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98 Cards in this Set

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What was the Northern Kingdom?
How long did it last?
922-722 BC
Who was in charge of the destruction of Israel
What was the capital of the N Kingdom?
What was the Southern Kingdom?
How long did it last?
922-586 BC
Who was in charge of the destruction and exile?
What was the S Kingdom's capital?
Damascus was the capital of what?
Where was this kingdom located?
North of Israel
Syria/Aram was destroyed by who?
the Assyrians
When was Syria/Aram destroyed?
732 BC
What does Roeh mean?
to see
What does Nabi mean?
Which prophetic term is more dominant?
What is a paradigm?
a model
Who were the three prophetic paradigms?
Moses, Samuel, Jeremiah
What was significant about Moses?
He was the covenant mediator
What was the messenger formula?
official way of introducing unofficial communication
How was the person whom the prophet was speaking for introduced?
"Thus says ____"
What are the 3 prophetic themes?
To obey is better than sacrifice
Yahweh is the Lord of all nations
Promote justice and righteousness
What was significant about Samuel?
He was the spokesperson; spoke for the real king
What was significant about Jeremiah?
he was the agent of change
Jeremiah told of how prophets give people the opportunity to do what?
change their future and repent; redemption
Prophets usually rise in times of what?
Who was Tiglath-Pileser?
the Assyrian King during the Assyrian crisis
When did he come to power?
745 BC
Assyria's plan during the crisis was to attack who first?
Syria/Aram and Israel; coming from the North
When did Samaria fall?
722 BC
When was Judah almost destroyed?
701 BC
Who were the 8th century prophets
Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah
Who were the prophets of Israel?
Amos and Hosea
Who were the prophets of Judah?
Isaiah and Micah
Which prophet was a shepherd?
He was from the ____ kingdom, but prophecies to the ____ kingdom
southern; northern
What is a professional prophet?
someone who does it for a living
Who thought that Amos was a professional prophet?
What did he think Amos was there to do?
take their money
What was the rhetoric strategy of Amos?
"Thus says the Lord" eight times
What was the purpose?
to show Israel that they were going to be judged just as harshly as the other kingdoms; maybe more harshly since they were the chosen people
What is the "Day of the Lord"?
A day that the Israelites referred to as deliverance
What does Amos say about that day?
that it will not bring light and prosperity but darkness and disaster
this day could refer to what?
Israel's fall to Assyria in 722 BC
This has multiple _____
prophecies and meanings; applicable to many times
What was wrong with the Israelites way of worship?
they were enthusiastic and had many churches, but were not promoting justice and righteousness
What prophetic theme does this refer to?
to obey is better than sacrifice
How were the people missing the point of the sabbath and worship?
businessmen would take advantage of the poor and use their cloaks to worship and sacrifice to Yahweh
Instead of bringing them back by sundown like the pledge (Exodus), they would cheat and keep the cloak
When was Hosea a prophet?
towards the end of Israel's time
His images came from what?
real experiences
What were the names of his three children?
Jezreel= going to avenge the bloodshed of Jezreel
Lo-Ruhamah= no mercy/pity
Lo-Ammi= not my people
What were the relational ideas of God seen in Hosea's life?
Rejected husband
Rejected father
Hosea married a ____ named ____
prostitute; Gomer
The fact that Hosea was rejected by his wife shows how God felt when Israel did what?
turned away
What does hesed mean?
____ is better than _____
mercy; sacrifice
God wants a ____ knowledge from us
What were the three pivotal events in Isaiah's career?
Death of Uzziah 742 BC
Syro-Eph Raimite War 734 BC
Sennacherib's invasion 701 BC
Uzziah died, but Isaiah had a vision of what?
the Lord on the throne; the real king was not dead; brought hope
Which event became the basis of Isaiah's most famous prophecy?
Syro-Ephraimite War; birth of Jesus
King Ahaz is told by Isaiah NOT to join forces with who?
The Lord tells Ahaz to ask for a sign; what was his response?
no; he did not want to test the Lord in this way
What is the other meaning of virgin?
young woman
Isaiah fulfilled his prophecy in the way he did what?
named his children as signs
Who was the king of Judah during Sennacherib's invasion?
What was Hezekiah told to do?
surrender to Yahweh; Judah is spared
Judah has failed to produce fruit and is compared to what?
a vineyard
What 2 things are they producing instead of justice and righteousness?
bloodshed and cries of oppression
While Micah was a prophet, what were the people frustrated with?
How to please God; he is too hard to please
Micah 6:8 says- the people are required to do what is ___, to love ___, and to walk ____ with your God.
right; mercy; humbly
Micah taught a message of radical ____
Matthew 7:12 talks about what?
doing to others what you would want done to you
When was the second temple period?
515 BC - AD 70
The living conditions of the exile did not look ___
How were the people taunted?
the Babylonian's kept telling them to sing songs of Jerusalem; reminded them of how Yahweh had NOT delivered them.
When the king of Babylon told them they could go home, some people did what?
Why did some stay?
because of their fear of the Assyrians
How many Jews were alive in Jesus' day?
4-5 million
To be Jewish no longer meant what?
to live in a certain part of the world because everyone was scattered
What did the pentecost have to do with this?
all around the world, people are speaking different languages; but they're all jews
pentecost was a mark of what?
the exile
The synagogue almost defines what it means to be a what?
There were seeds of this planted in what?
the exile
When did they become a people of the Book?
the exile
The scriptures they gathered gave them a sense of what?
They began to develop a _____ perspective
Israel hears from the prophets that what?
God will not leave them and is committed
What is a scriptural reference to how God chose Israel?
Jacob and Esau; choosing Jacob for the blessing
What two people are concerned with the temple after the exile?
Haggai and Malachi
Haggai doesn't understand why the temple hasn't been what?
When was this a concern?
520 BC
When did Malachi make a reference to how obedience is better than sacrifice?
450 BC
When was the Persian Period?
538-833 BC
When was the Greek Period?
333-186 BC
What came into question?
Jewish independence
The Jews are living under other kings but they don't have their own king which brings about the rise of what?
When did Jewish Apocalyptic Literature flourish?
ca. 200 BC - AD 100
What is prophetic literature?
prophecy is written to people in need of repentance and focuses mainly on the ultimate victory of God's kingdom over the kingdoms of this world
What is Apocalyptic literature?
written to people in need of reassurance and serves a different purpose; different genre