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95 Cards in this Set

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to be
"i am who i am"
name used in order not to take the name yahweh in vain.
like saying mr.
general way of referring to Isreal's god
generic way
el elyon
god most high
are there more gods?
el shaddai
angry god
god almighty
name of god used by canaanites
How many books are in the old testament?
What materials is the old testament made up of?
narrative materials
legal materials
wisdom materials
narrative materials include...
stories, genesis, chronicles, exodus
Legal materials include...
Leviticus, deuteronomy
10 commandments
Poetry include..
carving out and development of the hebrew race
still important to jews today
Crucial Event
sacred for both jews and christians
jewish or hebrew bible
greek translation of the bible
the septugint
documentary hypothesis
depicts who the authors were and their purpose for writing of sections and books of the old testament
yahweh materials
god's personal materials, concerned with narratives
makes up half of genesis and half of exodus
elohim materials
describes a human like god
deuteronomic materials
series of sermons about the law
most of deuteronomy
priestly materials
centrally about priesthood
lists of genealogies, dates, numbers, and laws
discovered in egypt by one of napoleon's engineers in 1801
3 languages-greek and 2 forms of hieroglyphics
rosetta stone
fertile crescent location
between the tigris and euphrates river and upward from the nile valley; encompassed palestie and syria
The tigris and euphrates Rivers is now...
modern day iraq
fertile crescent is believed to be...
the garden of eden
Fertile crescent is also called...
cradle of civilization
homeland of abraham
egyptian foreginers
arrived 2000-1000 b.c.e
in the beginning
traditonally believed to have been written by moses
genesis is built around...
major divisons
primeval history 1-11
patriarchal history 12-50
Primeval history
how every person can be traced to adam
patriarchal history
how to trace every person to abraham
In genesis god was...
God was already present
he was not a created being
day 1 of creation
day 2 of creation
day 3 of creation
land and plants
day 4 of creation
sun, moon, and stars
day 5 of creation
birds and fish
day 6 of creation
animals and humans
On the 7th day of creation...
God rests.
Sabbath means to...
Adams pride was...
huberous and arrogant
Why does god ask adam and eve where they are?
bc they are naked, he is giving them a chance to repent, go backa and fix it
Punishment for Adam and Eve
kicked out of eden
man now has to toil the land
women are subserivient to man; pain in chilbirth
snake has to crawl on its belly
Cain and Abel was the...
first murder
why was cain's sacrifice not acceptable?
wrong attitude
nothing to do with blood sacrifice
Noah and the flood was...
undoing of creation
the reproduction of angels and human women
40 days
time required for a religious act to take place
changes after the flood
age limit set to 120
animals can now be eaten
animals fear man
why is the tower of babel built?
man wants to be more like god, to be on god's level
The tower of babel is...
a tower closer to heaven
The patriarchs
Abraham was called out of Ur by...
The blessing of abraham includes...
father of a great nation
a homeland
Salem priest who blesses abraham
sign of the covenant...
circumsion for boys
marriage for girls
Who is Hagar?
egyptian servant of sarah
mother of ishmeal
who is ishmeal?
Hagar and Abraham's son
The sacrifice of issac indicates...
abraham's faith
God does not require what kind of sacrifice?
The sacrifice of isaac assures what?
the covenant
Issac is the precursor of what country
How does Jacob get the birthright from Esau?
Esau sells the birthright to Isaac for a bowl of soup
What does the blessing of the birthright include?
Right of inheritance and family name
what happens in jacob's dream?
a ladder extends to heaven with 2 sides going up and down and he is at the bottom
what is the meaning of jacob's dream?
god will protect Jacob
he will continue the covenant
jacob's name is changed to...
the short story of joseph is set in...
Egypt not palestine
What kind of coat di Joseph receive from his father?
a coat of many colors
Where does joseph end up after being kidnapped?
who does joseph work for?
Joseph's family comes to what country...?
What land is joseph's family granted?
What is referenced in old testament more than any other event?
the crucial event
when did the isrealites become a people?
the crucial event
midwives saved many...
male babies
the name moses means...
to be brought up from water
who does moses meet in the desert?
zipporah and jethro
who does moses marry?
What is moses's job for jethro?
tending sheep
What is the burning bush an example of?
what is a theophany?
when god speaks through nature to convey a message
What were the plagues in order?
nile to blood
death of first born
what is passover?
everyone dies that does not have a blood mark on their door
Passover becomes...
a significant festival
what is the purpose of the plagues?
yahweh is superior to pharaoh
yahweh's power of egyptian deities
yahweh's power to the hebrews
How many people took part in the Exodus in the english translation?
600,000 men or about 3 million people
How many people took part in the Exodus in realistic translation?
about 25,000 or 6,000 men
What direction did Moses go?
Modern hebrew scholars say the sea of reeds
what does manna translate to?
what is it?
What did god feed the hebrew people?
manna and quail
what does the decalogue translate to?
10 words
What were the main concern of the 1st 4 commandments?
Isreal's relaionship with god
what was the main concern of the final 6 commandments?
Isreal's realtionship with each other
people to people