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32 Cards in this Set

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What neuro problems r/t pregnancy or L&D occur in the lithotomy position?
Injury to Femoral nerve (L2-L4) - numbness of thigh, calf, paralysis of quad
Injury to sciatic nerve
Injury to Obturator nerve (stretch injury)
Common Peroneal nerve injury - compression of lateral knee, foot drop
Saphenous nerve Injury - numbness over medial foot
What is Cauda equina syndrome associated with?
Associated with use of bisulfite additive in Nesacaine in past.
More recently associated with use of small micro catheters left in place for continuous SAB
What are the symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome?
numbness and varying degrees of LE paralysis and sphincter dysfunction
Usually permanent
What is a prolonged block usually associated with?
High concentrations of locals (last 10-48hrs)
Bladder dysfunction (overstretch) may result
What is nerve root trauma r/t with SAB/Epidurals?
Direct trauma by needle or catheter (rare)
Intraneural injection - neuritis followed by paresthesia for several months occurs.
What are the symptoms of transient neurologic syndrome and what is it associated with?
Low back pain radiating to hips and legs.
Seen after use of 5% hyperbaric Lidocaine (spinal Lido)
What are the symptoms of an epidural hematoma and what causes one?
Progressive paralysis of LEs, may have low back pain.
Caused from trauma to epidural vessels when abnormal coags
Mus DX and Tx w/in 6hrs or permanent paralysis may occur.
What are the symptoms of an epidural abscess?
Severe back pain, local tenderness, fever, and increased WBCs
What is adhesive arachnoiditis and what are the symptoms?
A clinical irritation of subarachnoid space from contamination of spinal needles or solutions.
Symptoms are HA, nuchal rigidity, N/V, fever, Kernig's sign
How do you problem solve an asymetrical block?
Have patient turn change positions
Check for catheter migration and pull catheter back if needed
What should you do if you have a patchy block?
Check position
Top up with 4-6 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine
Try increasing rate/concentration of infusion
Give an opioid (epidural)
Check for bladder distension
Redue if in doubt that epidural is in properly.
What is the technique for a combined spinal epidural (CSE)?
Identify epidural space in normal fashion.
Pass 24-27G pencil point spinal needle through epidural needle until CSF aspirated
(spinal needle will extend ~1.5cm past epidural needle)
Inject meds into spinal needle
Withdraw spinal needle and threat epidural catheter
Test and dose epidural when discomfort returns (usually 1.25-2hrs)
What meds are used for combined spinal epidural?
10-25mcg Fentanyl or
2.5-10mcg Sufentanil in 1-2ml PFNS
1ml of 0.25% bupivacaine (isobaric, PF) with narcotic
What are the advantages of combined spinal epidural?
Rapid onset of analgesia (2-5min)
Less opioid and local required
Less motor block
Increases epidural success
Not as likely to slow labor as epidural
Greater patient satisfaction
What are the disadvantages of combined spinal epidural?
Spinal portion ineffective 10% of time
Increased expense
Risk of fetal bradycardia after intrathecal narcotic
Increased incidence of itching with spinal opioid
Slight increased risk of PDPH
What is Caudal anesthesia?
Lowermost part of epidural space. May place epidural or one shot technique
Not popular - requires large amount of local for T10
What is a Paracervical block?
Placed by obstetrician, place local into paracervical tissue.
Usually during first stage of labor
No block of perineal pain
Fetal bradycardia may be seen after block
What is a Pudendal Block?
Placed by Obstetrician 10ml of local placed transvaginally to both sides just before delivery.
Local uptake similar to epidural.
How do you define hypotension with regional anesthesia and how do you treat it?
Decrease in SBP to <100mmHg
Decrease in SBP of >30mmHg from baseline
Treat it with 1-2L crystalloid before block.
Ephedrine 5-15mg or low dose neosynephrine
How do you treat a total spinal?
Maintain airway - intubate ASAP to prevent aspiration
Fluids and ephedrine
FHR monitoring to determine need for emergent section
May need thiopental or diazepam for seizures
What are the absolute contraindications for regional anesthesia?
Patient refusal
Increase ICP
Infection at insertion site
Hypovolemic shock
What are relative contraindications for regional anesthesia?
Pre-existing neuro disease of spinal cord or peripheral nerves
Systemic infection
True or False:
Chorioamnionitis is an absolute contraindication to spinal/epidural anesthesia.
False, it is a relative contraindication.

Chorioamnionitis occurs when PROM allows bacteria to enter amniotic cavity.
Symptoms of temp <38, tachycardia, uterine tenderness, foul smelling amniotic fluid, increased WBC
Intraspinal and epidural opioids reach intraspinal receptors by penetrating the ______ of ______.
Superficial Laminae of Dorsal Horn.
True or False:

Low pKa and High lipid solubility is associated with Rapid onset of action.
What are the advantages of adding opioids to epidurals?
More effective for stage 1 & 2 of labor
Allows reduction of local and nonepidural opioids.
Possible synergistic effects
How do you dose an epidural with opioids for a C-Section?
Fentanyl 100mcg
Morphine 3-5mg can provide post-op analgesia for 12-24hrs.
Not as effective if used after Nesacaine (2-Chlorprocaine)
What intraspinal opioids can be used for C-section?
Fentanyl 10-25mg
Morphine 0.1-0.3mg (provides pain relief for 18-27hrs)
What are the complications for intraspinal/epidural opioids?
Pruritus (most common)
Urinary retention
Neonatal effect minimal w/low doses
Delayed respiratory depression
How can you treat pruritus r/t intraspinal/epidural opioids?
Naltrexone 12.5-25mg PO
Naloxone 0.1-0.2mg IV
Benadryl 25-50mg PO or IV
Nubain 5-10mg IV
True or False:
Delayed respiratory depression is more common with epidural morphine than intrathecal morphine.
False, more common with intrathecal.
When does Delayed respiratory depression occur with morphine?
May occur 6hrs or more after administration.
Greatest risk between 4-8hrs
Young at less risk than old
Those with coexisting pulm disease are at increased risk