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41 Cards in this Set

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what are the age ranges of the young old?
What are the age ragnes of the old old?
What is the age range for the olders old or fraile elderly?
True or false, older adults are predominantly women
True by 3 to 2
what are some demographic trends of the older adult?
*more education
*may retire more than once
what are some myths about sexuality of the elderly?
*sexual desires siminish with age
sexual intercourse is mainly for younger people
What are the age ragnes of the old old?
What is the age range for the olders old or fraile elderly?
True or false, older adults are predominantly women
True by 3 to 2
what are some demographic trends of the older adult?
*more education
*may retire more than once
Where do most of the older adults live in the US
Central America and Florida
in 1959 aprox. __% of the elderly were in poverty, and by 2004 __% were in poverty.
Where does most of the older adults income come from?
Social Security
By the year 2030, how many elderly are predicited to live in the US?
70 million
What are some myths about aging?
* to be old is to be sick
*the elderly can not learn new things
*one can not age successfully unless their parents aged successfully
* older people don't pull their own weight
What are some sexuality changes in the elderly?
*lack of testosterone in men
*lack of estrogen and progesterone and androgen in women
name 6 things to focus on when looking into a nursing home.
1. should feel like home
2. staff assist with ADL and activities
3. welcomed family involvement
4. clean, comfortable environment
5. good communication
6. staff are focused on residents
7 indicators of acute illness in older adults
1. change in mental status
2. falls
3. dehydration
4. loss of function
5. dizziness
6. decrease in appetite
7. incontinence
true or false, the older adult shows classic signs and symptoms of diseases?
False, classic s/s are sometimes absent, blunted or atypical in older adults
name 3 common consitions affecting cognition of the older adult
1. delirium
2. dementia
3. Depression
Define delirium
acute confusional state
Define dementia
generalized impairment of intellectual functioning (long term)
define depression
treatable medical illness, not considered a norma part of aging CAN BE REVERSED
5 psychosocial changes the older adult will experience
1. Retirement
2. Social isolation
3. Sexuality
4. Housing and environment
5. Death
The 3 most common causes of death in adults over 65
1. Heat disease
2. Cancer
3. Cerebrovascular accident
Most common drugs used by community dwelling elders
analgesics, diuretics, cardiovascular drugs, and sedatives/hypnotics
Most common drugs used by elders living in the nursing home
antipsychotics and sediatve/hypnotics, diuretics, antihypertensives, analgesics, cardiovascular drugs and antibiotics
6 nursing interventions to support psychosocial health
1. therapeutic communication
2. touch
3. reality orientation
4. validation therapy
5. reminiscence
6. body image interventions- washing hair, bathing ect.
What is ageism
discrimination against the elderly
what is osteoporosis?
a disorder characterized by abnormal loss of bone density and deterioration of bone tissue with increased fracture risk
Name some risk factors for osteoporosis
*smoking, *lack of calcium/ too much calcium, *lack of sun exposure, *imbalanced sodium levels, * female sex, * small frame, * poor health
name some interventions for osteporosis
* recommended that adulds over 65 take 1500 mg of calcium/day
*teach about food sources of calcium
*teach about sun exposure
*regular weight bearing exercises help increase bond density and strength and resistance exercises
name some changes in the elder adults integumentary system
loss of skin elastticity
pigmentation changes
glandular atrophy
thinning hair
name some changes in the elder adults Respiratory system
decreased cough reflex; decreased removal of mucus, dust and irritants from airway, increased anterior posterior chest diameter, increased ches wall rigidity, fewer alveoli
name some changes in the elder adults cardiovascular system
thickening of the blood vessel walls, narrowing of vessel lumen, lower cardiac output, decreased heart muscle fibers
name some changes in the elder adults GI system
periodontal disease, decreased in saliva, gastric secretions, and pancreatic enzymes, decreased esophageal peristalsis and small intestinal motility
name some changes in the elder adults musculosketetal system
decreased muscle mass and strength, decalcification of bones
name some changes in the elder adults neurological system
degeneration of nerve cells
name some changes in the elder adults sensory system
eyes- presbyopia
ears- presbycusis
taste and smell- diminished
name some changes in the elder adults reproductive system
male-sperm count diminishes
female-decreased estrogen production
6 types of abuse
1. physical
2. emotional
3. sexual
4. neglect by caregivers or self neglect
5. financial exploitataion
6. healthcare fraud and abuse