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50 Cards in this Set

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What does Pentateuch mean?
Five volume book
What language origin does pentatech have?
What part of scripture do the Jews assign greater authority?
the Torah
What does torah mean?
instruction, but usually rendered in English as Law
The OT is an eclectic mix or genres but what unites it?
a historical narrative
What part of the historical narrative was most important for early christians?
the sequence of events from abrahams call through the kingship of David
What narrative does Paul retell right before he makes his case for the messiahship of Jesus in Antioch?
He retells what God has done from Abraham through to david. And Jesus is the culmination of the redemptive purposes begun there.
Where is the Pentateuch in a nutshell found?
In Deuteronomy 26 - in the passage about the first fruits
What three components do Paul's summary of the OT historical narrative, and the Pentateuch in a nutshell share.
1 God chose abraham and his decendents and promised them land. 2 Israel went down into egypt, becames slaves, and God delivered them. 3 God brought Israel into Canaan as promised
What are the building blocks of the Pentateuch?
Promise, election, deliverance, covenant, law and land
In what way does the Exodus contain all the major themes of the Penteteuch narrative?
Not only does it affirm that the people are Gods chosen ones, with whom he makes a covenant but it also include the deliverance and the gift of the land
What is the threefold promise made to abraham?
Land, nationhood, and blessing
How is the third promise of 'blessing' to be understood?
In other passages it is contained in the promise of relationship with God. That is the true blessing that Abraham will get
What is the purpose of the primeval prologue?
The primeval prologue is universal where as the patriarchal narrative is particular. It gives the narrative special meaning by showing how humans got to be sinful at enmity with God and eachother
In comparison to the primeval prologue what does the election of Abraham mean about God's view towards humans?
It means that God has not given up on humans yet, though he is pretty close in the prologue. Abraham is a fresh start.
What are the two major divisions in the Pentatuech?
Gen 1-11 and Gen 12- Deut 34
Succintly what would you say the relation between the two parts of the pentateuch is?
question/answer or problem/solution
Is the solution to the problem of Gen 1-11 completely solved in the pentateuch?
No, even in the entire old testament the solution is never final. It had to await the coming of Christ.
What major proponent thought that the pentatuech is a product of exilic and post exilic judaism?
Who rejected the idea of MOses as the founder of Judaism?
Martin Noth
What broad two-fold character do we find in the Pentateuch in terms of genre?
Blocks of legal material and Narrative material
What is the Pentateuch like in terms of arrangement of material?
Both the narrative and the legal aspects have a striking lack of continuity and order
What can be said of the syntax and vocabulary employed by the penteteuch?
There is a great variety. Easily seen when comparing the law codes of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
What can be said about the usage of the names for God in the Pentatuech?
Some sections use Elohim or Yahweh exclusively.
What things does one see in terms of duplication of material in the pentatuech?
There is duplication of the material. Think of the two times that Abraham passes sarah off as his sister
What type of evidence exists for later additions and modifications?
There certainly was a long history of development and transmission. One place it is said that Abram pursued lots captors to Dan. But Dan did not exist as the name of the place till later
Who wrote the Pentateuch?
It is annonymous
Why are Authors of ancient material rarely mentioned?
Because their work was seen as belonging to the community. They were simply preservers of the past
What is Moses connection to the writing of the pentateuch?
Moses is said to have written certain parts of it by the text itself. Certain law codes and a poem. But we don't know what he wrote
What do other OT literature say about the authorship of Moses
the Postexilic books like Chronicles and Ezra quite frequently refer to the Pentateuch as a written source. The middle books like the preexilic historical books of Joshua, samuel and kings rarely refore to Moses literary activity, and only reference Deuteronomy. And the Earlier preexilic books have no references
When does the expression 'book of Moses' first emerge?
In the Post exilic books
What can be said about the final form of the pentatuech and Moses' authorship?
That Moses did not write it in its final form, but many of its core components are from him
What narrative does the book give about the writing of the pentatuech?
That the stories of the patriarchs were transmitted orally. And then written around the time of the exodus. The accounts of Exodus were added in the Davidic period. And the documents were probably assembled and put together by Ezra in the period of restoration after the Exile (5th century)
What is the hypothesis called which seeks to find the different sources behind the Pentateuch?
documentary theory
What are the four sources of the documentary theory?
J, E, (JE) D, and P
What is source J
named for the German Jahweh, its the yawehist narrative that runs from Gen 2 to mid Numbers. It was put together in 950-850 and emphasizes God's nearness
What is source E
E is from the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Begins in Gen 20 and emphasizes God's transcendence and uses Elohim, until the name Yahweh is reavealed to Moses. It is dated 750-700. A redactor is said to have combined J and E and thus it is hopeless to try to recover E
What is source JE
It is used for texts where it is virtually impossible to unravel the two sources.
What is source D?
refers to the core material that makes up Deuteronomy. The style is preachy and prosaic. Composed early seventh century BC. Emphasizes purity of worship at a central shrine, and exhorts people to serve God out of love. Core of this found under Josiah
What is source P?
P is a historical narrative expanded with legal texts and other material. It is conerned with genealogies and cultic laws and blueprints for cultic buildings. It emphasizes God's transcendence and the worship of Yahweh led by priests. It was united with older levitical material and dates to around the middle of the exile 550 bc
Is the JEDP a settled dispute?
No some think that P came before D (Jewish scholars) and some think that J should be further divided into two sources
Who introduced form theory?
What is form theory?
You look for the literary genre of a text and then seek to understand the social setting it was written in
Who applied traditions criticism?
von Rad
What did traditions criticism seek to do?
They sought out a theological message not so much in various sources but different traditions.
What traditions did von Rad name?
He named five primary ones: primal tradition, patriarchal tradition, exodus tradition, sinai tradition, and the settlement tradition. He later expanded it to include Joshua
What is canonical criticism?
this studies the form and function of the text in the shape the community gave to it.
Where is the fertile cresent?
the area bordered by the Syrian desert to the south, and the eastern mediterannean to the west and the tigris-euphrates to the east
Is Israel part of the fertile cresent?
Yes the southwestern end
In terms of wealth how did Israel rank of all the areas in the fertile crescent?
It was the poorest