues in both genders)
list the types of screening tests
standing flexion test
definitive motion test
ASIS compression test
how do you get a false positive in the standing flexion test
-asymmetric hamstring tension
-sacral dysfunction
-severe L4 or L5 dysfunction
what is a positive standing flexion test
on the side in which the PSIS rises highest at the end of flexion
what do you palpate in a definitive motion test
passively induced iliosacral motion
what is a positive definitive motion test
no palpable motion
in the ASIS compression test what identifies the side of iliosacral dysfunction
resistance to posterior compression
are screening tests sensitive or specific
what are the posterior landmarks that must be palpated for asymmetry
what are the anterior landmarks that must be palpated for asymmetry in an innominate dysfunction