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29 Cards in this Set

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granted 160 acres for a fee and guarantee to live on it and farm for 5 years
Homestead Act
a person who recieved land on which to build a house and farm
an African American who moved to the Great Plains in the late 1800s
public land set aside for special use, as for Native Americans
Act passed by Congress that gave 160 acres of reservation land to Native Americans and forced Native Americans to assimliate to U.S. culture
Dawes Act
battle that saw the end of the Native American resistance to expansion into the West
Battle of Little Bighorn
a method for producing a stronger type of steel
Bessemer Process
when a company has comlete control of a market
a loose association of businesses that made some product
group of separate companies that are under control of a single managing board
a large company usually formed by a group of investors
talks between a union and an employer about working conditions
collective bargaining
industrialists who made their fortune by taking advantage of the american public
robber baron
industrialist who expanded the market, created jobs, and funded public projects
captain of industry
Union made up of skilled workers who used collective bargaining and strikes to achieve goals
American Federation of Labor
economic and political philosophy that favors public control of property and income, not private control.
negative term for a worker called in by an employer to replace striking laborers
riot and strike in which led to the general association of unions with violence and radical ideas
Haymarket Riot
unsuccessful strike in PA that led to the deaths of many union members by Pinkertons
Homestead Strike
Strike involving railroad industry that led to the federal government sending troops to end strike
Pullman Strike
technique of farming that involves planting crops that do not require a great deal of water
dry farming
idea in business that the the government shouldn't get involved and allow "survival of the fittest"
social darwinism
periodic growth and contraction of a nation's economy
business cycle
Law passed in 1890 that outlawed any combination of companies that restrained trade or commerce
Sherman Antitrust Act
Industrialist who found his fortune in the steel industry
Andrew Carnegie
Indstrialist who found his fortune in the oil industry
John Rockefeller
railway that stretched from Nebraska to California linking both coasts
Transcontinental Railroad
list that is ciculated amoung employers, containing names of persons who should not be hired
first law that established an organziation to regulate interstate commerce
Interstate Commerce Commission